Old age creeping up


So I sit with 2 women who are in their mid-twenties. One of them asked who Don Ho was and I told her. Then I said something about him being on the Brady Bunch where they went to Hawaii (my favorite) and the two of them looked at me like I was nuts. They had NO idea what I was talking about.I was like, "come on! It's the one with the tikki statue and Greg has the surfing accident". Nothing. You could hear the crickets "cree-cree-cree-cree".
LOL! I'm "only" 28 and even I remember that Brady Bunch episode! Yes, I only ever saw it in reruns... but still. Who (of any age) has never seen the Brady Bunch Hawaii special???? It's a classic! :)
I can relate. A few years back, a woman in a cube next to me rang a bell when she made a big sale, and I said, "Teacher says that every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings!" I got nothing, deafening silence...I mean, there were six or seven people sitting around me, and not one of them knew what I was referring to. None of them had ever seen "It's a Wonderful Life." When I explained my comment to them, a couple of the twenty-somethings told me that they NEVER watched black and white movies, they just couldn't stand them. They would only watch movies and TV shows that were in color. (mind you, "Schindler's List" had come out about that time....")

All I could think was, you have no idea what you're missing.
>When I explained my comment to them, a couple
>of the twenty-somethings told me that they NEVER watched black
>and white movies, they just couldn't stand them. They would
>only watch movies and TV shows that were in color.

That comment sounds more like an intelligence-thing (lack thereof) on the girls' part than an age-thing. ;-)

BTW, TeTe, I'm really diggin' your Man Ray avatar...very cool.
When they don't know who HR Puff N Stuff was and Capt. KAngaroo.You know you are getting old...

We don't have to look it oir act it though...
Yeah, I don't get the whole "won't watch it unless it's in color" thing. What's up with that? Some of the best movies are black and white. Rebecca, Psycho, Maltese Falcon, Nosferatu...
You know, Gayle, I was kind of thinking the same thing...these chicks were lacking in brain cells, not necessarily
years!!! Whey they said it, I thought, "So that's Ted Turner's audience!"

Glad you're enjoying my avatar...I'm a big Man Ray fan!
Or perhaps some people grew up in households where tv and pop culture are not "celebrated" so to speak. I personally can say I have rarely ever watched the Brady Bunch (but I do know who Don Ho was) and I have never seen nor care to see "It's a Wonderful Life." I have also never seen American Idol, Lost, Dances with the Stars nor do I intend to. Some of us just have different priorities and that isn't a bad thing.
I can relate to this. I actually have a Don Ho story. When I was 17 me, my sister and a friend went to Hawaii as a high school graduation trip. It cost $500 and paid for hotel, airfare, everything (ok this was in 1979). We went to the Don Ho Show and became part of the show when we were dragged onstage to dance. It was like a dance contest but you had to dance really crazy. Afterwards my friend wanted to go and get Don's autograph for her aunt. They had taken pictures of us while we were dancing so we all decided to get autographs. I have to say that I was very badly sunburned and decided to wear a strapless bra so I would be more comfortable. My dress was someone sheer. Sometime during the second round of dancing my bra slipped and ended up around my waist. When we went to get autographs, Don Ho was standing by one of those half doors and had 2 bodyguards on either side. When I got up there I handed him my picture. All he did was stare at me and said "WOW". One of his bodyguards pushed me up to the door and Don Ho grabbed me and frenched kissed me. Being 17, I was like OMG!! Get me out of here!! We were invited to a private party (didn't go) and proceeded to walk back to our hotel carrying out "Tiny Bubbles" Champagne.
My mom called me yesterday to offer her condolences. It's a great memory! And yes, I remember the Brady Bunch episode. I loved the spider part too!!
>Yeah, I don't get the whole "won't watch it unless it's in
>color" thing. What's up with that? Some of the best movies
>are black and white. Rebecca, Psycho, Maltese Falcon,

Oh man, Rebecca and Nosferatu are 2 of my favorites! It doesn't get any better than an Alfred Hitchcock movie starring Laurence Olivier and Joan Fontaine. I read the book, Rebecca, too -- I love Daphne Du Maurier!
Jane, I was onstage with Don Ho as well! I was only about 9 though and no french kiss! That's some story!

Also, Donna, I noticed on your profile that you are from Orchard Park. I currently live in GA, but am from Eden!:)
I'm reminded of my "old age" every time Cathe mentions the Fonz during a Push/Pull back exercise. At least I'm the same age as Cathe, so we can grow old gracefully together!
Nobody was implying that there was anything WRONG with not watching the Brady Bunch or It's a Wonderful Life, just that it's uncommon. Kind of ironic that your avatar is Beevis, though, with your philsophy about TV.
I was talking with some 40-something people at work the other day and they had no clue who Kurt Vonnegut was. He recently died and they were trying to figure out who he was. Since I knew who he was and we were all around the same age, I'm thinking some people just don't pay attention to any kind of popular culture, be it movies, T.V., literature, politics, whatever.
I love the Brady Bunch! When I was in college, Greg wrote a book and he came to the school on a book tour. I got to meet him! It made my week!
I started singing "When I'm 64" at work one day (there really WAS a reason, I don't just start singing songs willy-nilly!), and my boss, who is 38, had no idea what it was. And,no,it wasn't just my god-awful singing. I said, "You know, The Beatles?" and told her the song's title. She just gave me this blank stare and said, "Not a big fan." Hey, I'm not a "big fan" of Don Ho, but start singing, "Tiny Bubbles," and I right there with ya. :p

It just seems that there are some things that we pick up through osmosis or something, and we don't have a CLUE how the hell we know 'em!
Apologies for apparently raising your ire. I was actually trying to point out that there are many of us who feel out of the loop so to speak because we are not in on all of the pop culture discussions that seem quite prevalent not only on this message board but pretty much everywhere. So perhaps it isn't your age but perhaps other factors.

And ironic or not, I have been told the humor I find in Beavis is dated...afterall, I am told South Park is waaaay funnier. So yes Donna, I do an have watched TV here and there, including guilty amusements that others find stupid such as Beavis and Butthead.
Actually I can relate having been on the receiving end of a completely bewildered "What???!!!! You never watched (insert program of choice in here)???" The little tv we could get was from Canada anyway. I've seen the Royal Canadian Air Farce but I have never seen Friends. I cope. I suspect like me, Beavs taste is offbeat given the avatar and quote.

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