Okay girls....Weight loss check-in: 3/25


Thanks for the welcome!

Steppin' Up, it's so encouraging to hear about your progress and determination. It was just the inspiration I needed.

I've gone on one too many vacations vowing never to go on another one at this size....never again! I'm really looking forward to my cruise June 1st and going with 2 fit friends is really motivating. I will NOT be the fat girl in the group!

I look forward to reporting my progress each week! Have a great weekend!
Hi everyone,

I've been reading your messages for awhile and I really enjoy the suggestions and support you give each other. Like some of you I have found my weight creeping up in the past couple of years. I need to lose about 15lbs. Most of problem has to do with eating too many snack foods. I think joining this discussion thread will help me keep on track during the week. I exercise every day usually, but I've been trying to pick up on the intensity and length of time. Right now my weight is at 142lbs and I'm 5'4". I do a lot of weight lifting, so I'd like to get between 125-128 with a bodyfat of 19-20%. right now my body fat is 26%.

I look forward to checking in with you guys every week.

Hi all. If possible, I would like to join in this group as well. Like Crystl, I too am a size 16 and would like to get down to a nice size 8. I am 36 and weighed in at 197 yesterday. I joined the online version of WW (my umpteenth time) and my problem is that I lack consistency with diet AND exercise. Bobbi from the Cathe message boards is going to be my mentor at keeping me in line and accountable for my lack of consistency, and I'm hoping joining this group will also help me out too. I need to lose about 60 pounds. I'm just so tired of walking around feeling and looking like a blob!! LOL. So, if you'll accept me, :), I would like to join in.

Getfit: I like to snack too. I LOVE chips and dip and try to find alternative, low-fat dips. Good luck with your 15 pounds!!!!

Katrid: Welcome! We are very happy for you to join us. Consistency really is key. If you will just take it one day at a time and not focus on the 60 pounds but on each pound lost I think that will help it to be a more management process. When you want to eat something you know you shouldn't just visualize how you will look when you get to the weight that you want. Think of the pretty clothes you can wear. Do the same with your workouts. If you think you might want to skip one then think how that workout will bring you closer to your goal. It's unfair but it really has to be constantly on your mind and enter in to every decision you make! Good luck and keep us updated!!!!!

Kelly http://www.sgtfuzzbubble99.homestead.com/files/Smilies/De_Niro/eeyore.gif
Hope I can join in too. At my WW weigh-in Thurs. nite, I lost 1 lb. I was thrilled because its getting TTOTM and didn't think I'd lost. That's a total of 19.8lbs. My goal is to lose 40-45 more. This week I hope to get my 10% which is 22 lbs. I'm doing the Wendy Plan, too. It has worked well for me in the past and hope it will again.

Healthy eating,

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