OK I decided, I'm trying the new routine


Thanks everyone for your input on my last thread (which I can't find, I guess stuff is archived really fast now). I am gonna try a high rep/light weight routine for maybe 6-8 weeks. The RT pics pretty much sealed the deal for me--I do think I'm looking too bulky, & not all from muscle LOL. I'm carrying an extra 10 lbs of fat that needs to go too. I swear I look like a pinhead in those pics, like my head is too small for a body that's too large! :p

So the plan is to take my current routine & switch from 3 sets 8-10 to one set 20-25 for each exercise. I do 4 exercises per bodypart, except for legs, I do 6 exercises for legs. I'm hoping if I do this routine circuit-style it'll reduce size, boost my metabolism & give me a slimmer, leaner look. Kind of my own STS. ;)

And maybe have the added benefit of reducing my workout time, b/c at this point it's like a part time job.

Also I think I'm gonna try Cathe's nutrition thing a shot, esp. after reading yesterday's thread. Seems like folks are getting pretty good results pretty quickly, although my body seems pretty diet-resistent these days.

Wish me luck, I'll keep you posted on the results! (hopefully there WILL be results!)
You could also try 100s. I chatted with a PT once who suggested 3 or 5#s for 100 reps of about 3-4 exercises, one body part each day. Now that was some serious DOMS after usually going heavy. HA! Good luck on your switch Laura.
Hmmm that's an interesting concept, & one I could do at home! Maybe I could take my normal 3 day split & do it as I posted above, & then do one day at home of 100s as a full body routine, one exersize per bodypart. That should lean me out but good, huh? Thanks for the idea Lorrie!
I'm the last one to offer advice on what workout you should be doing, but I think you look great! I sure didn't see any fat, you definitely do not look like a pinhead, and your arms look fabulous! So feel free to mix up your routine, but I think you look mahvelous dahling!

(Now my pics, that's another story....)
Have fun with the new routine, Laura ... I meant to tell you yesterday, I saw you in the pics SNM posted of the RT, and you look dang good. I don't think you look too bulky at all. But your routine sounds like a nice change, so enjoy it!
Laura, I think that you look great. That said, it's always fun to change up a routine and see what it does for you. You never know unless you try, right? Keep us posted on how it goes.
Aww how sweet are you guys? BUT, did you compare this year's RT pics to the 2005 RT pics on my picture trail? OMG! It's like 2 different women!

I'm trying to accept the fact that maybe at the age of 40 I can't look like I did at 30. However, after seeing Cathe & crew, I'm thinking I can, or maybe even better! If I could just find the right coctail of exercise & diet. Which seems to change on an irregular basis. :confused:

P.S. Jodijodi, you are flippin awesome & have things I never will (read: a family!). I don't want to hear another negative word outta you! :)
Aww how sweet are you guys? BUT, did you compare this year's RT pics to the 2005 RT pics on my picture trail? OMG! It's like 2 different women!

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that I think you look BETTER now. I am afraid to go into more detail for fear I will say something stupid, but suffice to say that you are a beautiful, fit woman, and you look great just the way you are! Tracey too!
Hi Laura,

I think it's good for our bodies and minds to change our workouts. For me, there are so many good choices that it can be overwhelming. Enjoy the new routine I admire a 6 to 8 week commitment. I think I have exercise ADD because I get bored after 3 weeks and change. That's one reason I pre orderd STS and I love Cathe's weight workouts.

You know it's funny, I mix up my cardio & core work all the time, but my weight routine has been written in stone for maybe the last decade. :p I suppose it is time for a change, huh?

Jodi, you think I was too skinny, right? You wouldn't be the first one......but really I wasn't. I think 115 at 5'3" is a good weight, & believe me, I've been too thin before & I knew it. When my beloved Cosmo passed away I didn't eat for more than 4 days, I lost a ton of weight, I think I was at about 105 & it was definitely not pretty.
change is good

Hi Laura,

Early summer I decided that I was getting too big in the upper body after an X rotation and 4ds and pyramids and S&H, my shirts were really tight, so I have been doing X+ for the last 10 weeks. I can honestly say, I'm stronger and I haven't lifted anything over 17lbs in 10 weeks. Well except on the recovery weeks when I revisited the original X workouts and decided that I really am stronger and have more endurance. The change has been great for me and hopefully when STS comes out, I can build on what I've got without getting too bulky. (I was worried about just adding too much muscle.) I think I'm actually a little smaller, but DH said the arms look great, so I'm going to continue this for 2 more weeks until I go on vacation; then I'll be looking for more ideas.

Okay, Laura, excuse me for this but MWAHHHHHHHAHAHAHA!! You are absolutely gorgeous. Okay, of course we should always be improving any way we can, but if you think there is anything wrong with the way you look in the RT pics, all I can say is :D:p:eek:.

Oh, and if it makes you feel any better, I had a much better figure in my forties than I had in my thirties. I'm trying to keep it going in my fifties, but it's too soon to tell....
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Hey Laura,

Please keep us posted on how this works for you. I recently finished P90X and I've been lost on what to do next. I've been doing more endurance w/o like PUB, MM, RTTC etc... I would really like to lean out my arms and try to lose these damn batwings:mad: But I don't want to lose the strength I gained while lifting heavy. OH...what's a girl to do?!


BTW~I think you look fabulous:)
Laura, maybe this is too obvious, but have you tried Power Hour? It's one of my all-time favorite Cathe workouts. You work one muscle group per song and it moves very quickly and is lots of fun, IMO. Light weights and fast reps. Maybe it will work into your routine somewhere. Of course, Muscle Endurance is similar and, IMO, tougher.
The RT pics pretty much sealed the deal for me--I do think I'm looking too bulky, & not all from muscle LOL. I'm carrying an extra 10 lbs of fat that needs to go too. I swear I look like a pinhead in those pics, like my head is too small for a body that's too large! :p

Laura- Are we looking at the same pictures??? I think you look gorgeous!!
Laura- Are we looking at the same pictures??? I think you look gorgeous!!

For real!! laura, you look fantastic!!

Sounds like you are ready for a change though. My typical rotation is 3 weeks heavy, then 1 week light (or sometimes 2 and 2). After a few weeks of light, I'm so ready to hit the weights hard again. For circuits I like Bootcamp, the terminators, the BodyMaxes, drill max,.. For total body I like Musclemax and Muscle Endurance. P90x plus and jari love are good for this phase too.

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