>Dinner tonite is Spanish brown rice with peppers onions and
>Jalipino's and broiled chix.To me this is healthy and low fat
>and calorie...
This may sound like a really silly thing to say, but I was doing the same thing you did, eat healthy, low fat, etc.
When I was pregnant with my second child, my OB/GYN told me that I was gaining weight too fast (which I also did with my first one but I dropped the weight within 3 month after birth) and send me to a clinical dietician, they put me on a low fat diet and my weight went off the charts. I kept doing the low-fat thing after my son was born, because I thought, well, she knows what she is doing and it went from bad to worse. I ballooned from 140 lbs pre-preg to 250 lbs
It was only a couple of months ago that I started doing what I had done before my first pregnancy and not do low-fat anymore. And what can I say, surprise, surprise, my weight started coming down at an average of 2 to 4 lbs per week.
My thought on it is, that if my body doesn't get all nutrients, it will go into starvation mode (and it doesn't depend on the amount of calories, I went down to as low as 1000 kcal at another nutritionists advise, and low-fat, BAD idea), my understanding is, that some vitamins are only absorbable if combined with fat (i.e. vitamin A) and if your body can't absorb the nutrients,it will act like in starvation mode and it will not let go of the pounds.
As a matter of fact, I had blood work done 8 or 9 months ago and my cholesterol was really bad, whereas before, my cholesterol was great. Last week, I had blood work done again, good cholesterol up and bad a lot down. And I do 2 % or whole fat dairy products/milk, eat eggs with the yolks a couple of times a week (no sticks and stones please

). Other than that I make my salad dressings with olive or pumkin seed oil, and continue to supplement with fish oil. Weight is down 32 lbs and blood work has dramatically improved. And no other changes in my workout or eating.
I am not a nutrionist, this is just my personal experience. Changes were so dramatic that I thought it had something to do with my fat intake. I ate that way before and never had a weight problem, blood work was great, only when I started low-fat the weight went off the charts and my blood work was bad!
Just my 2 cents. Hope this helps!