NYC Get-together

Aww, shucks, Melody. <Blush>

Yup, I'm lurking, trying to find a way to kill time until the end of the day. I think a NYC GTG would be fun....where would we go? Someplace really fattening? :+
Like I said in the thread that didn't belong to "us", lol, I would be in for a NYC get-together and late summer sounds fine.

>:p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p
>:p :p :p :p :p

Hey Michele....what's with the faces!?!? You ARE coming, aren't you!!!??? *taps foot impatiently waiting for the ONLY acceptable answer...which is YES, btw!;) *
Bunbun and Nancy are coming...the crowd is getting bigger...hey many can legally party on your deck w/o it coming crashing to the ground? }(
>Bunbun and Nancy are coming...the crowd is getting
>bigger...hey many can legally party on your deck
>w/o it coming crashing to the ground? }(

Hey TiG

I'll have to throw a county-wide impromptu party to check out the deck stability.:7

Will get back to you on that one.;-)
>>Bunbun and Nancy are coming...the crowd is getting
>>bigger...hey many can legally party on your
>>w/o it coming crashing to the ground? }(
>Hey TiG
>I'll have to throw a county-wide impromptu party to check out
>the deck stability.:7
>Will get back to you on that one.;-)

LOL! ;)

There was a news story quite a while back that I had heard about a deck that broke b/c there was a party at the house and there were too many people on it (probably dancing,etc.)!!!:eek:
So what do ya think ladies....will it be a GTG in NYC or a deck party in GA!? ;) LOL

Seriously though, this will be way cool if it works out. Makes me feel less whiney about missing the GTG in Rochester! :p :+
<<There was a news story quite a while back that I had heard about a deck that broke b/c there was a party at the house and there were too many people on it (probably dancing,etc.)!!!>>

This actually happened to my cousins about 10 years ago. They were having a bbq--no dancing--and their deck collapsed. Several people wound up with broken bones; they got sued and they had to sue the builders of their house.
><<There was a news story quite a while back that I had heard
>about a deck that broke b/c there was a party at the house and
>there were too many people on it (probably dancing,etc.)!!!>>
>This actually happened to my cousins about 10 years ago. They
>were having a bbq--no dancing--and their deck collapsed.
>Several people wound up with broken bones; they got sued and
>they had to sue the builders of their house.

OUCH! How scarey!
Very scarey. They were lucky that the only injuries were some broken bones. They had the bbq going on the deck--my cousin actually picked it up and threw it off to the side as the deck was falling, so noone was burned.
Thank you Shelley, and please accept my apologies for crashing your Rochester GTG thread. NOT. :p

As TiGGer says, a lot of people mentioned to me that NYC would work for them, and I'm thrilled to see all the responses here! We need to plan pretty far in advance to make sure we get Melody. I've been toying with the idea of finding out if we can get a group rate at a hotel, or just let everyone fend for themselves. Some people are going to be in NY for other things, and can work in a GTG.

The cool thing about a NYC GTG is that so many people already live in the area, and can even do a day trip, like Debbie and Wendy and Bunbun and others who have mentioned it on this thread. For those who are coming further, I think we should plan a dinner and at least a brunch the next morning. With help from Wendy and Debbie, I'm happy to coordinate everything. The first step though, is to pick a date. Maybe we should do a poll to find out the best week for everyone?

Gosh, I'm wordy this morning. Date poll to come.

Hey NYC lovers. Phhhhbt on those darn upstaters ;P A more ideal time would be over the summer for me, just b/c my husband is off from school and could more easily watch my son on a weekend day if I need him too. Downtown is about 40 min from me, and I can walk right to the train from my house. Nice! Now, I'm not as NY savvy as Nancy, since I've only lived here a couple years, but I can do my best!

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

Hey, can I come, can I come? I live in VA, but grew up in North Jersey and my parents still live there. It's about a 45 min drive to the GWB, and depending on the date, I'd love to join you all! (Or, I guess I should say, "youse guys..."):)
Deb, we are already on it! The suggestion from Nancy is for a date later in the summer so say...August would be good for you maybe? :)

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