O/T missed period...what's going on?

Michele S

I'm a few days late in getting my period. I've been having some light cramping and a very "moist" feeling, but nothing else. I'm not on birth control and have been very successful with NFP, so I'm almost 95% positive that I am not pregnant. Has anyone else experienced this?
Could be many things: birth control failure (only abstinence and sterilization are 100% effective, and NFP is not the most effective), very low body fat which can lead to ammenorhea, irregular periods that can happen around perimenopause (anywhere from 35 on up).
I have no idea what NFP stands for but I think you should RUN to the drug store & get a test kit to find out just how successful you've been with it. I truly hope that it won't be bad news if you are pregnant.
i had "light" cramping one time and was sure i'd start the next day, or the next or the next...ya get my drift...prego, but i kept feeling like i was going to start!!
You realize, don't you, that those of us with "inquiring noses" are dying to know if you're pregnant. Go find out, girl! And let us know!

I think NFP must mean Natural Family Planning.

A word of caution :

get on over to Cathe's Pregnancy forum and read the most interesting article on one of the recent posts on latest scientific research that has discovered that many, many women ovulate more than once a month, making "natural" or "rhythm" methods of birth control highly likely to fail.

I am not preaching to you here, just pointing out some possibilities.

Consider also whether you are under additional stress right now? I experience late periods and skipped periods all the time and it has nothing to do with hormone levels at all: it is simply that my body is so incredibly sensitive to stress. I can chart it. When my stress levels have sky-rocketed, yup, that will explain the missed period....

It may also be the onset of perimenopause which can begin as early as age 35. I have no idea how young/old you may be!

A few things to think about. Your body is an incredibly sensitive machine.

What is your a.m. Temp? That will be a good indication of what is going on. I am very familiar with NFP and it is very effective, although there is that 2% chance, the same as most other birth controls, that you could be pregnant. Have you ever been pregnant before? When you're pregnant, it feels similar to starting a period, but without the bleeding. Keep us updated!
just an update!

Still no period. I am very tempted to go get a pregnancy test, but I am still very sure that I am not pregnant. My husband was away on business quite a bit this month, and most importantly, during my ovulation. I had intercourse (what is the proper terminology for that?) last Sunday, and am almost embarassed to say that was the only time all month. My period was due that same week and with NFP, I pretty much knew that I was safe.

I have NEVER missed a period. I think my stress levels are pretty constant all the time, but maybe with DH away I was stressing a bit more...who knows!?! The funny thing is when I mentioned all this to my husband, he, very jokingly said, so who's the father?

Is it possible to ovulate late in a cycle, like day 25 or later? If I am pregnant, I will consider this Divine Intervention...I have an appt. tomorrow to see about getting an IUD! We were contemplating baby #3 and have decided to put it off for a while...maybe not???
Not to worry,I am always missing mine.It disappears all the time. SOme monthes it will be right on time and other times it could be 1 week to 2 weeks late.
I mentioned it to my doc b/c I didn't know if I was working out to much,I didn't think I was.He said my body weight hasn't decreased so that shouldn't be the reason.He said as long as you are having a period every 4-6 weeks then he wouldn't worry about it.
Hope I helped.
RE: just an update!

I'm pretty sure it's possible to ovulate more than once during a cycle, and my mother swears she ovulates a week or so before she gets her period. I'd check into it. If it's divine intervention, you'll have some preparations to make ;). You might want to book that room early so you won't have to sleep in the stable.

RE: just an update!

you always start 14 days after u ovulate....whether your cycle is 28, 30 or 32 days etc...period is ALWAYS 14 days after ovulation.
RE: just an update!

I kinda thought it was possible to ovulate at other times, but I got curious about it, so I went to About.com/ovulation and cut and pasted this info (thought you'd want to know):

"Women tend to ovulate mid-cycle; however, it is more accurate to say that they ovulate fourteen days before menstruation. Women have been known to ovulate at any time during their cycle, including during menstruation, although this is unusual."
ready for this...

Hi all!

Well, I am NOT pregnant (at least right now). I must admit that I am extremely relieved...just not ready yet for the third!

I had to have a repeat Pap done today and the nurse offered to take a urine sample to test and it was negative. However, I am ovulating now. For whatever reason, my ovulation must have been delayed and my cycle is really screwed up. My doctor said if I don't get my period in two weeks that I should take another pregnancy test, just in case, but feels that everything is fine.

Thanks for all your opinions and support!!!
RE: ready for this...

Ah, so glad to hear your good news, since you're not ready for another baby. I was worried about you. Glad you checked into it.

What a coincidence. I just missed my first period ever. It gave me a heart attack. I did and EPT and it came out negative. I called my DR. he said it was not uncommon with the mini pill (Mircette). I have also been very stressed. This did not help to lesen my stress levels at all. Does anyone know what % body fat the periods stop at? I am sure I have a way to go. I am also 35. I love my children but I have no desire to do 9 more months of pregnancy.
I don't know your age, but you could be experiencing perimenopause.

A lot of women in their 30's don't realize they are menopausal.

Have you asked your gyn to do a blood test to check your hormonal levels?

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