O.K. Ladies, let's talk skin care!!!

>So ladies - those of you using the Retinol and AHA's - what
>brands or where are you obtaining them?
>More info the the old lady here who really needs to step up
>her skin care please;-)

I know you can get prescription Retin-A from a dermatologist, but I've been doing just fine with over-the-counter Retinol. I've had great results with the Alpha Hydroxy line. I get mine from Drugstore.com only because there is not a store nearby that carries them. I know Ulta stores do carry some of the AHA products, as do some drugstores.

I use the foaming fash wash morning and night:

the sheer moisturizer during the day under makeup:

and rotate between these three products at night:



The Philosophy one is the only expensive product, but since I use just a little every three days, it lasts forever.

Hope this helps~ good luck!
I LOVE Alpha Hydroxy products. I find mine at a store called Rite-Aid (drug store) and (like she says above) at Ulta.
I might be in the running with tneah as far as skin care junkie.
I took tneah's advice a few weeks back and went on skincarestore.com
I too like the more agressive products. I purchased the Obagi.
I am 35 next month and have noticed fine lines around my eyes.
I bought the cleanser and exfoliating cream. My skin got
red and irritated but I was forewarned. I love it!!!! When you
order you also get a small gift bag of samples, mostly anti aging
I noticed. I tried the Kinerase cream. I love it!! I have to
stop with this. The Kinerase products are expensive. I am
committed to Obagi. I have to stop my addiction

Tneah- Just curious if you have tried any of the Kinerase line
and if so what you thought.

Jennifer Claire 12/24/2005
Taylor Elizabeth 08/22/2007
tneah ~ what products did you use? It is time for me to purchase products. I was considering SkinMedica.

BTW, I am a junkie too.

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