O/T...does anyone sponsor a child?

Michele S

Since seeing the Oprah special on PrimeTime last week, I'm really interested in sponsoring a child. Does anyone know of any trustworthy organizations? There are so many out there and I want to make sure that the majority of my money is going where it should and not in someone's pocket!


P.S. Happy Holidays, everybody! Stay safe and don't forget to workout!:D
We've sponsored a child for about five years now through "Save the Children". They're trustworthy, and it's been a great experience. There are plenty of trustworthy organizations out there. You'll enjoy it, and if you have kids, they will too!!

Thanks for the info. I'm going to check out both organizations. I'd like to sponsor two that are the same ages and sex as my children, so as my children grow they can appreciate what they have and feel good about helping another child that's the "same" as they are!
I don't but as a teacher/director of a Head Start program, I'd like to let you all know that you can donate food, clothing, books, toys to any Head Start and it would be greatly appreciated. Bigger items, especially new items, are used as a fundraising tool to raise money for new equipment for the classrooms. Head Start is under the "gun" from Prez Bush and funds are low. These children and families are truly poor. They own the bare essentials, if that. Many sleep as a family in one bed. Children have no books or puzzles. No winter coat but a spring coat with 2 sweaters underneath. I donate to my own organization all the time and I'd like to encourage others to do the same. This year I bought 18 pairs of boots for the site so that all children would be able to go out and play in the snow. Trust me, it's like Christmas for me too when we get donations to help families. Also, any Outreach Center will happily sponser a family for you. It's always in the giving. Blessings to you all, Alexis
I was going to suggest the same thing. I have donated new books, picture books with casette read along, puzzles, children's CDs, and puppets to Head Start. They are all appreciated.

We have been sponsoring 2 children since 1996: a now 7 year old boy from Peru and a now 15 year old from Bolivia.

I highly recommend them. Very organized and reputable.

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/lach.gif[/img]
RE: Worldvision

We sponser a Guatemalan little girl, named Reina through Christian Children's Fund and a little boy in Africa named Mica through WorldVision. They make a difference. We get letters on their progress and letters from the kids. The little girl was so tiny when we started with her and she has flourished on 25 dollars a month. I love oth organizations and feel confident that the donations get where they should be going and it's a good way to show my kids how we can help and how we can make a difference in this crzy world!
http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/coollook.gif Bobbi
RE: Worldvision

We sponsor a little boy (he's not so little anymore!) from Guatamala through Compassion Int'l. We get frequent letters and a photo every year! I researched this before we got involved and this is a wonderful organization whose books are open and audited. The money really goes to the children (and their families). It is a Christian organization and they do promote bible study - just so you know.

I sponsor a little girl from the Dominican Republic, through Children International. I've only been doing it for a few months, so I don't know yet how it will go. It seems like a nice thing to do - helping a child who is in need... :), and this one is only $15 a month (but you can send extra if you want).
RE: Worldvision

We have sponsered a little girl in the Philipines (sp?) thru Compassion International for about 6 years now. We love getting and sending the letters and pictures.

take care
I will join the chorus for Compassion International. They are a fantastic organization and you aren't dealing with a lot of the overhead that is associated with other organizations.

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