Obsessed about anything?


Does anyone else get obsessed about stuff? And beleive me, I am not the obsessive type.Normally I could give two hoots but my tune is changing.
A while ago I needed some dental work done.I was putting it off until my DH's insurance kicked in.I also needed a new retainer b/c I noticed my teeth were moving.Thats all I could think about.I use to dream about it for crying out loud.
Now that I have been to the dentist numerous times in the last few monthes.I don't think about my teeth anymore.All is well.
Then the other day my friend stopped by.She is 10 yrs older then me and she as a few spots on her face.She tries to hide them and wears to much make-up.When I looked even closer, I could see crows feet forming around her eyes.
So now.....this is my new obsession.I am fighting wrinkles before they start.I went shopping today with my other friend and she couldn't beleive that I was spening $40 on wrinkle cream for people 25 yrs and up.I told her I was getting them before they start.She told me that I smile to much and thats why I am going to get wrinkles!HAHA I have been working alot of night shifts and I don't want lack of sleep to catch up to me!
I think I am just being paranoid with getting older.I was afraid of my teeth having to be pulled b/c I feel like I am to young to be getting crowns and fake teeth.And now I afarid of getting wrinkles.
I am only 26:) I don't know, but I don't think I am going to be to thrilled with nature.I don't think I would ever go under the knife for vanity reasons but I do not want to get older.
Why is it that we live to be 70+ (hopefully)And we only look top knotch from 15 yrs-40 yrs?I know there are alot of people who look good after that but they are still older and you can only push it off for so long!
Anyway...just be whining about life in general.I think I want to be this age forever!
Anyone else feel the same?
Sometimes I worry about wrinkles, but I definitely look much younger than 38. I think the only time I really feel "bothered" by getting older is when I'm hanging out with our friends who are still in their 20's. But then I remember that they are getting older too. Seeing that our one friend (who also happens to be the son of some other friends) is getting a receding hairline and another female friend, who will be turning 30 this year, has a little belly, just makes me realize that it happens to everyone. No biggy...it's not as though I'll be looking for a man or anything.

What really bugs me is that my boobs aren't as firm as they used to be. I HATE that!!!!!
I hate it too that I can see myself deteriorating physically. But another wonderful thing is happening. Through Cathe and others like her, my horizons have been widened and I have been able to pass through doors in life that I never even imagined.

Aging physically is just God's way of reminding us what happens to temporal things. When we take His advice and place our faith and trust above these, our investments are safe.
I am the obsessive type too. I dread getting older, but I don't obsess about it like you. I have my little quirks though. I am crazy when it comes to teeth whitening (because I drink a lot of coffee) and I am also really into make up. My friends can come and shop in my home. Otherwise, I am pretty much like any other exerciser. I watch person's weight and make suggestions to them in my mind (dont want to get cussed out), and i always try to watch my diet. I dont follow a hardcore diet.

As for whining about life in general, you aren't the only one. I am fast approaching 30 and am terrified about getting older. I worry about how I will look when I reach 40 and about what I may or may not accomplish by that age. I try not to let it bother me too much though and you shouldn't too. Don't worry about things you cant change. Just be happy in life.

I think some people have obsessive personalities or are prone to obsession. Obsession usually has a negative connotation, but I think that it only becomes unhealthy when it interferes with the way you function or the things you do. I'm 22 and I think about aging everyday. I've been wearing sunscreen daily since I was 16 and using eye cream since then too. Obsession, maybe, but these are healthy habts, so I'm not too concerned. I do have a faint line I can see forming on my forehead that bugs me, though. I start to think about when I squint or raise my brow. That's too much concern lol! Getting older is no fun, and although I'd never do the knife either, I wouldn't mind staving off the aging process. On the bright side, let's think about all of the rockin women here in their 40's, 50's and beyond!!!
Wow do I belong to this club!

I am going to turn 40 this year and I am dreading every single minute of it. We live in such a youth obessed culture where women are considered old at 35, men at 45,(this comes from my sociology studies). Well, I am obviously in the "old" category.

The best years of my life were in my 20's by far. I don't have children so I was able to party in my 20's like a rock star (never did drugs, but certainly enjoyed alot of beer and dancing night after night :)I was the manager of a forward fashion clothing store and my boyfriend (now husband) was the deejay at the hottest clubs in town. Let's just say there was something wrong with us if we spent one night at home a week. Life was amazing back then.

My 30's have been very blah, especially the later years. I have lost a lot my passion for life compared to the way things were in my 20's. To make matters worse, I hate what is happening to my appearance no matter how hard I try to change it. I am physically able to do more now than I ever have, but it doesn't appear as such on the "ol bod".

Yep, turning 40 has me depressed beyond words. I am dreading the whole experience. But I am not alone. Hubby turns 40 2 days after me and he is a mess about the whole issue as well. My best male friend that I have known since junior high is equally depressed about turning 40. I think it is a hard number to deal with as we all realize we have probably have fewer years ahead of us than behind us.

To say that I am obessed about this whole turning 40 thing is definitely an understatement....

Lorihart- I use to obsess myself with wrinkle creams too. I have so many different kinds that are expensive too and suppose to work. What I have found has scared me to the point that I don't use anymore wrinkle cream. One day while out with my family in a brightly lit restaurant, my DH looks at me and tells me that whatever I am putting on my face that I had better stop. The creams were making my face swollen and I had more wrinkles going down my face (which I have never had). That scared the heck out of me and now my DH says my skin has greatly improved and wanted to know what I was using to make it look so good. Just a milk cleansing cream and some basic lotion.
For me, no more obsessing over skin or using anymore wrinkle cream. I think we should just use sunscreen in the summer and live and let live.

Amen Connie.....

And we might be aging but we can do it beautifully. NO need to be obsessive just do what you can and don't worry about the rest, heavens it happens to everyone............ Rhonda
OMG, my 40's were fabulous both mentally and physically and I'm looking to it getting better in my 50's.

Sure, things change and adjustments are needed but in searching for those adjustments I learned so much about myself. It's not just our outside shell that changes, hopefully we have gained wisdom and can pass it on.

Edited to say, a way to keep aging in perspective is to remember there is only one alternative to growing older :eek:
Hmmmmmmmmm.... I must admit this doesn't usually bother me. I'm turning 41 in a few weeks and I think I look better now than I did when I was 18. Nobody ever believes me when I tell them how old I am (maybe it helps that the boyfriend is 10 years younger???:eek: ) Sure, I have some wrinkles, but that's all part of life.

I love my life. Sometimes I go out and party too hard, but that's rare.

Enjoy every second you have and don't waste it obsessing about wrinkles. As I like to say, when you're 90 and you look back on your life, are you going to be happy that you wasted your energy worrying about wrinkle cream? Or are you going to say "I'm fabulous and anyone who doesn't think so isn't worth my time!";)
Hate to tell you this, Lori, but I saw on a special segment of "20/20" that it's been proven that moisturizers/anti-wrinkle creams don't work in the skin anti-aging process. Very few legitimate cosmetic lines actually make the claim that their product prevents wrinkles -- the packages usually read "Helps prevent the appearance of wrinkles", or something like that. Those hard-earned wrinkles are still there and here we are spending our hard-earned money on illusion, fancy packaging and the false promises of eternal youth! Not to say that I don't wear moisturizer to keep my skin from cracking and feeling soft to the touch. But I use the cheaper kind (Cetaphyl - $13.00 for a big bottle)-- it does the same job as $100 stuff and is recommended by dermatologists.

As most dermatologists will tell you, the best way to prevent wrinkles is to use sunscreen.

Or as a lady comedian once said, "Ladies, the only way to get rid of wrinkles is a GUN"!

Freezing in Toronto (which might actually prevent a few more wrinkles!)
Whenever I start to get obsessed about my looks I try to figure out what's REALLY going on. I usually find that I'm insecure about something else that goes a bit deeper. What worries you about having wrinkles? I mean think about it. Chances are when you start to have wrinkles, your husband and your friends will also be going through the same thing. You'll joke about it, try the latest wrinkle creams, but your life won't change. Your relationships won't change. So what's so bad about it? I doubt it's really wrinkles that you're worried about. Do some free associating and think about what is the worst that can happen to you if you have wrinkles and you'll probably discovering what's REALLY bothering you. I can almost guarantee, it won't be wrinkles.

-Dr. Nancy :+
I obsess over my son's health since he's quite sickly in the winter. Like when we're in a public restroom, I freak out when he so much as touches the door handle. I always say, "Don't touch anything, only Mama gets dirty." I wash his hands thoroughly, then mine, in the meantime reminding him repeatedly not to move a muscle, then I use the paper towel I wipe my hands with to open the door. Oh, I've seen the raised eyebrows and the nasty looks. I've heard the snickers. But the point is, when my kid gets walking pneumonia, I'M the one who takes him to the doctor, who stays up most of the night, who cleans up his vomit full of phlegm... sorry for being graphic, but you get the point.

Aside from this, I'm pretty sure everything else, including my own life/longings/dreams/plans are out of my control. Nothing ever happens the way I want them to anyway, so why bother obsessing?


I get to turn 30 in June...um, yay? I mean, crap. I smoked for 17 years and quit last December so I have more than my fair share of little wrinkles around the eyes. I never used to worry about my skin since I'm the super pale type that can't tan, so I stayed out of the sun as much as possible. But now I regret not wearing sunblock and moisturizer throughout my teens and twenties. I also regret not wearing sunglasses since I lived in NM for just about my whole life. Lifestyle choices like that can speed up the aging process a bit and there's nothing I can do to change it.

Now I slather on the moisturizer, wear sunglasses any time I'm out of the house during the day so I won't squint, and drink tons of water to stay hydrated. A little obsessive? Sure, but why not.

There are some good things about getting older though. My body responds differently to exercise now than it used to. I have real muscle memory now and much more body awareness, which is great. And I'm developing the maturity to not care quite so much about how I look to other people.

It worries me, though, that I'm eventually going to be out there looking for that special someone since my SO has made it clear our relationship isn't permanent. It feels like I'm going to have to compete against the 20-somethings and I'm not getting any younger. And our society is way too concerned with youth. But hopefully, Mr. Right (or at least Mr. Reasonably Acceptable) won't be concerned with looks as much as brains! :)

I think I've filled my rambling quota for the day!
I used to not obsess about getting older, until I found out that my hubby was seeing a gal 11 years younger than me! My goodness, I was only 33 and felt like 70. I went from feeling beautiful and slim, to feeling fat, ugly, old, flat chested, ... you name it. I NEVER NEVER felt in competition with younger ladies at all until that moment.
Now, I do purchase wrinkle creams, firming creams, etc. Also, I notice the wrinkles and a few gray hairs poking out now and then. Whereas, a couple of years ago, I could have cared less.

yes lori..... i do. i started using anti wrinkle creams when i was 14 or 15. my great grandmother had horrible awful creases and lines all over her thick discolored skin and it scared me to death. i swore i would do everything in my power to avoid looking like that. i also obsess about alot of other stuff. whenever i take on a new hobby/interest, i dream about it every night. For example, when i was learning spanish and sometimes still, i started freaming in spanish. when i started learning sign language, i dreamt in ASL. when i started doing cathe workouts, i counted in my head all the time and dreamt about step workouts. i am really very weird. whatever i am obsessed about is what i dream about. i also obsess about cleanliness, germs and posture. no fun is it?

I'm 46 and I hate seeing the changes in my face but I just do my best to take care of myself and move on. I grew up in So. Calif on the beaches before sunscreen was popular = plenty of sun damage. But I am religious about wearing it now so that's what matters at this point.

I waste all sorts of money on wonder creams that will never work. The best skin care is good nutrition, lots of water, fresh air, exercise, and enough sleep. These will do much more for your skin than what you can buy in a bottle. I do use a mild cleanser and a good lotion, but more than that is more psychological benefit than anything. ;)
Lunacat - you are so far from getting old! Just a babe IMO. I am approaching 40 and feel better than I did in my 20's!

Hippahips - you sound like me with your son. When my DD came down with Mono I was a mess. When she was recovering, I demanded that her DB wear a coat or a few layers so he would not get her sick. I would ask her a million times during the day how she was feeling. I would make her eat and drink more, etc. We are just being good moms!

Jes- I am alot like that too. I don't dream about what I am passionate about, but talk about it non stop. My DH told me to start talking about something else cuz I always seem focus on one passionate thing which is now Cathe and will always be for me. First it was Ebay and now Cathe. Well guess what, now our entire family is working out. My DD who is 16 just started working out cuz she is tired of getting beat in arm wrestling with her brother. So funny.

I'm a very obsessive type individual - but at work at improving that daily. I get obssessed with all sorts of material and nonmaterial things. I'm obsessing about having major dental work done and losing a tooth on Monday...but such is life. I've had bad teeth my entire life (inherited) and premature gray hair (inherited) since I was in my 20's. I'm 45 right now, but looking at my face, you'd never know it. People guess me to be in my 30's and the only reason that they don't guess younger is because they say I "act" mature. Your 40's have a lot of benefits in life. You know a lot more than you did in your 20's and I'm in better shape at 45 than I was in my 20's. Okay, I may carry my weight a little differently today, but my weight has remained pretty good over the years. Exercising really helps keep you young....it's true. I'm sure there are many of us in our 40's and 50's that are living proof. I think you have to work a little harder as you age to keep your weight down, but oh well...such is life. I'm 5'7" and weighed 107-110 in highschool -- I know too skinny then...but in my 20's I was about 115 and now at 45, I weigh 123. I don't think that's too bad. Keep your chin up and keep exercising, as it does wonders for aging. I also have always taken good care of my sensitive skin and it's paid off. I have stayed out of the sun for a good 15 years and never got sun on my face when I used to tan when I was younger. That really helps with wrinkles.
This is going to sound really obnoxious, but I was wondering if you can slow down your signature picture? I honestly try to avoid your posts because it bothers my eyes and I find it hard to read with the light flashing in my eyes. The pic is going by so fast anyway, I really can't see what it is.

Oy, I sound like such a fuddy-duddy, but thought you might want to know.


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