Ohio Roll Call

my power went out sunday 091408 @6pm. Back on Thurs @6pm. I work at home and it was a nightmare. I had to throw everything out of my frig. It was like starting all over again. However, it make me think. How sometimes you get so busy with life. And something comes along to make you think.. If IKE did this much damage in OHIO.:( WOW!!! I'm just greatful. At least I have a place to go and running water....
Another Ohioan~Glad to hear everyone here is safe & sound. We lost power but not sure for how long. We were with my MIL making sure she was okay. When, we got home our clocks were all flashing but electricity was on. We were VERY fortunate. There were tons of trees and branches down in the surrounding neighborhoods. The one thing I DID notice....we had a wasp nest positioned on the side of one of my planters out back (I got stung a few weeks ago! :mad:) DH was going to take care of it but never got around to it. Well, it was GONE...that baby got blown away! I even saw wasps on the planter and you could tell they were thinking, "Hey, where did my home go?" Ha! I'll be watching them close so they don't move in again. Okay, I shouldn't be joking. I am happy you all are safe and also feel so sad for those in Texas and also people who suffered from Hanna & Ike. Take care everyone!
OMG !!! I am finally back ! We lost power Sunday night and had it back on Monday, but haven't had internet or phone !
I can't complain at all because so many in our area didnt' have power- some still don't, but I sure missed the internet !!!

Lots of tree's down everywhere, even some deaths, so we were extremely lucky!

Happy to be back !


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