Ok.. ALL STEP... ??


New Member
Anyone have it? Done it? Like it? I think this one may be my next, so I'm open to any comments on it.
Hi Britt!! Yeah I've done it at least 8 times!! I like it alot!! The coreography is fun and the shoulder segment is great! The first time I did it I had to drop to 3lb weights!! Cathe even suggests in the video to do that, boy she wasn't kidding!! I can now keep up with her step for step and weight for weight. It's really a fun tape!! Let me know what you think of it!
Not my favorite, but...

I do like it now that I've learned the choreography pretty well. I had a little trouble at first, since Cathe doesn't break down some of the moves as much -- specifically, the grapevine on the step/shuffle pivot part. Now that I've learned it, that's my favorite part of the whole video! :-jumpy

While I do like All Step, it will never beat out Step & Intervals as my favorite of the CTX series.

Steppin' Fool for Life!

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