Dental hygienist here. I love my job, but it has its hazards. I can't compare it to the other one you're considering, but I do agree that burnout is a risk of D. H.
Here is my situation and I'll tell you how I prevent burnout. I'll try to be brief!!
I graduated at age 37 in 1997. I decided I would work only as a temp, until and unless I met a dentist I could really trust.
On one temp job I encountered a whole bunch of well-cared for patients! Very small fillings, crowns 10-20 years old, some with meticulous gumline patches, gold inlays and onlays on about 30 % of the people. Well maintained. The second day there I saw the same thing, and I also found the doc was nice, really cheerful and pleasant, staff had been there a long time and they didn't need anybody. I dropped my resume off there in case of future need.
To shorten the story, I have worked there since 1997, perm since '98.
Nice job, but I had back/neck/elbow pain in 1999 and 2000. Hadn't found Cathe yet! At the end of 2000 I broke my heel bone, and when the cast came off I started back gently doing old Firm tapes, then Cathe. (See my fitness page; link at bottom)
Not only fitness, but I also bought some equipment. In 2001 I bought a pair of binocular magnifying glasses and later replaced them with through-the-lens mags in prescription lenses (so I don't have to wear my contact lenses to work). These enable me to see very well while still sitting up straight.
I also bought a piezo scaler (Satelec Suprasson PMax Lux) which has a fiber optic light at the tip. I can practically see around corners with it. The tips are thin and I hardly use hand instruments at all, yet I can do an even more thorough job with more patient comfort (than hand inst or magneto scaler or both).
The glasses cost $1000 and the scaler cost $2000, but they were worth every penny! Now I have no pain, so I can really concentrate on my patients. Work is very satisfying because I see the results of my work. Also I get to see a lot of the same people over years and I feel very connected to community.
I am very happy. I work 4 days a week and my husband basically stays home with our son and keeps him on track and keeps everything together. It works very well for us.
Good luck in your decision!