old Cathe customer back on track...

I'm have lurked about the STS for quite some time and the equipment always seemed to stop me from making the leap. Now I belong to a gym and I think the workouts would be great on my IPod and that gets rid of the equipment issue. I guess I should start with the 1st set, well, maybe the 2nd.

Also the MMA stuff looks interesting too...

anyone have any opinions or thoughts...
Chrissy, you are going to love STS! I'd do them in the order of 1, 2 and then 3 your first go-round just because you start out with lighter weights to begin with and then increases from there. That being said, there is no wrong way either. The MMA's are great, the Bonus Bag workout being one of our very favs! I don't have a bag...I just hang my dynaband from the ceiling and punch and kick at it like crazy! :) We workout at home but did do 2 or 3 of the workouts at the gym while on vacation last year and it was awesome! Have fun and let me know how you do!

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