Hi ladies. I've missed you all! Life has been absolutely crazy. Things are not so good. I swear, I couldn't even make this stuff up. I'll try to keep it short. First, Caitlyn. She's been running a fever since last Wednesday. They can't figure out why. There's no outward signs of infection. She's had four blood tests and so far her white blood cells counts are high and her CRP and sed rates are high (Chris, any insights??). They're tracking the levels to see if they are going up or down. So far we have the results of two of them and they went up slightly. One blood culture was negative and we're waiting for the results of the others. This is so frustrating! She's fine unless the fever goes up, then she gets tired. We go back to the doctor Friday. Yesterday they told us they were baffled and didn't know what else to do. OK, that's real reassuring - NOT!
Also, both my father and DH's father are in the hospital. Admitted through the ER the same day. My father has something going on with his heart - they're not sure what yet. They're doing a heart cath tomorrow and will either do a stent or bypass. He's really weak - he has Parkinsons and some other health issues and I just don't know how he'd do with a bypass. DH's father has lung cancer which has spread to his brain. He had an MRI and they admitted him for swelling in the brain. We're still not sure what the plan or prognosis is. It's so frustrating trying to get answers. DH and I are taking shifts at the hospital visiting both of them - he's there now. Hopefully he'll get some more information.
Needless to say I haven't been able to get too many workouts in. Today I needed to do something fun, so I did Christi Taylor's Step Heaven. I've kind of fallen off the rotation.
Vilma, sounds like you're having a blast with kbells! It's something I've thought about trying, maybe when things settle down a bit.
Iris, that sounds like a fun workout. Good job with the 8 inch step!
Ivy, that is a tough workout - I've done that one before. Congrats on the weight loss! All that cardio must have worked!
Beth, what was you rotation? What workouts did you try today? Somedays nothing really seems appealing. I'll just sit and stare at my collection until something jumps out at me and says "do me, do me!"
Lori, keeping my fingers crossed your certification comes through!
Hi Dawn! Welcome! You'll probably think I'm a nut after reading the beginning of my post, but my life isn't normally this crazy!
Hi Hottie! Enjoy C&W!
Hi Chris! EWWWW on the cat issue! I had a similar issue with my dog a few weeks ago that went on for days 'cause she was having digestive issues. Really disgusting stuff! Yea, my dog wasn't too thrilled with me for wiping her butt with baby wipes everytime she came in! OK, sorry if that was TMI!! I need a bit of humor today! Hope your son's fever breaks soon. I just hate seeing them so sick. You wish they were back to their normal selves driving you crazy! Have fun with your new toys!
Kathy, did you do Cathe's Bootcamp workout? I'm thinking of doing mostly circuit workouts until we get back to somewhat of a normal life.
Thanks for listening to all my ramblings!