Off pill but no period


Did anyone have trouble having a period after you went off the pill? I went off in December and still nothing (April). Anybody have a similar story?
hi nicky

i didn't have a period after stopping the pill for 10 months. i did see a specialist and was dxed with hypothalamic amennorrhea. certainly everyone is different, but i recommend you speak with your dr. happily, i am 28 weeks pregnant now. i don't think i would be without a specialist, though.

good luck
Hi Nicky,
I went off of the pill in early Feb. and, after the initial period I had 2 days after stopping the pill, I've had no period either (it's been exactly 58 days, but who's counting right?) From what I've read post-pill amenorrhea is fairly common and periods normally resume in about 3 to 6 months if your cycle was regular before you went on the pill. I'll probably just wait it out and enjoy the time off:D
hi nikki,

I would wait anothother month cycle and if still no period, go see a doctor.

Better to know that you have done something about this than nothing at all.

good luck

I got off the pill and got my "real" period exactly 30 days later!! I wish it would have stayed away longer!

I have heard that if you are post pill for 6 months and still have not had a period (for sure after one year), that you should see a fertility specialist....



I went off of the pill last May and never did have a 'normal' period. I did spot little bit in Aug & Oct (very, very 1 spot and then nothing). I went to planned parenthood and spoke with a mid wife who examined me. She mentioned that I take some herbal supplement (I can't remember the name) which was supposed to increase your monthly flow. I started taking the supplement at the end of Nov. DH and I were TTC, so I began charting my temp. and taking ovulation tests. I ovulated and became pregnant without ever having a period!

It is normal for your flow not to go back to normal for a while after you stop taking the pill, especially if you have been taking the pill for a long time. If you haven't gotten your period and it has been 6 mos or more since you stopped taking the pill, I would go and see your doctor just to make sure everything's okay.

It is possible to ovulate and get pregnant without having a period because it happened to me:)
I didn't get mine for 8 months when I went off. I was freaked, but my doctor told me it was normal and nothing to worry about. Sure enough, it came back and is perfectly regular now.

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