O/T been really sick:(


Hey everyone I haven't been on in over a week cuz Tuesday I got food poisoning and had to go to the ER and get fluid put back into me. But anyway they gave me something through the tube to stop the throwing up and I felt like I was ready to crawl out of my skin, so they had to give me bendryl (sp). Now since then because of the bad reaction I have had such bad panic attacks that I now have to go back on paxil that I just got off over a month ago. Right now I am going up and down. I just hate this feeling. Im also taking zanax a few times a day until the paxil kicks in. This bums me out all because of the food posioning:(. I just started excersing yesterday but it is hard because i feel really tire and light headed but the Dr said it is ok because it will help with the panic. Just to let you know I do have a history of Panic Disorder. Please pray that this will pass very soon:) Thanks for listening.

my heart goes out to you becuase I have been there quite recently and remember exactly how this goes. You know too, just keep exercising when you feel up to it, but don't even strive for your normal intensity levels, otherwise it will do more harm than good. Paxil will take effect, and you know this medication so you know the end of this misery is in sight. Rest, baby your body, it's been through the wringer. Get that someone special in your life to treat you real nice right now. And a big hug for you from me, another panic disorder sufferer, not thinking of coming off the meds any time soon!!!....

Clare :)
My prayers for you and a speedy recovery. Getting ill can really get you down. I had my share of back to back cold/flus last year. Knocked me on my b---! But do to these forums and the caring people here I crawled back out of my hole. I believe anti-depressants are good for getting thru bad times...and I have confidence you will get thru this.....:)...Carole
Hi Barbara,

I noticed that you haven't been on much lately. First food poising, now anxiety- that stinks! I know that Xanax can make you feel drained and sleepy, therefore making exercise a huge challenge. The whole thing just intereferes with daily life. I have depression & anxiety and can sympathize with the rollercoaster feeling. Unfortunately, as you know, you will probably have Panic Disorder for your whole life, but luckily it may only kick in once in a while. Panic attacks can be very scary, espcially when you haven't had them in a while. You can remember the incidents, but until one hits you again, you don't (or at least I don't) remember how horrible the actual feelings & physical symptoms can be. Have faith, especially now that you are taking Paxil. You are totally on the right track, and with time you will feel like yourself again.

[font color=purple]I hope you feel better very soon![/font color=purple]
I am so sorry to hear about the terriable bout with food poisoning!! You will overcome these panic attacks again!!

Take care and stay strong!!


Hi Barbara, more prayers sent your way. DO NOT get down about a few weeks off the exercise circuit. The endurance and strength will return, but wait until you are REALLY feeling well enough!!!!

So sorry to hear about this. Do you know what you got the food poisoning from? Just curious.

Hi Barbara!

Sorry to hear about your problems. I will definitely keep you in my prayers. I think I had food poisoning last Sunday. Whew, I was sick fortunatelty just 12 hours but very weak the next day. Take it easy and ease back when you can. Come here often for a dose of encouragement when you need it. Lots of caring people here to listen or give you a HUG! Missed you!!!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi Barbara!

HI Barbara,
Have you by chance, read the book Adrenal Fatigue by James Wilson? It was recommened for me to read by Tracie Long Mattheuw's nutritionalist. You all know that I have lupus, but I also was undergoing some panic attacks as well. This book has helped me a great deal and I'm working with Tracie's nutritionalist who also has a background in endocrinology. I was surprised to find out how much the adrenals do and what happens when they are overloaded. I found that sometimes a trauma (such as your food poisoning) can trigger other things to go haywire in your system, especially if the adrenals had been previously overworked. You are welcome to private email me if you want for more info. or just to talk.

Panic attacks are not fun and they are very real and scarey as they are occuring. While I'm work in process,as I just started on treatment (which are electrolytes, amino acids to name just two, but we are working with my med doctors in my equation as well. I love the teamwork that is going on here.

I wish you peaceful thoughts and to be kind and gentle with yourself. I send you hugs.
Oh, Barbara I really hope this passes for you soon. Keep checking in with us; It may get you back feeling better,and you may want to esercise more if you read what everyone is up to! get those endorphins pumping:) :) :) !
So sorry to hear this! Sounds like you've been through an awful time. Hope you are feeling much better soon!!
Hi Barbara: You sound very discouraged, reaching out is one of the best things you could have done. Good for you!!
In addition to your strategies to lessen the panic attacks never under estimate the power of deep, focussed breathing, it is our only window into the 'rest and digest' parasympathetic nervous system.
Keep the faith and trust that better days are ahead:) :)
Take Care
Hi, Barbara! Sweetie, I am so sorry to hear you've had food poisoning which was serious enough to land you in the hospital. That's pretty serious stuff! You must be pretty bummed to have gone off Paxil and found you need it again. A friend recently told asked me if I knew the expression that the Good Lord never gives you more than you can handle. He said he thinks He gives you MORE than you can handle and when you've handled it, you are stronger than you ever knew you could be. So give yourself the chance to feel better and stronger and you'll find you have what it takes to do anything! Sometimes we need a little extra help and isn't it wonderful it's there for us when we need it? You are in my thoughts and prayers and it's good to see you are ok! Big fat hugs to you!
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
Doing a lot better today:)

Hi Everyone:) I just started doing better yesterday and today is much better. My medicence finally kick in. It is such a horrible feeling. Thanks for all your prayers because they were heard. I never did stop excerising though. It was tough in the beginning because of the zanax which I haven't had in a few days now so I am starting to feel more myself again. Well anyway today is my Birthday so I guess this is the best present I can ask for:). Not doing anything special because my husband is working late, maybe we will go and get some TCBY tonight. Thanks again everyone for letting me reach out to you.
Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Barbara! Glad to hear you are feeling better! Enjoy your day, relax, kick up your feet and have a great day!

Enjoy and take care!

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