
I've been trying to eat more pure oatmeal daily and I read somewhere to add a scoop of vanilla protein powder and a tbsp of ground Flaxseed. I did that today and was only able to get about half of it down, it really tasted nasty.

I don't want to add sugar/honey/sweeteners, so what can I do to make plain old oatmeal taste good? Any ideas?
Debbie in OH
I use sweeteners, sorry, either some sugar free maple syrup or a little vanilla flavoring.

How about a tsp. of peanut butter? I tried that once and it is pretty good.
I would keep the freshly ground flaxseed (it tastes good, my guess is that the protein powder got funky?), add the cinnamon, fresh or frozen fruit, and chopped dates or raisins (dates are sweeter, but pretty low in calories). Also, try making it with skim milk or even soy milk (they do make unsweetened chocolate soy milk that is incredible in oatmeal).
There was a thread on this a bit ago and I got 2 great recipes from it - I believe it was entitled "Bleeeh." (Hmmm, how many e's were in there?)You'll have to do a search.

One was to use milk instead of water and throw in blueberries, strawberries, flax seeds and eat with bananas - I add a bit of Splenda. The other was a treat using milk and adding peanut butter and cocoa!

I detested oatmeal before I tried both of these, now I have it almost every day. I love this forum you learn so much.

I love it made with skim milk instead of water (makes it richer and sweeter than water), and LOTS of nutmeg and cinnamon. :9 :9 :9
Hi~ I tolerate protein powder in my oatmeal. However, I love to pour hot oatmeat over blueberries ( fresh is good, but I use frozen too) and add 2 tab. ground flaxseed. It is delicious!:9 deb
I put in protein powder, cook it with soy milk, add vanilla or cinnamon/nutmeg/cloves/allspice and then some frozen fruit like cherries, strawberries, blueberries. Or a little banana. Or raisins. And then freshly ground flaxseed on top, or peanut butter. There's about 20 different ways you can make oatmeal right there!
Here's another twist on making oatmeal taste better. I like to add it to a smoothie. For the smoothie I use:

-1/2 cup plain nonfat or lowfat yogurt
-1/2 cup vanilla soymilk
- Cup or so of frozen or fresh fruit of choice-- usually mixed berries
-1 packet of Splenda
-1/4 cup dry oatmeal
-1 teaspoon of ground flax seed
- Sprinkling of cinnamon.

It is delicious! The Abs Diet suggests adding cooked oatmeal to a smoothie, but I found that gave the smoothie a slightly slimy texture. I think adding dry oatmeal is great though - you can't taste it, but it helps to "bulk up" the smoothie making it more filling.
I don't get why everyone is so afraid of sugar! I make mine with water and add brown sugar and sultanas, it's delicious. I tsp of sugar has only about 20 cals and it makes such a difference. Go carbs!!:D
There is nothing wrong with adding a liitle bit of sugar, honey, sweetner, cinnamon or fruit to your oatmeal to make it taste good. Clean eating is about moderation not abstinence. Oatmeal is good for you and it would be a shame if you didn't eat it because you can't eat it with out adding something sweet.
I found the ideas I was talking about earlier from this forum:

This one compliments of TerryMia:

"I make what I call a "powerhouse" breakfast and I've gotten my 14-year-old son to eat it every morning too...he says it gives him more energy! Anyway, I mix the oatmeal, vanilla soy milk, handful of frozen blueberries, a few frozen cherries, a couple of frozen strawberries and microwave until cooked (3 1/2 to 4 min.)...then I add a half of a banana and a handful of chopped walnuts and also add in a couple of teaspoons of ground flax."

Terry - this made an oatmeal lover out of me. I think using milk was the key. I've experimented with an a cut up apple, cinnamon, almonds and flax and that's great too. Peaches, nutmeg and pecans. MMMMM. The combos are endless.

This one was by desertbriez in response to "How do you get your chocolate fix." Thanks desertbriez this gets me through those 'got-to-cheat PMS days (Well at least some of them):

1/2 cup oatmeal
1 cup milk (or water.. i prefer the flavor of milk.. i use light soy vanilla)
dash salt (you need the salt for it to taste good!)
1/2 tablespoon unsweetened baking cocoa
1 tablespoon natural peanut butter
2 packets of splenda

I sometimes leave out the p. butter and add coconut.

Splenda also has some brown sugar that goes a long way. Not the cheapest, but it'll last. I have also been known to put a little sugar free syrup in mine which is really good...

Peanut butter is what I'll try next....
Wow, Trish, that is sooo cool, checking in on this thread and finding this one from you...so happy that you liked my little "recipe"! :) I still eat it every just about every morning and haven't gotten tired of it yet! Actually, I like the sound of your other combos as well...going to have to try the peaches, nutmeg, and pecans idea...that sounds right up my alley! Anyway, thanks for sharing that...you made my day! :)
I think a little sugar is fine. But when I make my oatmeal with milk, it is naturally sweet and doesn't need any sugar.
1/2 cup oatmeal, a little cinnamon, some stevia, ground flaxseed put through a food processor
add to three egg whites and stir with a fork until well mixed (this takes some stirring)

fry like a pancake

I use about 1 T Log Cabin sugar free syryp but I have eaten it without and it is "OK" not delicious, just OK.
I use banana's, fresh strawberries, or blueberries. I don't like any other sweetener in my oatmeal.

Thanks for all the suggestions, I love the ones with soy milk in it but soy milk makes my boobs hurt really bad. Go figure. Too much estrogen or something like that! I printed out quite a few ideas so thank you all so very much!
Debbie in OH
I make mine with rice milk and then add raisins, hazelnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds when it's cooked - yummy!!


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