<--- Oink Squeeeeeeal!

<--- happily accepts the chocolate walnuts :9
<--- just read Missy's post re: cellulite and wonders just how many babies <--- body is expecting :)
<--- needs to decide what to bake for Christmas
<--- just lectured DH about calling his doctor... MEN!!!!!!
<--- is being paged again
<---is happy to see Autumn and hopes her DH is OK and stops with the scary blue lipped stuff!
<---says GO Pinkanator
<---will seriously try never to PO the Pinkster
<---also wonders about the Georgia Peach pit, I mean fit
<---and is still missing Cath
<---where are you gals?
<---jumps on Polar Express and heads back to work
<--- is back and feeling more sociable now.
<--- likes Pinky's fangs and claws comment.
<--- days like today are mucho challenging on <---'s fangs and claws -OH MY.
<--- tells Robin that <--- watched Polar Express for the first time over the weekend.
<--- felt like <--- was on a roller coaster during some of those scenes.
<--- has probably had way too much coffee today.
<--- thinks chocolate walnuts sound delish . . .
<--- wonders if someone could pass <--- some?!?!?!?
<---has no more walnuts, but offers choco covered amonds as peace treaty! :)
<---still hasn't seen Polar Express
<---wishes that I could post everday like today
<---thinks it is absolutely possible to become a hermit, never leave the house and still get all the social activity you need sitting in front of the monitor
<---doesn't recommend it, though ;)
<---tells Autumn her DH sounds like mine
<---even when DH goes to the Dr. and he tells him "bad" news, he doesn't hear it
<---MEN, MEN, MEN!!!
<---still loves 'em though! :p
<---thinks that it all balances out in the end, with us worrying and being cautious and all :)

<---glad to see Rogue is back and feeling more sociable
<---sending chocolate and walnuts your way along with an orange to complete the trifecta of mood elevators
<---is mopping up the piss as only a good ole nurse knows how to do
<---also wonders and worries about Cath and holds her family in my prayers
<---is off to the store to pick up mucho dozens of cookies for DH's office
<---will spend hours tucking cut out cookies into cellophane bags and sealing them with snowman stickers;( .
<---hopes I can find that pretty basket from last year to put them in
<---so long for now

<---says HEY YA'LL!!
<---has been baking all morning
<---has never baked before this year and is getting damn good at it!
<---announces that today my babygirl Bella is two years old:7
<---is having a party tonight to celebrate
<---posted the pics of my dad'd gig on my pic trail
<---has to do cleanmax and laundry max today
<---has IMAX3 and MM on the calender today and needs them bad!
<---hopes you all have a great Monday and wants you all to know that cereal won't sound appealing for a LONG time thank you very much!:p

<--- is back from lunch and buying her last Christmas gift
<--- waves hi to Rogue and Autumn and very warily at Pinky and is happy to see Missy posting so much and ... and.... and....
<--- says she had an e-mail from Miss Georgia Peach Fit today and she hopes to be back soon
<--- is off to check out the rest of the shenanigans on this forum
<--- loves the word shenanigans
<---rides in on the Mood Elevator
<---agrees about word shenanigans
<---thinks it is a hard word to spell though
<---often chooses a simpler word due to unfortunate inablility to spell hard words
<---thinks we should pick a word for each day and use it at least once in this thread
<---ok, today's word is shenanigans
<---If a woman gets a job being a nanny for a child she previously cared for, that would make her a she-nan-again
<---bwaaa haaa haaa haaa
<---oops, thinks <---went up a floor too far in Mood Elevator
<---will go down a floor - Better Dresses, Foundations, Ding!
<---takes the Mood Elevator to the sub basement to pick up a certain Mr Grumpy Pants
<---will take him to the penthouse and shower him with chocolate and walnuts
<---then will ask him what he thinks of <---thread
<---if he feels the same, he may accidently get shoved off the balconey
<---thinks before shove from balcony the walnut shells should be place on sidewalk }(
<---wonders who in their right mind wouldn't love us? If not because we are so loveable, at least for fear of their life :p
<---just did LM 4-7 + blasts 1&2 and CoreM#1, wowweeeee, talk about guts and butts
<---needs to wrap kids' presents
<---doesn't want to do ANYTHING today :eek: especially after LM blasts
<---wobbles way out of thread on very unsteady legs.....SPLAT!!!

<---wonders what SHENANIGANS Robin and Shelley are up to now!?
<---can't leave for 5 minutes and Robin is pushing Wayne off of the balconey!
<---thinks Wayne loves us too. <---thinks it's hard to be perky when you've got a gimpy hip;(
<---tells Robin if you get to the library look at my pictures too!!!!
<---has a Christmas album on <---picture trail:D
<---reminds you all that the mood elevator won't go ALL the way to the penthouse unless you have an orange with the walnuts and chocolate;-) --oh--and a banana too:p

<--wants to see Michele's Christmas album but has picturetrail.com blocked here at work x(
<--will peek tonight at home
<--is LOL at Robin's she-nan-again
<--wonders what's the most cookies Shelley has eaten in one day
<--says happy birthday to Jes' little Bella ;-)
<---just came back from errands
<---picked out a bunch of sticker books and stamp packs for the kids
<---still needs to make labels for gift bags
<---doesn't think Robin could ever seriously "PO the Pinkster"
<---will actually take a lot before she gets PO'ed (or is that PO'd?)
<---a result of living with two boys and having grown up with three
<---men/boys... most of the time they're interchangeable;-)
<---agrees with Missy's social hermit comment:)
<---Happy Birthday, Bella!
<---wonders if Jes got Bella another robe:)
<---thinks Wayne has hated her guts with a vengeance for so long, for some reason
<---doesn't freakin' care!
<---knows who around here hates her guts because she does get unpleasant e-mail, ya know (not from Mr. Grumpy Pants but from other people)
<---but thinks you can't let yourself grow small with the rest of them
<---should find time to lift some weights today

<--doesn't understand how anyone could hate Pinky
<--also doesn't understand how anyone could hate ANYBODY from forums only without knowing them in person
<--is thinking about #2 and reconsidering that one....:eek: }( ;-)
<---walked 6 miles to the store and got everything needed
<---is going to make xmas baby father a triple chocolate chip b-day cake this weekend
<---already made dh a batch of peanut butter cup brownies to cheer his day up
<---has only eaten ONE brownie,that is restraint LOL
<---still has to make cookies for two favorite neighbors
<---wonders why wayne hates pinky
<---thinks pinky is an awesome person<---and her pics are really inspiring
<---tells pinky that she is NOT hated here
<---skips out of the thread "TIS THE SEASON TO BE JOLLY FA-LA-LA-LA"


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
<---also can't imagine how anyone could hate Pinky
<---thinks only someone who was jealous that one woman could possess so many talents;)
<---thinks more people need to spend time on the "feel the love" thread

<---can't imagine anyone hating Pinky either
<---went to the doc and has bronchitis
<---scored some antibiotics and an inhaler
<---should have put on a little more makeup 'cause her new doc is quite easy on <---'s eyes
<---might have to get sick more often!


Keep your head in line. Your butt will follow.


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