Count me in too. I'm starting today since I already did SJ&P this morning. I may need to modify for tomorrow also. Will check in on monday.

I may give it a whirl! It looks like a good rotation to start the year!! :) :) My problem is I have to travel a couple of times this month so I'll miss a few days. :) :)

ME!! I've already sat down with pen and paper and added a bit more cardio, and a week of SH to the mix. It's also a bit light on core work in some of the weeks, so I've added a bit there, too. Looks like a fun one!

For sure I'm going to do it...except...I wish she had put SJP and KPC later on in the month. I'm just finishing the Dec. 03 rotation, which is all Body Blast and I'm pretty burned out on these 2 workouts. Stupid kick/punch combination #3! AAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!! At least I can finally "Strike A Pose" when doing SJP!
Oh boy! I came back to the computer & found 12 takers! Cool.

Donna you crack me up. ROFL! I can do strike a pose, btw, but would NEVER let anyone see it.:p

I'm going to finish my S&H week out tomorrow ... well, I guess I mean today ... & rest on Sunday, then start the rotation on Monday.

Have a great day,
Ruth:) :)
Starting on Monday! I generally start my rotations on Monday and try to have a day off fall on the weekend due to family schedules.
AKA "Likes2bfit"

I always want to do the rotations, but then I never seem to have the DVDs that are listed, and I do have a good collection. I don't have the step workouts, because I don't really like them--too choreographed and I get too frustrated. I have yet to accomplish "Body Max" because of the moves (and my small living room). I do a lot of cardio outdoors, though...
And I love the strength and high step workouts (less moves with intense gasps for air)
I want to join in too! I am planning to do this rotation and I do need a checkin!! Not sure if I will start tomorrow or Monday. But I will do it :p

I'm in!!! Yeah, this is my first cathe rotation to follow. I just ordered the tapes I needed to complete the rotation. I guess it's an early birthday present! haha!!:)

Cathe mentioned that if we have enough energy to add 30mins of cardio of our choice, so I will be adding some running in there...somewhere...sometime!!:)

anyways, is this where we will check in daily???


take care:)

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