O.k. guys, check this out...


I finally got up the courage to join a gym. I figured that I had been missing something since I had never worked on the stacked weight equipment, just free weights. My weight is down, I'm no longer obese...heck I'm no longer fat (Yeah!) so I felt pretty comfortable joining a gym.

I joined on March 2nd and I bought 5 personal training sessions. Mainly to see what kind of a program they would develope for me after finding out my goals and also to see what it was like working with a personal trainer. I got my personal trainer certification through ACE in 2000. I've never put it to professional use, at that time I was still obese and so it was just a personal goal for myself.

Anyway, here is what happened...and it isn't pretty:

The first one hour meeting, I filled out this form about goals. I put down that I really wanted to work on my flexibility and I wanted to work on developing a six pack. We went over what I ate that day, breakfast was fat free yogurt and oatmeal, snack was a fruit and cottage cheese, lunch was tuna on whole wheat with an orange, snack was a Myoplex Lite shake and dinner was going to be a baby spinach salad with diced chicken breast, a dinner roll and a big ole glass of skim milk. The personal trainer said that I needed to clean up my diet and eat more protein...period.

Then he wanted to know what kind of working out I had been doing. I told him walking and fitness videos. He said videos by who? Well I said on easy days maybe a Kathy Smith, on harder days maybe a Kari Anderson and on tough days a Cathe Freidrich...well he hadn't heard of any of you; but that didn't stop him from telling me that you can't get a good workout from videos, the only way to burn fat is to hit the weights and get on some of the aerobic equipment (bikes, tredmills and so on). Now at this point I'm just taking this all in, gettig a feel for what its like to be a personal trainer because I'm thinking of a career change.

The next morning we had our first sessions. I wanted 7:30 am but he insisted on 10:00 am. I told him I had to be at work at 11:00am and that I needed more time getting from our workout to my office. His response 'You have to give up some of the control...let me help you.' Now I am a pretty easy going person, but this guy almost ended up with my chair wrapped around his head. I met him the next morning at 10:00am. He put me on an exercise bike for 5 minutes to warm up, then we hit the weights. Basically we did the 75%-85% if my one rep max...meaning 3 sets of 8-12 reps using free weights and machines. Afterwards he said 'O.k., be sure to stretch out and meet me in my office.' I was thinking, wait a minute...wasn't my goal to work on flexibility? And he is just going to walk away. Well, I stretched out and I headed for his office, I was more than ready to have a little talk. As soon as I got to his office he said he was going to assign me another personal trainer if I didn't mind because his load was too heavy. I gladly said it was alright. So we made the appointment.

I met with my new trainer, a nice young lady in college studying Kinesiology...I was feeling pretty hopeful. Unfortuantely my workout with her was pretty much the same as the one with the first trainer. I asked her if she had seen my goals and she said yes she had my paper work. She did give me some new stretches that I like, but we didn't address my flexibility. She also gave me a book on low calorie cooking, which was fine. Finally about half way through my second session with her I noticed that she would look around, think for a minute then decide what exersice to do next, now keep in mind, on this day there was only one other guy hitting the weights at the same time we were. I finally asked her, 'Hey, did you actually design a workout for me? Because it looks to me like we are flying by the seat of out pants and to be honest, I can do that on my own, I don't need to pay $65 and hour for that kind of a workout.' She said she hadn't actually designed a workout, but we were working to help my build muscle and endurance.

Now when I renewed my Personal Trainer certification I used the Douglas Brooks program called 'Program Design for Personal Trainers' and I wasn't seeing the kind of attention and design that he said should go into designing a program for a client. I was seeing the one size fits all and I didn't care for it. I told her so, and I asked her how was this going to increase my range of motion when we only stretch about 3 minutes at the end of my workouts. Now at this point I guess we got the other guys attention, the one that was hitting the weights with us.

My trainer goes, 'O.k., lets do some stretching and I'll show you ways to stretch for relaxation and to increase flexibility.' I was like was happy with that...until she showed me the first stretch. She did that deep lounge stretch with one leg straight the other bent and the body facing forward with the hands on floor between the legs. Now the problem here was she had the heel of her foot of the bent leg off the floor, she was only on the ball of her foot, her bent knee was way past her toes with her butt really low adding a lot of weight to the pull against the knee and her straight leg was locked at the knee...I sat there and I actually corrected my trainers form. We unlocked her knee, we shifted her weight back so that her bent knee went over her foot and she was able to put her heel down and we lifted her hips a bit to take pressure off the knee. The guy that was workout out with us started asking me questions; and thanks to Douglas Brooks I fired off the right answers. What I didn't know was that this guy was the club manager and guess what, I was getting interviewed!

After he asked me a bunch of questions, he asked about my training and I told him that I was ACE certified and he actually offered me a job! Now how cool is that? I actually start working as a personal trainer on April 3rd. Of course the first thing I did was go home and start re-reading all my training materials.:) I'm also in the process of getting my group certification; I took one of their group classes and they need help there too. Only three students in the class.

This whole thing just blows my mind. While the trainers were nice and very personable, they were not worth that $65 to me. Now maybe they specialize in training for sports or something like that I don't know but man...:9

That is an awesome story. As I was reading it, I kept saying to myself, "Deedee should be the trainer!" LOL! Now you are!!!
I have to give the manager a little bit of credit though, for hiring you! You can certainly teach them a thing or two!

Congratulations! And I hope that if I ever hire a personal trainer, she's as good as you're going to be!!!!
Good for you! That's a great story -- except for the lousy trainers you had to deal with. But now you know what NOT to do! :)

Your story does not surprise me at all. I have been a member of countless gyms and I have only found a handful of "trainers" that know anything. Alot of the chain gym's "trainers" are just salespeople that have had a run through of how to use the equipment. A friend of mine had a few trainign sessions with a lady who was certified(I won't mention the name)and the lady never looked at her info about her having a bad back. Wouldn't you know, my friend got injured. I'm sure there was a lack of communication on both parts, but still unfortunate.
Good for you on the new job! Sounds like some needed changes at that gym!

That's awesome! Good for you!! Don't forget to tell that first trainer you worked with, that you CAN get a good workout from videos by Cathe, actually even BETTER than a gym!! I skip gym class & do a Cathe on days when I want to work HARDER!!

Congrats to you!!

Danielle :7
Deedee--what a great story! And a very good ending! Now they'll have at least ONE competent personal trainer on their staff. Maybe they will pay you extra to coach the others ;)

It's horrible to be subjected to the incompetencies of other supposed "professionals," especially when you know better yourself (I'm not in the fitness field, but there is a collegue in the French department here who should not be teaching--at least not French..which he doesn't seem to do anyway).

Let us know what happens after your first week!
Congratulations!! I can't believe what a couple of dolts they were. I've never had a personal trainer because I've heard stories about them. Also, I don't like to touch equipments after someone sweated on them. 99.9% of the time they NEVER wipe it off so it killed me which is why I don't care for gym anymore. I don't understand why they think you won't benefit from videos. I lost over 130 pounds from doing mostly videos before I backed off from the gym. I'm proud of you. I wish you lots of luck!! You can kick their asses :eek:)


Loved the story! At first I was thinking what a horrible experience but then it all turned out beautifully! :) Yes! Way to go girl!

You're right though - a lot of gyms regardless do the one size fits all program which is fine IF you're the one constantly getting the newbies in the gym who have never had any weight training. But damn, when someone says I've been working out at home and doing this and that, the trainer should really listen up and try to get more details so that he'she can design a program specifically for you!

I am so proud of you! And so exctied and thrilled for you too! :7 :7 Maybe you'll end up with the position of Trainer of the trainers! Sounds like that's what the gym needs! I bet the owner/manager will be taking a closer look at those other two trainers now! ;-)

I'm so glad you mentioned that book. I saw that at Borders and was wondering if I should purchase it or not and now I know! Any other book recommendations?

Enjoy your new job!
Congratulations on the new job and for putting that young lady in her place. I too will stick with my Cathe routines. I trained at the gym for over 3 years a while back then left cuz I was just tired of the whole thing. I wish you the best of luck in your new job! You'll probably be having clients waiting in line! :) Susan
Deedee, that's awesome about getting a job!! Congrats!

As for those "trainers"......puuuuleeeze!!! Gag me. I am disgusted with their idiocy. "You need to clean up your diet!!??" Good grief! The diet of that particular day was practically impeccable! Clean eating is one thing, but excessive obsession is something else! Gah!

You done good, girl!! :D

Thanks for your kind responses and well wishes everybody.:p

About people not wiping off gym equipment...I hear you! I've taken to using 2 towels. One I place on the equipment before I use it and the other is for me to towel off with.

I will let clients know that if they are interested, they can get a fantastic workout from fitness videos. I lost my excess weight using fitness videos along with many others.

I couldn't believe that these trainers had never heard of Kathy Smith. Cathe Friedrich...Kari Anderson maybe(because they have more of a certain targeted group of exercisers. Cathe the more advanced exerciser who looks for the challenging workout, and Kari Anderson favors the dance/performance type exerciser), but Kathy Smith? What hole have they had their heads in for the last twenty years?:*

Take care and stay fit!

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