O/T: What is your favorite day of the week?

I absolutely LOVE Fridays! Even though I have to work Friday, I love to relax with the family on Friday evenings. Sundays are pretty relaxing too, but I know Monday is right around the corner so it isn't as enjoyable as Friday.

Enjoy your weekend!
Thursday, because it's almost the weekend, and Friday is my rest day. I know after I'm done exercising on Thursday, I get a little break!
I can't pick just one. It would be both Saturday and Sunday because I get to sleep in...I love to sleep in!
I'd have to say Friday and Saturday for me...Friday coz it signals the week's end and Saturday coz I get to do what I want all day and don't have to worry about work the next day!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Thursday...it's my day off work AND my alone time (which I have to have to stay sane) because it's DH's band practice night. So I get the whole day & most of the evening (until about midnight) to myself!

I would have to say Sunday night or Monday... I work every weekened 12 hours saturday and 12 hours Sunday...So Sunday night is my Friday..LOLOL

:) ;-) :p :9 :7 :+

I know what you are saying about alone time. I need that too. My DH bowls on a league a couple times a week so I get my time then.
It's a must for me otherwise I fear I'd kill him! lol :p

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!


Thursday is my day off from work, so it is definitely my favorite!!! I also get to sleep in a little and can wait to do my workout until the afternoon!
I absolutely love MONDAYS!!! I always take my rest day on Sunday so, when Monday comes again I feel great and ready to go again!
Monday is our family's Saturday. My husband works weekends so Monday the whole family is together again, until Friday.
What is your favorite day of the week? The day I get up healthy and have my right mind and do my exercise so for me, that's TODAY!!!!!
Friday night....we put the kids to bed early and then my husband and I cook ourselves a gourmet meal and open a fine bottle of wine. Sometimes we watch a movie or do other things... I look forward to this all week long!

Right now it's Saturday (only because class is on Sunday nights this session). When I have class on Saturday mornings, Saturday and Sunday tend to tie as my favorite day of the week, because after class on Saturdays, I can do whatever I want until Monday.

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