OK this could be just me or all in my head but............


Since I have begun doing the calf stretches for my plantar facsitis my hip and thigh are killing me on the same leg with the heel problem. Could this be related to the stretches that I am doing. The hip joint and thigh(quad) are in pain and just ache:( . I am almost afraid to do PS Legs and Abs this morning for fear something will pop out of whack.:-(

Is this normal for these type of stetches? To stretch more than what is intended? Am I holding them too long and stretching too much? This would be the stretch against a wall and the off the step stretch with your heel hanging off the back of a step and downward.

Thanks. I am afraid to take anything for the pain because you can't take aspirin with this anti-inflammatory and I am not sure about tylenol.

This is just an educated guess but it could be that your pelvis is out of alignment. Pelvic problems can contribute to problems that affect the lower extremities.

Of course it is always a good idea to check with your Dr. because stretching through pain is not usually recommended. It sounds like your hip flexors could be tight. Is the pain in the quad region near the hip joint or the knee joint? One of the quad muscles - the rectus femoris - crosses both joints, whereas the other three act only upon the knee.

Hip flexor shortness is only one of many problems that can pull the pelvis out of alignment, causing pain.

I found the source of the pain during my workout

while doing PS Legs and Abs, during the outer thigh floor exercises that area worked just killed me. Only on the one side so it is the upper hip/thigh region or outer thigh that is killing me. I did it today with no weight so as to not aggravate it anymore. I am wondering if I over did it last week with using the barbell alone on these exercises. But that wouldn't explain why it would take a week for the pain to show up. Maybe my hip is out of whack or something along those lines.

I will watch it and see how it does. If it doesn't go away I will call the doctor. I feel that between my heel and now my outer thigh/hip that I am slowly falling apart,sigh,:+ :(

Thanks for your input.
RE: I found the source of the pain during my workout

If it is the outer thigh/glute area that is tight, you could try gently easing into the following stretch:

Lie on the floor on your back, legs straight. Bring the knee of the affected leg toward your chest and holding outside of the knee with the opposite hand, gently bring it across your torso (so you would be internally rotating the hip) until you feel a stretch in the outer thigh area. Those muscles are small and tend to "burn out" easily during exercises, and will get tight if not properly stretched.

Hope you're feeling better soon!


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