Ok I finally get to order new tapes sooo............


I don't want to have to get new equipment other than a barbell so I am thinking of ordering the following:

Cardio Kicks
Body Max
Cardio and Weights
Wedding Video

I already have Circuit Max and Power Hour

I have only dumbbells and a step and really don't want to have to buy a stability ball or a medicine ball so that is why I picked what I picked and I need to work up to Cathe's step tapes slowly.

I also figure with 2 of these tapes giving me more than one workout then I am getting more for my money.

Any feed back appreciated.

Hey Annette,

I'm confused. Are you asking for advice on which 2 tapes to buy or telling us you are ordering all 5? If you are getting all 5 great decision! I love those workouts.

If you are looking for advice, go with Body Max & MIS. Body Max will give you a great 30 minute step workout & then a good fast paced weighted workout. MIS will give you a great total body workout--it's one of my favs!
RE: Ok I finally get to order new tapes sooo..............

Hi Annette,
I just recieved Cardio Kicks this week and REALLY enjoy it. I like it because it does not have any step in it. I love step, but felt like I needed another type of workout for crosstraining because I don't walk or jog. I really enjoy Cardio and Weights too. Body Max and MIS are awesome for the reasons listed in the previous post. Right now, my vote would be for Cardio Kicks just because it is a different type of Cathe workout.
Have fun! :7
Hello Annette,

They are all good. But don't feel that you have to miss out on the IS series because you dont want to spend. I don't have a stability ball or a medicine ball and I have no intention of buying them. There are modifications in the work outs so you can use what dumbbells.

I have Boot Camp and PUB and PLB and I think they are very good. However, Body Max or MIS are both my favourites as they are so easy to use.

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