

Dear Cathe,

I was pleased to read in your update that your leg injury is improving. That is indeed great news! I have a question, I have read in the forums and other fitness sites that oatmeal is the food choice for body builders and those that are trying to lose weight. Unfortunately, I CAN'T STAND OATMEAL (note the capital letters). What other choices for breakfast, in turns of hot cereals or even cold cereals, do I have?

What's a good replacement for oatmeal?


While you're waiting for a response from Cathe, why not repost this question in the "Open Discussion" forum, where we Catheites can give you some good alternatives to oatmeal for breakfast?

I'm not Cathe and I'm not usually a big fan of oatmeal either. However when reading a health magazine recently I read an article featuring Gabby Reace, the vollyball player. She stated that every morning she eats a bowl of prepared "old fashioned oats" with a little bit of almond butter and maple syrup. I thought it was worth a try. I found it to be missing something so with a little bit of experimenting I got it just right and now I crave it everyday. Here is what I do:
-Prepare one serving of old fashioned oats according to the directions using water and ommiting the salt.
-just before it is finished cooking, add about a heaping TBSP of dried cherries (I tried raisins; they are an o.k. substitute but not as good). Remove the pan from the stove and cover with a lid. Let stand for a few minutes so that the cherries re-plump.
-Place oatmeal in a bowl and add just a half TBSP of almond butter and one TBSP of REAL maple syrup. Yes, the real stuff does make a difference. Mix and enjoy. It is like a gooy warm cookie.
Good luck!
Kashi cereals have high fiber and high protein and taste great. On days with weights I eat them. On aerobic days I just eat fiber one honey clusters- high in fiber and taste:)

PS I find high fiber cereals really fill me up!!
Hi Yvonne! Would you like oatmeal if you could add some things to it? Sometimes I add honey, sometimes I add cinnamon and soy milk, etc. I have a friend who absolutely LOVES their oatmeal mixed with peanut butter and bananas.

Sometimes I eat flourless organic bread with peanut butter smeared on it. MMMM, as a matter of fact I'm gonna go fetch me some now :9

Hope this helps!
Another idea for changing the flavour of oatmeal is to add apple sauce and cinnamon. I peel, chop, microwave then mash an apple with some cinnamon. Also, I sometimes use almond milk and add a spoonful of soya yoghurt. Yum.
Another idea for changing the flavour of oatmeal is to add apple sauce and cinnamon. I peel, chop, microwave then mash an apple with some cinnamon. Also, I sometimes use almond milk and add a spoonful of soya yoghurt. Yum.
Thank you so much for replying, I will try to add something to the oatmeal to give it more taste. The flourless bread that you are referring to, is that the one made by "Food for Life"?

Thank you so much for replying, I will try to add something to the oatmeal to give it more taste. The flourless bread that you are referring to, is that the one made by "Food for Life"?

Thanks everyone, everybody has given me great ideas, maybe I'll give oatmeal one more try using all the suggestions.

Here's a recipe the kids love for our weekend treat . . . They especially like to crack all those eggs!


1 c whole wheat flour
4 tsp baking powder
2 tsp baking soda
dash salt
4 cups old fashioned rolled oats (1 of these cups may be flax, wheat germ, bran, cornmeal, whatever)

4 eggs
1/4 c canola oil (or use none)
4 tsp vanilla
4 cups buttermilk
For guests, I'll add 1/4 sugar (they seem to cook better)

Optional additions: toasted pecans, mashed bananas, orange rind, raisons, cinnamon

Pour the wet into dry and gently mix. Let sit about 20-30 min. (Just enough time to clean up the kitchen mess and set the table) Preheat a lightly greased electric frying pan set at 350. Brown both sides. Serve with maple syrup, yogurt, granola, fruit. We love these cold with peanut butter, honey, cinnamon and raisons too!

***The best part about these pancakes is when the kids get hungry while I'm doing my morning workout, they just help themselves to the plain ones left on the kitchen counter!!!
Thanks Wendy!

I copied this one down for this weekend.


The only other oat thing I could think of was muesli. I make up my own to sprinkle over yogurt (vanilla or plain) out of rolled oats, dried fruit (apricots, apples, raisins), nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans), and toasted coconut if I have it (usually don't).
Here's another way to eat oats if you don't like oatmeal:

Apple Cinnamon Breakfast Bars

3 cups old fashioned rolled oats (uncooked)
1 cup non-fat dry milk
½ cup soy flour, oat flour or whole wheat flour
2 tbs. cinnamon
½ cup Splenda
2 tsp. baking powder
¼ tsp. salt
1 cup dried apples (no sugar added) or other dried fruit
½ cup chopped nuts (optional)
1 cup unsweetened applesauce
1 cup egg whites
1 cup fat-free cottage cheese
2/3 cup Torani’s or Davinci’s sugar-free vanilla syrup
Sugar-free jelly or preserves

Heat oven to 350. In a large bowl mix together dry ingredients. Add fruit and nuts and toss to coat. In a medium bowl mix together wet ingredients. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and blend well. Spread in a 10x13 baking dish sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. Bake for 30-40 mins. until edges are brown and center is set (these are better on the “well done” side). Allow to cool completely and spread with sugar-free jelly or preserves. Cut into 10 bars.

Each bar contains:

Calories – 211
Fat – 2g
Carbs – 36g
Fiber – 5g
Protein – 15g

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