Nutrition/allergy/intolerance to new food question


I have a question for a person who has become intolerant of certain foods as an adult. I am now experiencing an intolerance to milk/dairy, soy and peanut butter. I get really crampy, gasy (to the point my poor dh wants me on the couch:+ ), bloated and rumbling stomach like hunger but eating does not make it go away. I am actually scared to eat any dairy to see if it really is this since I haven't had any at all for about a week now. I am sooo afraid of what my system will do. Somebody had told me to give my system a break from it all and then to reintroduce them one at a time. Well I did that last night with the peanut butter (hadn't had any for about 5 days) and I was a smelly mess again.sigh. So now I really don't want to try dairy because is causes bloating and really severe cramping, or it could be the soy or a combo of them both reacting to my system :eek: :-( I really just don't know.

I am about to go to the doctor and see if I can get some type of testing to see exactly what is causing my problem other than this trial and error method that I have been doing lately. I am severely limited as to what I can eat.;(

Any thoughts would be appreciated, I am a 40 year old peremenopausal woman who works out 6 days a week to Cathe.

Thanks again for reading this!!:7
I also cannot drink milk right now. (I switched my soy to just chocolate soy milk) I also cannot handle the packs of salmon either.
I noticed when I tried to drink a cup of milk the other day that it sat on my stomach like a brick.

I also am 40 and peremenopausal. I have noticed that I feel better leaving these alone so I just don't eat or drink these.

If you are limited to what you can eat by all means go have allergy testing to see exactly what is going on.

Ironically I am having to take my 5 yr old son this Wednesday for allergy testing.

Wow-I thought I was the only one with these problems!

Mine has to do with most animal productsx(-beef, chicken, turkey, eggwhites (yes, even eggwhites),and dairy-I was so bad-as far as bloating, horrible, horrible gas, tummy rumblings that I did not want to be around anyone for fear of complete embarrasment. When I discussed this with my doctor-all she said was to stop eating greasy food-i.e.junk food-when I told her I don't eat that-she just said "you must be everyone does". I think I need to find a new Doc huh?! One who maybe listens!!

I have a brother and a SIL who are both R.D.'s tell me that sometimes to much protein will cause tummy upset(as described above)-so about 6 weeks ago I just decided to cut out most animal productsto see what would happen(I used to eat protein at each of my 5 mini meals per day-total of anywhere between 100-120g per day)

I have had great, great improvement I am not perfect but, much better than I was-about once or twice per week I have been eating grilled shrimp or scallops-these do not seem to affect me in a negative way-I have no idea what is going on with my system.

I will be turning 40 in a little over a week-I don't know if the age thing has anything to do with it or not. I have been battling this problem for a few years now-and I am finally getting some relief. Ironically I have been eating more beans and legumes and NOT having the bloating and gas problems usually associated with these items.

DISCLAIMER: I am not in any way saying that what has worked for me will work for anyone else-I just thought that I would share my experience.


P.S.-Good luck Annette and Kim-I hope you find a solution!!
There's a great book that covers this subject called "The False-Fat Diet", I can't remember the author. It explains how to start with a toxic elimination diet, then gradually introduce the problem foods and beverages back in. Some foods you may have to eliminate for up to 6 months, then begin a rotation diet where you can have that food, but not very often. I had a problem with wheat and I eliminated it for about 3 months, and now I can handle it fine, but I know I can only eat it once every 3 days or so, or it will become a problem again. This book helped me a lot. Give it a try! It would be a shame to give up the foods you love.

Yes, I also recommend "The False-Fat Diet" book. It's written by Dr. Elson Haas, and it's got some very good information on these food intolerances, elimination diets and allergy tests. As a matter of fact, it seems to be very common to be intolerant to the exact foods you mentioned (soy, dairy, peanuts), and they're actually three of the seven most common culprits according to the book. (The other four are corn, wheat, sugar and I forget the last one...). Anyway, I have to warn that not all doctors are familiar to these insensitivities, as they are not the same as classic allergies. They can however be tested in a lab, there's more info about that in the book too.

I actually found the book from these forums too, so you might want to do a search on it.

Hope this helps and you feel better soon!

I am intolerant to milk and also have problems with a few other foods. Over the years, I have seen various doctors and two gastroenterologists - although these were important to rule out anything serious, the best thing I ever did was see a dietician. I would highly recommend this to help you find out what the culprit foods are. The problem with diagnosing yourself is that you can suspect something because you had a stomach ache the day you ate it, and eliminate it, when really the stomach ache was due to something else you ate the day or so before. For example, I began to think I had a wheat intolerance because every time I had a bowl of wheaty cereal I had problems. It turns out that I don't have a wheat intolerance at all, but just can't eat too much "hard-to-digest" fibre. Using the dietician's advice, now-a-days when I have a flare of symptoms, I know exactly what I can and can't eat for a week until it settles down (eg, eat cooked not raw vegatables because of ease of digestion). This advice is specific to my problem though so personal advice is necessary.

Hope this helps,

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