OK, now I am scared!


Active Member
I am currently 24 weeks pregnant and I just read in a magazine that they promote natural birth in this country. (I live in the Netherlands). You don't get an epidural unless there is a medical reason (C-section, or stitches) not even if you ask.
I am getting very afraid now....
Wow, that really stinks. Is this your first pregnancy? It sounds like you don't know what to expect. (I don't either, by the way.) You should definitely call around to various facilities, doctors, etc. Find out for sure. I'm guessing you would really prefer some pain relief. Perhaps they use other means to relieve pain. Definitely do your research. I hope you find someone who can give you what you need! Good luck!

Yes this is my first pregnancy and I really don't know what to expect. I do want to keep an open mind,I am not against natural birth, it's just that I would like to be able to have pain relief when I decide that I want to and not because someone else decides I don't need to. How can they feel what I feel? I keep reading that every pregnancy is different, so why shouldn't every labor be different?
Wow, that really stinks. Hopefully you will be able to find someone willing to give it to you but I have to tell you, no matter what happends you will make it through. My first baby, I really wanted an epidural and my Dr. said fine. I gave birth in a very small hospital and it was 12am when they decided it was time and the dr. that wasto due it was home in bed sleeping!! They called him in but by the time he finally got there it was too late because I was fully dialated. So I gave birth naturally and was NOT happy about it. But I made it through, my baby was perfect (he is not 6). I had one with my other 2 babies. I think it is very backwards to not let women have pain control but I wanted to let you know that I know at least 4 other women like myself who planned one and whose drs said yes who for some reason or another never had it. The Dr was busy or labor was not progressing or going to fast or whatever. So even if your dr said yes you may not have it. I have a very bad threshold for pain and I lived to tell about it AND went on to have 2 more kids. So if it was so so horrible, would I have had 2 more babies?? My point is that you will make it, see what you can do to get it but if all else fails think of what you will have to show for your hard work :)

I'm not pregnant (*yet*) but would suggest you read up on all your options for pain relief (perhaps you already have!) ...there may be another option that possibly you haven't heard of that your caregiver may be able to provide more readily than the epidural.
Best wishes and good luck!!

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