Ok, now that I've posted on religion and politics...


Ok, now that I've posted on religion and politics, I might as well bring up another conversation that most would not like to talk about... hemorrhoids. x( I know this is a gross topic. Please have pity on me, err.. my tush and give me some advice.

I've never had hemorrhoids, even during my pregnancies, until I started exercising. I led a very sedentary life until 2 months ago. My first one popped up about 2 weeks ago. I used hydrocortisone cream sparingly and regularly. I continued to work out. It took a little over a week for it to go away. Then a week and a half later, while the memory of it still burned LOL, another one cropped up in a different place. I've only used cream on this one a few times because I read that it could thin the skin.

Is this normal among exercisers? I'm thinking this is happening because I'm finally moving and pushing myself. I'm not doing any heavy lifting. The heaviest I go is 16 pounds for some of Jari's Slim and Lean. I don't want to stop using weights since it helps me with the cardio. Should I stop lifting dumbbells or working out until it goes away? Please say no. I don't want to stop. But, I want it to go away too! And, if I stop, how can I prevent this from happening again when I start lifting again? Any advice?

Also, should I go to the doctor? At what point do I go to the doctor? Gosh, I'll have to find an ugly male doctor or female doctor! LOL Should I make an appointment with a general practitioner or another type of doctor?
Ok, now that I've posted on religion and politics, I might as well bring up another conversation that most would not like to talk about... hemorrhoids. x( I know this is a gross topic. Please have pity on me, err.. my tush and give me some advice.

I've never had hemorrhoids, even during my pregnancies, until I started exercising. I led a very sedentary life until 2 months ago. My first one popped up about 2 weeks ago. I used hydrocortisone cream sparingly and regularly. I continued to work out. It took a little over a week for it to go away. Then a week and a half later, while the memory of it still burned LOL, another one cropped up in a different place. I've only used cream on this one a few times because I read that it could thin the skin.

Is this normal among exercisers? I'm thinking this is happening because I'm finally moving and pushing myself. I'm not doing any heavy lifting. The heaviest I go is 16 pounds for some of Jari's Slim and Lean. I don't want to stop using weights since it helps me with the cardio. Should I stop lifting dumbbells or working out until it goes away? Please say no. I don't want to stop. But, I want it to go away too! And, if I stop, how can I prevent this from happening again when I start lifting again? Any advice?

Also, should I go to the doctor? At what point do I go to the doctor? Gosh, I'll have to find an ugly male doctor or female doctor! LOL Should I make an appointment with a general practitioner or another type of doctor?
Nice segue! :7

Hemorrhoids can be caused by a lack of fiber in the diet, inadequate fluid intake, straining on the toilet, a sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy, etc. I'm not sure weight lifting and exercise would contribute to the problem unless you're really straining yourself and bearing down.

There are a few things you can do to get relief; sitz baths with plain warm water, using moist wipes instead of dry toilet paper, and I would try Preparation H (I promise I don't hold stock in the company:7). You should also try increasing your dietary fiber and fluid intake.

I don't think you need to worry too much about it. Hemorrhoids are fairly common and can come and go. I wouldn't call the doctor unless the above measures fail to bring relief.

HTH :)
Nice segue! :7

Hemorrhoids can be caused by a lack of fiber in the diet, inadequate fluid intake, straining on the toilet, a sedentary lifestyle, pregnancy, etc. I'm not sure weight lifting and exercise would contribute to the problem unless you're really straining yourself and bearing down.

There are a few things you can do to get relief; sitz baths with plain warm water, using moist wipes instead of dry toilet paper, and I would try Preparation H (I promise I don't hold stock in the company:7). You should also try increasing your dietary fiber and fluid intake.

I don't think you need to worry too much about it. Hemorrhoids are fairly common and can come and go. I wouldn't call the doctor unless the above measures fail to bring relief.

HTH :)
That was cute...Im not laughing at your pain but I didn't expect that!:)

If your not lifting heavy then i would listen to what Michelle as to say, not to mention that she makes total sense:)
I didn't have any when giving birth to my first child but I had them this yr when I had my son and they aren't fun. I had two! DH asked one day if they were gone, I told him I didn't know, I think I had just learned to live with them. They say once you get them, thats it, they keep comm'in back!

Having had my fair share post-pregnancy (the worst part of recovery for me BTW, and I had three c-sections!) I highly recommend fiber, fiber, fiber. With Fiber, you must also include liquid to pass the fiber. In my experience you will not find relief in OTC creams and remedies. I have had two prescription medications that have worked WONDERS! See your doc if you just can't take it anymore. Good luck!

yeah, i have them... ever since pregnancy... and they come back from time to time. I actually went to a doctor, who told me they weren't that bad... he's seen worse. The best advice I can give to you is: drink plenty of water, eat fiber, continue exercising, and, for me the most important thing... DON'T STRAIN when going to the bathroom. This really makes them come back asap. Good luck, and remember, there's always worse things!!!!
Yeah I've gotten them once or twice a year since I was about 30 (& I've never had kids). The first time I got them I was completely freaked b/c of course I had no idea WTH was going on.......went to the doc & he told me it was from heavy squatting.

Not much can be done about them, other than the traditional treatments. They're uncomfortable & disgusting but unfortunately a fact of life. x(
Hi there:

I too am a big sufferer of these. Yes, they are gross, annoying, and pretty uncomfortable.

I got them after having my son 5+ years ago and they never really go away.

I find that mine flare up if I am doing alot of high impact activity. When I am doing alot of running, they seem to get really bad. I eat a very high fiber diet so that really isn't the problem.

I have found ( just to ante up the gross factor) that if I wear a thong during a long run that it REALLY seems to irritate that area.. you might want to try wearing reg. underwear or going commando.

Also, I use this stuff called "Hemi Spray" and that seems to make them hurt less. Hot baths help alot too.

Good luck, if you come across any other rememdies, please post. I am always looking for suggestions on what to do w/ them as well.

Take care, Lynn M.
> I'm not sure weight lifting and
>exercise would contribute to the problem unless you're really
>straining yourself and bearing down.

I've read of cases of weight-lifters getting hemorrhoids, but it's usually when doing squats or other lower body exercises with REALLY heavy weights (and these are probably the guys who hold their breath, grunt and groan, and get all read in the face and look like they're going to explode!

Have you done a web search for on hemorrhoids. If you use the key words 'weight lifting" and "hemorrhoids' at the same time, you can probably find something online about it.
I don't suffer from these, but I do however ALWAYS work out commando otherwise I get BOILS in some very delicate areas. x(

How is that for too much information! :)


We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore,
is not an act but a habit.
RE: Ok, now that I've posted on religion and politics.....

Thanks for the advice everyone! I don't think I strain too much during squats and lunges with weights. I don't think it's due to a lack of fiber content. Oh, I know it's not pregnancy related! LOL

I'm just so glad that I don't have to go to the doctors! :)

I never kept the sitz bath thingamagig they give you after having a baby. ;-) Off I go to take a nice, long, warm bath and slather on some Preperation H before I have to sit during dd's art lesson. :(
RE: Ok, now that I've posted on religion and politics.....

OK....I went back and forth on whether to completely embarass myself or not by replying here. As you can see, I decided to just go and embarass myself.

I got my first (and only) one when I was pregnant with my youngest DS (he's now 6). I had NO CLUE what was going on 'down/back there', so I called DH's Nan (grandmom)....you know how all the grandparents know everything. lol. NOT....Know what she told me???? Push it back in! LOL. I nearly dropped the phone when she told me that. I thought about how GROSS that sounded, not to mention painful, and decided to call the Doc instead. Fortunately. lol. Long story short, it was the worst during my V-BAC and although it's never really gone away, I haven't had a problem since (thong and all, lol). KNOCK ON WOOD.

The advice you've gotten so far is right on, as usual. I highly recommend a nice, warm bath!

RE: Ok, now that I've posted on religion and politics.....


LOL! It is an embarassing topic. Pushing it back sounds like asking for pain. Not that it makes one a bad person. :D I'm too much of a wimp. I'm glad you called your doctor first! Since I only own thongs, I've been going without lately. If I keep this up, I may never go back. }(

I think I'm due for another bath the longer I sit in front of this computer.
Just chiming in to agree with Nurse Michele. :D I used to have problems with hemorroids, but now I eat so many veggies and fruit and whole grains, I rarely get them anymore except when I'm under a lot of stress. Believe it or not, I recommend snacking on low-fat popcorn to add even more fiber to your diet.

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