Old age creeping up

Yeah - apologies for letting my ire get raised. I was in the middle of obnoxious work computer problems after a weekend of obnoxious home computer problems. Grrrrr! You can send me a cyberslap for being a snot.
No worries! I realized my post could be interpreted as crusty but that was not my intent. I'll repent and catch up on a bit o' TV Land.. LOL! Perhaps the Jeffersons will be on ;-)

And ADK46er...you probably said it best. The bit of tv I do watch is indeed "offbeat" and I did get that quote from the Big Lebowski....after watching it for the first time ten years or so after its release date.
I've found that most of my students (17-22+) are not aware of movies previous to the last 10 years or so, so any references I make previous to that is met with "huh?".

I used to watch AMC (back when it was "American Movie Classics,' and actually showed classic movies...I don't know what the AMC stands for now...ever since they got rid of the black and white moves, and started playing pretty much anything...maybe it's now just "American Movie Channel'? I remember once in grad school, an instructor made a reference to the original movie "The Fly" with the human-headed fly at the end saying "help me...help me" in a little fly voice, and most everyone else acted like he was crazy. I got the reference right away.
See? Now the one girl (woman) admitted to watching the Jeffersons in reruns....

I absolutely LOVE the Big Lebowski. My favorite scene is when they're disposing of the ashes and they fly all over The Dude's face.
I remember that Brady Bunch episode ..LOVED IT .. had forgotten that was Don Ho but do remember it now ..

I knew of Don Ho thru my mother's love of music .. LOL .. she loved "tiny bubbles" .. think I remember him appearing on Hawaii 5 0 too .. (yeah they would know that one either) .. LOL

I have many of "those moments" .. horrible when you "date" your own self .. LOL .. I just laugh it off .. and sigh .. oh well ... :7
<I absolutely LOVE the Big Lebowski. My favorite scene is when they're disposing of the ashes and they fly all over The Dude's face.>

That was indeed a laugh out loud moment. The whole vibe of the movie was funny....it's one of those comfort films for me. So it's good to know there are other offbeat oddballs out there ;-)
Saturday morning, I was sitting with the other moms at the tae kwon do school while our kids had their class. I was trying to get one of the cool uniforms that they've stopped making because of the price, but they didn't have my size. The manager of the school said I might grow into it - ha ha. So I told him I haven't grown for 15 years. Then I had to correct myself and say 25 years. THAT was a horrible realization.

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