Nutritionist Visit


I broke down and saw a nutritionist.

After maintaining a 30lb weight loss for about 8 years my wieght is creeping up and no matter WHAT I do it will not go away.

I followed her advise for a month with no success. She suggested 5 meals a day balancing protein/carbs/fat. 1T falxseed oil or walnuts in the morning and salmon 2 times per week.

Her assessment is that I probably have a food allergy or a hormone imbalance. Has anyone else experienced this or had one of these tests?

I am sooooo frustrated (and broke)!!!

Please help!!

Hi Sharon

I was suffering with my weight & had bloating etc so I decidied to go and have some food intollerancy test at my local health store (here in the UK) (doesn't involve blood samples, just your body's resistance to different food samples when you complete a mini electrical circuit).

They found I had intollerances to yeast (which includes mushrooms, soy sauce, alcohol...), eggs and wheat (a milder intollerance).

I've felt much better cutting these foods out (for most of the time) - I know you can reintroduce these foods after 3 months (which in a majority of cases will fix the intollerance) - but I have an ongoing battle with yeast and sometimes eggs.

The only problem with having food intollerances (rather than allergies) is they can change from year to year (depending on your diet etc).

Worth giving it a go though (if there's such a service in your area).

Hope this helps,
I agree that both of the above posts could be helpful. I have heard of people doing those allergy tests, but it was not because of weight loss, it was because of other health issues (headaches for example). I think my cousin (North Carolina) paid $300 for her tests, at least may have been higher, like $700 for some reason I am thinking. Her insurance did NOT cover it.

Other thing I read on the net the other day....studies have shown most people underestimate what they are eating and overestimate what they are burning. It was the #1 reason for lack of results when trying to lose weight. I am assuming you have tried strict strict journaling, measuring portions,etc to make sure you are being accurate about what you are eating. The best quote was "you may not be "counting" it but your body is!"

Your portions perhaps have crept up slowly.

Drinking a ton of water is the only other thing I can think of. (at least its cheap!)

It was a blood test that she did.

Didn't AKirkland have something similar? You may do a search on some of her posts.

What I was suggesting is before you do a whole lot of testing, try cutting out sugar and simple carbohydrates/processed foods.

I started gaining weight at age 42 and it was a creep up sort of thing as well. I had a 40 lb weight loss in my early years and was able to maintain it until then. Cutting out sugar made a big difference for me. Many studies on insulin response are showing that as we age, our bodies are not able to metabolize sugar as efficiently, therefore causing our bodies to turn simple carbohydrates into fat very quickly.

Since you say you're broke, I thought this would be an inexpensive test.
After being ill with a virus for six weeks, and prior to that suffering with bloating etc i tried the macrobiotic diet, eating raw pulses {seeds and beans] and green algie and seaweed seemed a bit hard to stomach at first but my health sprung back and my fat levels are at there lowest and still declining, i only cook fish and white meat and try and eat my veg raw as often as possible, im not saying i eat this way all the time {about 80%}of the time, but it was worth getting my health and figure :) back. The macrobiotic diet has been known to combat cancer.

I really recommend this book YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT. by Dr Gillian McKeith. since doing the the food combining mentioned in a section of this book i could join cathe and her crew and not look out of place:7 which i could not have said three months ago.

I hope this helps happy reading.
I agree with Candi that cutting out sugar may be helpful. I never had a weight problem before turning 40 and thought I was a pretty healthy eater. I always ate low fat, but put sugar in my coffee and ate potatoes or pasta with every meal. I went on Atkins and lost 50 lbs. Atkins may be controversial on this board (I'm new so I don't know), but it does work. If you do it correctly and go through each stage of the program as it is layed out in the book you eventually will be eating everything except sugar, white flour and processed foods.

The reason Atkins works so well for some people is glucose intolerance. Your body may be over-producing glucose which is turning to fat. Most nutritionists are so anti-Atkins they would never recommend it, but you should at least get a copy of Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution from your local library and read it. You can then judge for yourself if its the program for you.

I agree that cutting out all forms of processed white sugar should help to cut those lbs down from climbing up there.

Also, what is your water intake and when do you drink water? If I might suggest it, please get and read the book, YOUR BODY'S MANY CRIES FOR WATER. You may be dehydrated and this weight gain might be your body's attempt to ask for more water. This is an enlightening book. Please do get it and read it. You can get it cheap at
You know, I think the above posts are worthwhile, but I also think it's possible you have a hormonal imbalance. New work is underway to understand the relationship between adrenal/cortisol output and weight gain/loss. Another book (you're going to be doing a lot of reading :) ) is The Schwarzbein Principle. You can check it on the web, too, and get the basic info.

I believe, but am not sure, that many women (myself included) eat too little and exercise too much too consistently - (I think there are times when you need to rest your body and times where you can work extra hard, but I think women tend to go full-out, non-stop), and that eventually screws with the hormonal balance so that your body hangs on to the weight, or edges up. I don't really understand this process, but it happened to me, and I know it's happened to others as well .

I had a test on my adrenalin/corstisol output and thyroid. I have normal levels, but my cortisol is too high at the late afternoon - when it's supposed to be high in the morning. Adrenal was normal but edging on high.

Anyway, I think to get it all in perspective might require going to an endocrinologist or talking to this nutritionist again to tell her your program's not working, and she/he needs to fix it!

Take care and keep us updated.
macro diet

Hi. I'm interested in how you've adapted the macrobio diet. I eat macro often (but am not full-on). I have several cookbooks and have read Michio Kushi's original work. Most of the veggies/foods on this diet are COOKED! So are you eating a part raw foods diet too? I know the caloric intake on the standard macro diet is pretty low, as well, right?
I have an appointment with a doctor that can test my hormones on the 19th.

What you say makes sense. Sometimes I feel like maybe I need to just stop doing anything. I didn't work out at all when I lost the weight before. It is very discouraging.

Thanks for sharing.
RE: macro diet

It was while i was actually very ill that i started to eat some of the veg raw as i was to weak to stand to cook and the peas and beans were taken out the night before and left to soak and i noticed that the ones i left in the fridge sprouted and i ate these wrapped in seaweed,and i got my energy back and felt so good. I eat totally raw twice a week, as when pulses are cooked the active enzymes are destroyed almost immediatley, and our bodys need them to stay healthy, there is a cheat way to get these which i do the rest of the week,there is a product called Living Food Energy by Dr Gillian Mckeith,web site,
once opened you have to keep it in the fridge,it sure makes life easier.;-) I have four kids and my abs were a mess, but not any more:) now there like jai's iv also been told i look ten to twelve years younger and last sunday my friend mistook me for a young girl:D and also i drink loads of water i purchased the book the bodys many crys for water after it was suggested,its very good.
Happy reading.

Fitmum:7 .
no. but i'm working on it.


I have this ongoing problem of exercising consistently and eating too little consistently. i'm upping my calories slowly.

good luck! i really want to hear what happens.
Make sure you get your thyroid tested too! Many women have sluggish thyroids and don't know it. I had one -- I didn't gain a lot of weight, just a little, but many people gain weight when their thyroid is out of whack. (My symptoms were fatigue, depression, and general malaise -- all of which I attributed to stress.) Getting my thyroid problems diagnosed and getting on meds changed my life!

Hope you get your problems figured out soon!

I have hypothyroidism, which lowers your metabolism and will cause weight gain. It's very common in woman over 30. Other symptoms can be: sensitivity to cold, fatigue, depression, constipation, carpal tunnel, vertigo. A simple blood test from your doctor can diagnose it. Then it's controlled with synthroid and I feel a TON better!

Hey Wendy - I just saw your post. When you started on the medication wasn't it like, "WOW! I'm me again!" I didn't even know I was depressed until I wasn't anymore. Isn't that weird how that can happen? All the time I thought my husband was being a jerk, and it was really me!:D
>Hey Wendy - I just saw your post. When you started on the
>medication wasn't it like, "WOW! I'm me again!" I didn't
>even know I was depressed until I wasn't anymore. Isn't that
>weird how that can happen? All the time I thought my husband
>was being a jerk, and it was really me!:D

HAHAHAHA! You are so right! ;-) My little violet pill every morning has changed my life.

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