Okay, Let's Decide What Weights...


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-03-01 AT 01:19PM (Est)[/font][p]Well, I can see from the pix and descriptions of S&H that I'm going to have to invest in a nice new pair of weightlifting gloves and some more weights, plates & dumbbells. Has anybody figured out what those monster dumbbells are that Cathe's using in the preview pix?

What's the consensus on what we're ALL going to need to buy?

My current set stops at 20 lbs., and I've got enough plates for a 45 lb. barbell (okay, I confess I've never progressed past 35 lbs., but a girl's gotta have goals...)

Kathy S.
Hi Kathy!

I like you, are very curious as to what weights we need to get. I know that one of the weights Cathe is using in one of the pix is a 40# dumbbell :-wow!!! I am hoping Cathe can jump in here and give us an idea as to what weights she used so we know what kind of a challenge we have ahead of us! I also need to get some new gloves. I went to put my old ones on last week and looked down and they are torn right at the seam where the wrist wraps. I guess I've gotten my $$ worth this past year! (They are good Harbinger's too!) Guess they just couldn't handle any more of those Crazy 8's! Good Luck with your goals.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
I need an answer to this too....maybe if Cathe sees this she can help us out? :-hmmm
Okay, I'll try to help out here :)! Just to remind you that in this slow and heavy series, we are actually going to come down a little bit in weight as to what you would typically use one a heavy lifting day. For instance, if you would normally lift heavy doing three sets of ten with a 15 pound pair of dumbells for bicep curls, you will now most likely do your first and second set with 12's and find yourself even having to go to 10's for your third set. The slow lift plus slight tilt of your body really exhausts your muscles. I will always be telling you what I am using in the tapes but encouraging you to select your own weight. Because some days we are stronger than others, have a variety of weights handy so that you can quickly switch if you find the weight you selected proves to be too heavy or too light. You will witness me doing this a couple of times within each workout.

Most likely you will start out lighter on many of the flat back, dual arm, exercises because you may not be used to calling upon your lower back muscles in this manner. When I first started training like this, it took some getting used to because I was not sure my lower back had the endurance for this kind of isolation. Well, I kept my weights light and focused hard on my form. In about three weeks I was completely hooked and many of my lower back quirks vanished. After that I was able to go heavier too. (side note: You may even find it hard to lift at normal rep speed after doing this for a while since you will feel exceptionally connected to your muscles at this slow pace.)

Now for your direct question:

The dumbbells that I used for LEGS ranged from 15's to 25's with the one exercise, plie squats coming in at 40 pounds. I would suggest holding off on buying that bad boy until you see if you need it.

The dumbbells that I used for SHOULDERS ranged from 25's down through 5 pounds on that last rotator cuff exercise (hmmm, I even remember thinking that I wished I had 3 pounders with me for that exercise that day). I think the 8, and 5's were the most popular choice on the majority of the shoulder exercises. These lighter weights are on the dual arm bent over exercises.

The dumbbells that I used for CHEST ranged from 25's to 15's.

The dumbells that I used for BACK were 25 or 20's down through 8's. Hand and wrist weights were an option for the superman exercise too. The lighter weights here are on the dual arm bent over exercises.

The dumbbells that I used for TRICEPS were 20's down through 10's or 8's. The lighter weights here are on the dual arm bent over exercises.

The dumbbells that I used for BICEPS were 20's or 15's down through 12's or 10's.

I hope this helps!

Thanks Cathe! That helps a lot! Looks like I need to purchase 25 #ers and who knows, I may just go for the 40's while I'm at the store. I can't wait to try these new tapes. I can tell already that they are going to be a real challenge....and you know we LOVE a CHALLENGE! Thanks for all you do!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
Yippee! I only have to get 40's! Thanks for preparing us, Ms. Cathe! Can't wait for this series....I'm ready for some hard core upper body work.
Oh and I forgot to mention.......

that lifting gloves will come in very handy with this series. I especially found them to be a great comfort when doing chest flys in this slow manner. One day during rehearsals I did not have my lifting gloves and during chest flys I found too much of my focus going into the palm of my hand (fighting slippage) versus concentrating on squeezing my chest muscles.
RE: That 40 pound "bad boy"

I'm actually off to Galyans this morning to buy my birthday present (from my husband ;-)) and figured I might as well pick up the weights while I'm at it. Do you use a pair of 40's at any time or is it just the one for plie squats like in the picture? No need in buying two if I don't have to.

Good point, Becky!

I can't imagine what else Cathe would use two 40 #ers for??? BICEPS! YIKES!!! Being as we pay by the pound, it would be nice if we only needed one 40 pounder.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
RE: That 40 pound "bad boy"

I only use the one 40 pound dumbbell. Oh, and we will show different handgrips to hold this weight. The one that is most comfortable is holding it between the legs vertically with both hands clutched around the bar part of the dumbbell. I did not use this grip for video because I thought it looked a little, hmmmm, odd visually if you know what I mean ;-)!
RE: That 40 pound "bad boy"


Aw heck, Cath, you didn't want to kick things up just a notch?

Thanks for the good info -- I think I will indeed hold off on the bad boy for a little while!

Have a nice holiday with your boys!

Kathy S.
RE: That 40 pound "bad boy"

Hi Cathe,
Thanks for the good info which I was rather worried about too, but it looks like I will only need to make a couple of purchases. (My credit card thanks you!)
More importantly, thanks for giving me the first good laugh I've had in several horrible days! You're truly the best...
RE: That 40 pound "bad boy"

40 pounders? 25 pounders? Gulp.

I do however have a set of 20 pound dumbells. I will just have to find them under their layer of dust. I am sure they are in there somewhere.

I have been diligently doing the Pure Strength tapes and can't wait to rotate to the Slow and Heavy torture, er, weight training videos.

Keep em coming.
RE: That 40 pound "bad boy"

That's for the overhead extensions. With that one you can handle more weights than when doing kickbacks.

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