Oh No!! The Girl Scout cookies are here!

I don't buy them because any box of cookies that I can eat in one sitting is not worth $3.00, and I refuse to pay it. So be it, so I'm a Girl Scout cookie scrooge. Give me a box of Little Debbies for way under $2.00 any day!

Just Do It! :):9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9 :9
My daughter is a girl scout...what more do I need to say...those darn things arrive tomorrow. Thank goodness I work all weekend...but Monday I will be hearing the call of the Mints too. And the girls do use a part of the money for service work, so is not all a total waste...at least that makes me feel better as I scarf down a sleeve of mints....take care all, Donna.
Oh, I think the girl scouts is a great activity for girls to get involved with. I just don't like scarfing down an entire box of cookies in a few hours. But boy those cookies sure are yummy!
Oh my gosh, those thin mints are, in my opinion, the most delicious thing on earth! No competition. I indulge every year at this time to support the girl scouts in my neighborhood (that's my excuse anyway). You know they always say "nothing taste as good as looking good feels", sorry I think thin mints are the exception.
Lisa LOL!!! LMAO! :)
It is true, some things are so good, they can't be denied!
I used to be a girl scout a while back (when I was about 10) and my family was in charge of the cookies one year for the WHOLE town, so they got shipped to us first, and they were all in my garage lined up with all the flavors! Well, my sister and I we were young, and didn't know what we were doing, and we went into the garage and thought the cookies were free or something, and we just started opening random boxes of cookies and eating them! I think my parents had to pay like $100 that year for boxes of cookies that we ate, but boy was that the most satisfying thing ever! MMMM :) I remember it like it was yesterday...those cookies are my favorite!

Luckily (for me) there aren't many girls that come by my neighborhood, otherwise I would be orderin' a billion!

I don't like how some troops stake out grocery stores and things though, I almost feel obligated to buy something from them..either that or sneak in the door when they are talking to someone else! :)
The silly girls at my (Catholic) church didn't even start selling them until last SUNDAY! So we bought three boxes... two to demolish before Ash Wednesday and one to put in the freezer until Easter. I guess I'm glad they waited until the weekend before Lent started to sell the cookies, because I have been known to buy a box of Thin Mints each weekend they're available and to eat them all in a couple of days. I'm not a binge eater... except for when it comes to Thin Mints.
I had the "Girl Scout Cookie" workout on Tuesday!

better (almost) than a Cathe tape!

I'm "Cookie Mom" for a troop of 18 girls. On Tuesday we picked up 97 cases of cookies for our entire troop, unloaded them at my house, sorted them for each girl, helped parents load cookies into their cars when they picked them up, and sorted the cookies my daughter sold into individual orders. I did have help but even so it was quite a workout.

I was active all day long from 9:00 a.m. until 8 p.m. I did NOT do a Cathe workout that morning knowing what I was in for. On Wednesday my body was SO tired (not sore thanks to my Cathe workouts ;)) that I took an unplanned rest day. I normally have a sedentary job so I guess it goes to show you how we (or maybe I should just speak for myself) have become unaccustomed to hard physical labor like our ancestors did on a daily basis. I'm just glad I didn't have to plow a field the next day!

Enjoy your cookies everyone!

Well, As I am reading this I am munching down those Thin Mints. Yum,Yum. :9 :9 Help! I cannot stop!x( :9 x( :9
Beth, didn't you mean to say, "Oh YES!! The Girl Scout cookies are here!!!!!" :p

But seriously, I volunteer with United Way, and the Girl Scouts are wonderful. They are very active in the community, and really help young girls with building self-confidence. Even though $3 is a lot for a small box of cookies, it's worth it when you think about how this money helps young girls learn cooperation, teamwork, athletics, helping others, camping, general life-skills, character building, appreciation of others, respect.... I could go on and on. Those little girls are on their way to something big.

Yes, joining you all. Can't have 'em in the house without devouring them in a few days! Hubby always has someone stop into his work and he orders like 6 boxes! My fav is the, what USED to be called, Savannahs. (The peanut butter oatmeal ones!) Are those the Do-Si-Dos now??? The Scotteas/Shortbread are great too! :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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