OK. I am a little nervous about these escaped convicts.


I am seriously addicted to true crime shows, which has resulted in me being the most paranoid woman in the world. I swear, I was watching one show over the w/e about some guy who attacked women by sneaking into their homes through an unlocked window. Needless to say I made at least 3 trips around my first floor checking all the locks on my windows. Kind of stupid considering my windows are so high up no one could climb in without a ladder anyway. :p

Anyway I digress. I keep seeing this story on the news about these convicts who escaped from a prison less than 30 minutes from me. I got home from work at 11 last night & made a break for the door while manically trying to look in every direction at once.

And what I don't get is why the media is trying to turn these scumbags into some kind of bizarre heroes. They keep comparing their escape to the Shawshank Redemption (believe me when I tell you the two look nothing like Tim Robbins or Morgan Freeman), and they seem to find the fact that the cons left the prison guards a snide note very humorous.

This is a very sick world. I'm gonna buy a can of mace at lunch. x(
I don't know if you're paranoid, but if you ARE we could form a club. My daughter gets annoyed because I labor over sites when someone's kid disappears because it's a hideous nightmare of mine...I constantly looked for updates on the Dru Sjodin case because I was so sad for her and her family.

In our local area, a guy was (and is still at large) wanted this weekend for murder somewhere close to our town and I went through and checked all of our windows so you are not alone. I'm very very paranoid about all people. I don't trust them, and maybe that's wrong of me, but you almost have to be in this day and age.

Isn't it weird how you get drawn into those shows? Its like a morbid curiosity or something....I watch American Justice and Cold Case Files, but I stopped watching Forensic Files because I got freaked out when some criminal wood chipped some people into the trees to hide their bodies - that's so freakin' gross I was traumatized by that for weeks.

Speaking of this sort of thing, my hubby and I don't live in the best neighborhood, and maybe this was a bit brazen of me, but we were pulling up to our house this weekend, and this guy was walking along the road, and he walked right up to the back of my hubby's van and peeked into the back of it - RIGHT IN FRONT OF US. I honked the horn, and hubby thought "great, now he's going to pull out a gun and shoot us" (I did scare the guy, but I didn't care - hubby's van has been stripped of electronics once already). I could not beLIEVE it was happening right in front of us.
I stopped watching Forensic Files because
>I got freaked out when some criminal wood chipped some people
>into the trees to hide their bodies - that's so freakin' gross
>I was traumatized by that for weeks.
OMG Reese, I am LMAO at that! Sorry, I know it's not funny........oh heck, yes it is. :+

I like American Justice, City Confidential I think is my favorite, also I've been watching Snapped on WE (something about women getting revenge appeals to me ;-) ), and there's a new show with Dominick Dunne called Power, Priveledge and Justice that really has me hooked. Also I like some of the Biography channel stuff--did you see the one about Richard Speck? Holy hanna......the guy is taking female hormones in jail......how in the he!! does a mass murderer in prison have access to female hormones?

Some of this stuff is so sick it does give me nightmares. The one about the guy who kidnapped women & kept them in his "toy box" (I won't even describe it here it's so disturbing) had me awake for days. When I did get to sleep I had some really bad dreams. Imagine that.
> The one about the guy who kidnapped women & kept them in his "toy
>box" (I won't even describe it here it's so disturbing) had me
>awake for days. When I did get to sleep I had some really bad
>dreams. Imagine that.

I heard about that guy. Talk about nightmares. I've never heard about anything so horrifying.

Yeah, this stuff can be scary. I can't watch those shows--especially if I'm home alone!


I don't know how you watch that stuff since you live alone. I would not sleep! I like Snapped. I agree with the women getting revenge being interesting but those women are pyscho!
"I got freaked out when some criminal wood chipped some people
into the trees to hide their bodies"

And I guess that was your accomplice in the wood chipper.--Marge Gunderson
RE: OK. I am a little nervous about these escaped conv...

Heee...I know it sounds funny, but to see the show was just surreal...they had the forensic people in white suits climbing trees to pick up bits of hair, flesh and teeth - SICK! I cannot imagine being so demented that you could DO that to another person and not spend the rest of your life vomiting profusely!!!!!

I didn't hear about the guy that kept kidnapped chicks in a "toy box" and something tells me I'm lucky that I've been spared. I dwell over the "what ifs".

Example: When I was in the ARmy, I spent 4 months in Honduras on a rotation. While there, i went to a resort and swam in the lake. It wasn't until years later after I was out of the army that I realized that the lake was FULL of crocodiles (or alligators..both are lethal..who cares)...I would lay awake in bed wondering what I would have done if one of them had grabbed me and pulled me under...or did that to a friend. I'd be just a mess thinking about it! Sweaty palms and all....
Hi there. Just wanted to say re: the recent escaped convicts - you have every right to be paranoid if they are within 30 minutes of your house and you get home that late at night. BE CAREFUL!

Although it does sound like you're pretty aware of things - LOL Be Safe!;)


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