
Thanks for the bread suggestion, Cathe! I bought the raisin version of it yesterday and had a piece toasted with a dab of peanut butter & pure fruit preserves….very tasty! :9

I also wanted to wish the best in the rehab of your knee. I’m going through some knee problems myself, so understand completely. ;(

Kathy G

You should try their raisin bread. It's also yummy. I was happy to read your 05/09/06- update. That is great NEWS!!!

Thanks for taking the time to respond.

Love ya,

I can't wait to try the oatmeal bars. Have you ever just omitted the splenda? Don't have any in the house, might have to use some shhhh shhhh sugar!

Also, has anyone tried the protein bar recipe from Alton Brown's Good Eats?

Wendy Marie
HI Yvonne,

Have you ever tried Quaker Oatmeal Squares? Its a cold cereal in a blue box. Its crunchy and has a cinnamony flavor. I eat it when I am burned out on regular oatmeal.

I don't have a box right now (runs out quickly bc the whole family loves it!), but I believe that per serving it has an equivalent amount of protein and fiber but a bit more sugar than regular oatmeal. I think its like 15g more sugar per serving, about 1 teaspoon. Plus, its fortified with vitamins! (That's how I justify the extra sugar).

Bonus info.: It always costs $1 less at Wal-mart than regular grocery stores

BTW,Were you traumatized by oatmeal as a child? My Husband was and can't even watch me eat regular oatmeal!:) :)
No, I've never omitted the Splenda, but you could use sugar (if you like that sort of thing:) ) It will increase the calories and carbs of course.
Another thing I see fitness industry (Oxygen fitness models, competitors) people do is add it to their protein shakes and it gets blended in. I've never done it because thankfully I like oatmeal, but I was intrigued by the idea as an altnerative when I make a shake on the run and bring it with me and throwing some oatmeal in sounded like a good idea.

Ann Risler
Another thing I see fitness industry (Oxygen fitness models, competitors) people do is add it to their protein shakes and it gets blended in. I've never done it because thankfully I like oatmeal, but I was intrigued by the idea as an altnerative when I make a shake on the run and bring it with me and throwing some oatmeal in sounded like a good idea.

Ann Risler
Thank you Cathe and everyone for responding, I have received a lot of great ideas to enhance the flavor of oatmeal and some other cereal suggestions.

You guys are the best!


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