October 09 check in Weekend 3rd/4th*****


Good morning ladies..

Look like a rainy day here today. At least, by the looks of the skies now it does. Anyway, I am a little sore today in my lower body. Not quite as sore as week 1. But, more than last week...Today is 4day split bootcamp cardio and it says cardio quick fix. I may just pop in another cardio. Maybe basic step...

How is everyone else doing today? Hope everyone has a great weekend...

Be back later..
Good Morning Kathy!

to everyone that follows!

Kathy: Yep, it's supposed to rain all day here too. Going to be a LONG day with the boys. though we get to go to the Ped's for their flu shots to break it up...THAT should be fun! (Jake has been crying about it for 2 days now!). 4DS BC is a fun one! (and a sweaty one!). I never cared for the cardio add-on, I'd do something else too.

I got up at 7am! It was just nice not to HAVE to get out of bed. I got out when I wanted to. THAT's what felt the best, and was way worth not getting in cardio today. In the back of my mind, i keep thinking of shorter cardios I could possibly fit in today, but it probably won't happen. Maybe a segment of Coremax , if I'm lucky!

And another working weekend to look forward to! I just PRAY I don't get a headache like last week.

Good morning! Chris, glad you were able to sleep in today. Love the guy on the stretcher!

Kathy, it was cardio for me today, too..... I did Mindy's Workout. That's what it's called "workout". It was a good little sweat! At the end she had burpees with gliding discs (a bunch of variations) -- I skipped those because of my whatever -- shoulder/upper back/arm. I am so bummed! I'm really feeling it again this morning. Not only will I not do a double workout tomorrow, I don't know that I should be doing weights! :(

Joanne, thanks for your nice words about the Travis situation yesterday -- I really thought I had put in another post about the whole thing but I think I just composed it in my head. I'm losing my marbles!! When I dropped the kids off at school I happened to see his teacher, so I went ahead and talked to her about it. She's changing the seating situation Monday and knows there's a problem and knows he is not it. But then I told her my real worry was that he thinks everyone thinks he's a loser and is not liking school. She said that's all in his head -- he's really sensitive (she said that part -- she had him for third grade, so knows him pretty well) and he's just imaging it. I felt so much better about things, but when I picked him up at soccer.... well, first I watched practice for a bit and he was very engaged and playing well -- seemed really happy. As soon as we got it in the car he started telling me about how kids were being mean to him and he started sobbing about it! Right then and there it hit me -- he's becoming a teenager and his body must be swamped with hormones making him behave strangely! Chris, didn't you say Zach went through a stage like this? So, I think it'll pass -- hopefully he won't do anything stupid in the meantime -- but does anyone have any tips for getting through it?! I think he was hungry, too -- it only got worse when we got home (because I wasn't putting up with the pity party), but I knew he needed to eat so forced him to eat something and then viola, it was better -- imagine that! I know you guys have been there.....

what's on tap for the weekend? Tonight is our school fundraiser -- big party with auctions, food, band. We usually don't go, but really felt like we should this year since the school needs all the help it can get. It's not our thing, but I suppose it'll be fun. Soccer this morning, of course!

So, what sort of workout should I do tomorrow?! Maybe I'll just do the damn yoga again. I really like it, but I don't want to have to do it, you know? I love weights! Oh, meant to tell you, Joanne..... I always hated working my back, too, but after the first found of STS I really noticed a change "back" there (pun intended) and now I like it better. Check out your back!! :p

Have a great day!! Waves to Hottie & Vilma!
Hi Girls!

Long time no see - hmmm seems it will probably be the weekends when I get some down time to visit.

Today I need to go and shop for my daughter's BFF as its her 12th birthday so my Sophie will be sleeping over tonight.

Beth it does sounds like that teenage phase is creeping along for your son. All I can say is lots of patience as he goes from being your son into not wanting to cuddle to wanting to hang out with his friends more and the ups & downs of indecisions and insecurities lol. It gets better as they become older teens - take it from me as I have a 19 and 17 yr old.... it gets so much better as they get the mindset of young adults...it's amazing to see the process and makes me so proud :)

School and work are going well although my dh is going through the a phase of panic as he is now in charge of evenings and not knowing what to make for dinner lol -- So I'll be making tons of meals today and tomorrow and freezing them. I'm really enjoying my time although its not easy peasy at times.

Well I hope you all have a great day and week if I don't come round again.

Oh today I plan on a nice 40-60 min run followed by a much needed stretch
Hey Again!

What a crazy thing bringing those boys for their flu shots this morning! :eek: Actually, Alex (10) and Zach (14) did AWESOME, walked right up and got their shot without a flinch. But Jake (8) had *issues*. OMG, he was TERRIFIED, and fought tooth and nail. I offered him ANYTHING to get it done, he wouldn't. This was in a "clinic" type of setting , so there were kids just lining up everywhere. This one little girl's mom came up to us and said, "Abby, you were so scared like this little boy and you had YOUR shot. it didn't hurt bad, did it?". The little girl had tears welling up in her eyes, looked at Jake, quivering, and said, "YES, IT DID!!!!". Thanks! LOL!... Anyways, it took 3 of us to hold him down (I hated doing that!) and he got the damn shot crying away. :(

Got home around 10:30, so i said, "What the hell, I'm going to squeeze in a little workout!". I did 20 Minute Turbo Jam. I haven't done this one in a while, I love the music. ("The roof..the roof..the roof is on fire"). Fun stuff. And the I did COREMAX segment with both balls, med and stability. OMG, that was TOUGH stuff! I did skip the last 2 repeats of crunches. I do like that Med Ball for abs though.

Beth: Is that Mindy's newest workout? I do like her! I haven't done her step stuff in a while. I'm sorry about your shoulder. I do think you need to have it looked at. It's been way too long, it shouldn't be hurting and "crunching" like you say it does. Can you go right to an ortho doctor or do you need a recommendation? you need to go, girl!!!. And you're making the right choice on stopping the weights. You need to get this taken care of. I know it sucks!!!!...... Nice you got to talk to Travis' teacher in person yesterday! She sounds like she's good, and it's great she had Travis before and knows him. OMG, Zach had SUCH emotional times around 12/13. (still sometimes too). I just couldn't believe that I was going through this with a BOY. I thought the hormone stuff was just for girls! :eek: I just dealt with it on an "as needed" basis. Dealing with the situation as it came. I try to lean towards treating Zach like a "young adult" now instead of the coddling. But usually after whatever issue comes up, and he's upset about it, I'll let him cool off a bit, and then try to talk to him factually. And offer hugs and love :) afterwards. .... Oh, yes, keep with Yoga and stretching, Beth. If you're dying to do something, maybe the lower body P57? (OW!). Hope you have fun at the school function tonight!

Vilma: Hey you! I know you're swamped during the week!!! But you sound good! Hubby needs to step up a little. I know, the only dish MY husband knows how to make is his own version of Mac and Cheese. Oh, and he grills. Maybe get some good stuff for him to grill too? My sister works all week, 9-5, and he cooks all day on Sunday for the week too. Hope you had a good run and stretch today!... Are you able to work out during the week?

Rainy day, kids fighting... ugh!
OH! And inquiring minds want to know:

Whatcha doing special for your birthday tomorrow, Beth??? ;) And what new fun toys will you get for your birthday????

Back from soccer -- another two losses for my two boys! :confused: Their teams both play so well -- I guess that means they have made the teams pretty even -- I don't know. I think it's starting to get to them a little.

Chris, that flu shot scene! Wow. At least it's over now -- it must have been miserable!!!

Vilma & Chris, thanks for the kid-stuff support. He does seem very volatile these days. I like your advice -- I'll see if I can do it! It's one thing to sit here rationally and imagine how I'll behave, but it's another when I'm at the end of my rope and he's in his own giant pity party thinking the world hates him. Deep breath!

Good for you for getting the TJ in afterall, Chris! And the abs, too! Especially after the stress of the flu shot! I think I might have been saying something else after that!!!

Yes, tomorrow is the birthday..... I told Larry not to worry about getting me anything -- he gets so stressed about it -- and that's just crazy. So, I'm expecting nothing -- I may buy my self a new sweater or jacket. I think we are having a low-key day tomorrow -- maybe all take a walk together or something.

I'm going to give my shoulder two solid weeks of no weights and then if it's still bothering me, I'll so see someone. I guess. Maybe.
Beth: Happy Birthday!!! Vic and I don't exchange gifts either. We just buy something we want without guilt! It works for us. And you have to have cake!!! NO calories on your birthday right!? Hope you are able to make it a rest day too!!

Today is a stretch/rest day...I am doing to do tomorrow's stability ball abs and segment 1 of stretch max...
Good morning! It was quite a party last night -- I had too much wine, I think, and it was really hard to sleep. We ended up buying the large ticket item in the live auction -- a painting by Gordon Smedt, who is a dad at the school, but also a somewhat famous painter. I guess that's my birthday present! The crazy thing is that it wouldn't fit in our car, so we left it for Gordon to take home and deliver to us later. When I woke up this morning, I was thinking about how toasted Gordon seemed and that he was having an "after party" at his house and probably occupied with that, and I wonder what really happened to our painting. I feel bad about not going to the party -- I think in a way they have it sort of in honor of the people who buy the painting, but we couldn't even make it to the end of the real party! Maybe it's just a party, who knows!

Anyway, I was pooped when I got up this morning -- I'm not sure I could have faced STS even without the injury. I did Jill Miller's core integration -- well, I ran through the workshop that teaches you the moves. That's 80 minutes, so I didn't actually do the practice that runs you through them. Hopefully we'll all go for a walk later. It's a little chilly here this morning -- may need to make a fire!
Hey Girls!

It's Sunday!...


and it's Beth's birthday! Hope you're enjoying the day relaxing after your fun party night! Who knew a school fundraiser could be so fun? Maybe I should go to them more often (or maybe it's only in CA that they serve wine at these events...;))... I was thinking, if I were you, I think I'd try to jump into a P57/Barre/Pilates rotation with running/cardio. Do you think you could do the light reps of the upper body?

Kathy: Hope you enjoy your stretch today!!

Busy night at work last night, but ok busy. The hospital is hopping, our floor was FULL, no empty beds.

And NO HEADACHE today!

I woke up VERY stiff with a sore right back though. Did some stretches, I should probably do some more...

Back to work, one more night!

Thanks, Chris. It's been a very quiet day! We did go for a walk in the woods and while there we cleaned up some trees near a little clearing where we want to build a fort/cabin for the kids. That's about ambitious as it gets! I did a couple of loads of laundry and took a long nap! What a day!

I think I will do rhythmic step tomorrow and then figure out what I'm doing day by day. I'm too bummed to think about it much more than that, I think!!

Hope work went ok! Hello quiet peeps!!

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