OK.... i just have to ask this....

how many of you ask to be given a gift in "real" life if you don't recieve one or don't receive what you want?

i'm feeling really bad for cathe and SNM will all this negativity over something she/they did to be nice.... something that was supposed to be a gift for THIS round of workout's loyal, early pre-orderers........

i know if i had complained to my mother as a child or even now as an adult that i didn't get "this" or "that"... that would be good reason for me NOT to get it.... she'd call me ungrateful...

i know i'm going to take flack for this post.... but i think it needed to be said!

PLUS.... at this point in time we don't KNOW who's getting the gift and who isn't! the collective "you" couldn't even wait til ALL the orders were sent out before..... worrying... complaing... and yes.... even some are whining about it! and the arguing about only SNM should get them.... only to a certain date should get them.... CK shouldn't get them.... etc etc etc.... we just don't KNOW at this point!

i'm not picking on anyone one specifically.... it's all the posts here... in ask cathe... at ya ya... at VF..... it's the overall tone..... i'm just saying.... WAIT AND SEE! and yes... it's ok to be sad.... and yes it's OK to ask to be able to purchase it... but come on... give cathe and SNM a BREAK!

ok.... i'm donning my flame suite now... have at me!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
AMEN!!! i realize SNM is a business, but i feel horrible for cathe as a person. they renewed music louder option, looks like the excelled with premixes, kept an updated blog, and showed appreciation with a gift to longtime order holders. it will NEVER be enough for some.

i am astonished at some of the behavior.
I agree with you 100%. While I don't see anything wrong with people wanting to purchase it, and actually see that as a compliment to Cathe, I couldn't believe some of the posts I've been reading. To me, a gift is a gift. You don't ask for it, and should just be greatful to get it.

I think that was a very sweet and generous offer by Cathe, and am happy for all of the lucky people who received it, or are receiving it. Let's face it, not everyone would be okay with paying for something over a year before they actually get it, and I'm sure some cancelled their orders. So I feel those who are getting the free gift deserve it and am happy for them.
I'm with you 100% as well!! This is a "thank you" gift from Cathe and SNM and she didn't have to do this! If I were her, after "listening" to all the bi#$%ing that has been going on, I probably wouldn't have sent it and just put it up on the site to sell!

I don't know if I am one of the lucky ones, all I can do is just hope and be thankful when I get my order!
I agree, I've been astonished at some of the posts on the boards. I know everyone is anxious to receive the orders, especially if they pre-ordered back in Sept. '05. BUT, Cathe & SNM are only human, the packing & shipping crew are only human, the UPS people are only human, and humans sometimes make mistakes, or don't get something done as fast as they'd like to, or things don't go as planned, etc.

I read the complaining posts and realize that yes, people may be disappointed as to how certain things are happening (or not happening,) but geez, people - most of us here have our health (if we are doing Cathe we're pretty darn fit!), friends and family who love and care for us, and pretty darn good standard of living (again, if we have money to spare for Cathe workouts, we're pretty wealthy compared to the rest of the world!)

Let's be thankful for what we do have, and look forward to the new workouts with anticipation and excitement and focus on the positive changes that they will bring to our life, rather than focus on the negative things. Good mantra for life, in fact.
I am yet another that totally agrees with you. In fact, I'm shocked at the overall behavior of the release of the videos. I understand being excited, but c'mon, all this what number are you, I should get mine before you because I ordered on the first day, etc. What are we, 3 years old? I'm excited also but SHEESH, let's act as adults!

Cathe has worked her butt off(literally)trying to get everything done and she's repaid by the whining, arguing and complaining. I also feel bad for her, she and SNM deserve better than this.


With you all 100%........ I guess I have never experienced all this entitlement attitude in such concentrated doses before..... Up until last week I logged on with excitement 10-15 times a day just to see new posts and questions (not new series related).... For the past 2 days I just check in once or twice a day...Its sad that w/ war, murder, death, cancer, the thing that gets some people all fired up is a dang DVD! I think its sick personally.
I think you can ask questions w/out attacking and accusing and being a downright spoiled child about it! I just keep thinking that if these people would put all that energy towards making the world a better place we'd be in great shape!

I go to work every day at the local Hospice Center .... a DVD in the mail? skipping? Late? Just aint gonna get me fired up!

Thanks for letting me vent as well....... Its really been building up. ;-)
traci great point,

not to turn the attention to but i wanted to make a point. i posted about my daugther's autism and instead of the 30 ppl that usually reply b/c they knew me since day one, only 9 replied and then a magical moment, that no dvd can replace, was lost amongst the mud slinging. i don't mind the excitement and a post be missed and not replied to,but for ppl to skip over a special moment i was trying to share with everyone(b/c you were all my favorite and supported me greatly, and just great all around)folks skipped over my post just to flame somebody. the same goes for folks that were trying to brighten a day with a joke, or a touching story. their posts just skipped over so fuel a flame in a thread. as my "just shocked" post states. i am just shocked at the behavior over DVDs. i only wish that was my only thing in the world to worry about. :(



"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
You and I both know that sometimes a TRUE life hardship can turn the rest of your life around and puts all in proper perspective.
I suppose I should work thru my irritaion w/ the people who post nastiness and feel happy for them that they have not had to live with or go through major personal struggles in life that would have enabled them to look at this DVD event thru a different lens.
& BTW: I LOVED your post about your daughter... a true blessing in life she is!:)

It makes me sad that Cathe logged in around midnight last night and had to read some of the posts after working her butt off all day and putting together a new rotation for those who have been asking for one. Some people definitely have a sense of entitlement. (I am not referring to people who politely mentioned feeling a little sad or disappointed.) I was blown away earlier this year when Cathe announced that she injured herself again and had to cancel the filming date. I could sense the frustration and hurt in her post. This was before her doctor figured out what was wrong. She stated that she was working on a “thank you” for those who stood by her, and the demand to be rewarded started (including telling her what a good gift would be). It is my belief that a gift is something the giver gives out of the goodness of his or her heart. It is not something the recipient demands or has a right to receive. It is a blessing. The gift demonstrates the generosity of the giver but does not reflect the worth of the recipient. It amazes me that people would think the value of a gift is somehow diminished if someone else receives it who is “less worthy” in their eyes. It is a gift. It is a demonstration of appreciation. It is not a trophy to say that certain people are better than others.

I wrote this in another thread, but I will repeat it again. I am a cardio lover, and Cathe’s compilation DVDs are the best. I would love to have this special DVD, but Cathe does not owe me anything. I am another one who was a newbie at the time of the original preorder. I was spending all my extra money on her existing workouts and did not preorder until February. I stuck with her for the last 8-9 months of this journey because I love her, and it has been my joy to support her. She is delivering what she promised to me in the form of Cathe-quality workouts, and I received the benefit of a nice preorder discount. I am hoping that she will give me and others an opportunity to buy the DVD, but I will continue to support her either way. I am excited to finally be receiving these long-awaited DVDs. I am excited for Cathe too. She is not a robot who cranks out workouts for us every few months. She is a woman with hopes and dreams and fears and feelings. After a roller coaster year filled with uncertainty, she has been healed and restored. Watching her overcome adversity with such grace has inspired me to keep pressing on.

I think everyone should really appreciate her kindness and generosity. She promised a “little” surprise. This is not little in my opinion. Look at the order numbers for those who preordered in September alone and do the math. Multiply that by the value of this DVD and add to that the time Cathe devoted to editing and authoring it. She has definitely gone the extra mile.

I also think everyone needs to look at the picture in the blog of all those packing peanuts and let it sink in how many thousands of orders we are talking about here. I do not think we truly understand how much time and effort are being devoted to this. After waiting over a year, what is a few more days?

Yes, I am waiting for the arrival of my package with anxious expectation! I am definitely like a kid on Christmas Eve.

Kassia, your daughter is an inspiration too. Thank you for sharing, and I hope Cathe reads your post this weekend.

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Gifts

thank you carol and heather. i just hope a little glimmer some have tried to post would come through all this negativitiy. the holidays are coming up like hhhmm THANKSgiving. i have started counting my blessings now b/c of all we been through things could be worse.

BTW-i am going to order two of these full price, no biggie. now that i am getting a bigger living room i CAN do drill max :D...see blessing LOL.



"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"

Taking time to count your blessings is a good thing indeed! :)

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Gifts

Beautifully said, Heather, and I agree 100%. I only wish you had put a "spoiler" alert on this post--I've been trying to avoid finding out what the surprise was! Oh well; no worries. I probably wouldn't have been able to resist peeking at that post for much longer anyway!:p

Please Forgive Me

Marie, I am so sorry! Please forgive me, and thank you for alerting me. I posted a warning for those who have not read this yet. I appreciate your gracious response. :)

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
RE: Gifts

Very well said Heather, I hope everyone on this forum reads this and takes a step back and realize all the hard work Cathe and SNM has done for us. You said it beautifully, and I thank you! :)

I have to agree with all you 100%!!
I can't believe some of the posts on this website I feel badly for Cathe! I did order the first day and never canceled. And I have to admit I am pleased that Cathe enclosed a special gift. But even if she did not put in a "gift" I would still be happy to have these wonderful workouts. Cathe doesn't owe anything to anyone. People could have and have cancelled their order etc. She was always honest with everyone with what was going on with her health and filming. I think it just show what a kind generous person Cathe is and I will always support her; gift ot no gift!!
I feel like tellling these people these are only dvds, not life and death!! think of other people (our soldiers, people living in shacks, no food, disease) and be happy with what you have. You're so blessed! Ok sorry for ranting
Enjoy the workouts and have a great weekend!!
This thread is such a breath of fresh air after the tension around here the last few days. I couldn't agree with you all more. Its nice to see that some are able to keep things in perspective and, in the absence - for some of us - of our new Cathe workouts, try a different kind of exercise - PATIENCE.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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