Older Cathe Cardio tape suggestions?


I've got all tapes from 98 forward (MIC, MIS, XPRESS, StepWorks, Cardio Kicks, Circuit Max, Int.Max, PS, SH, PowerHour, Rhythmic Step, wedding tape) and I'm considering some more step videos. What are your favorites of the older tapes? Thanks!
I don't know if you have this one or not but I did POWER MAX today and I haven't done it in a while so I forgot most of it.I didn't think the tape was ever going to end.
I got a great work out and after I was wondering why I don't do this video more.It is sort of like step works, broken up into 3 sections but I think the sections may be longer.
Then there is BODY MAX...another great one.And STEP FIT...I to was also looking at some of the older tapes that I don't have to.
Can someone respond to Mega Step Blast...is that a good work out to? I know I am talking about Cathe here so it has to be good.
Hope I helped,
Step Jam is one of my favorites. The cardio portion is 47 minutes. The choreography isn't tricky if you've done her more recent step tapes. But I like that because then I can really use intensity. And Power Max is an absoulute classic. The 2nd section of that video should win an award for being the funnest 17 minutes of exercise possible! Have fun!
Power Max is my all time favorite older Cathe. The music rocks, the steps are fun and it's tough. That 2nd section is my favorite too. Another old fave is Step Heat. I just did this one the other day and had forgotten how much fun it is. It was over before I knew it. I had Step Max years ago but I didn't care for it too much.

Mega Step Blast is a great "no brainer" but still intense workout, great for days you want a good workout, but dont want to think about it. The choreography is pretty basic, but not boring. I also want to add that Step Jam is another great "old" Cathe workout. It's my personal favorite!!

Step Max is the only older one that I have, and I like the workout! You need to be prepared for 80's clothes, comments (work it! you go!), and set, but the workout is good. I'd compare it to the first part of Body Max, choreography-wise, but not quite that fast. I think it's worth having. It's about as tough as a Cardio Kicks.

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