

Hey. Has anyone ever tried nutrisystem? If so how well did it go?

I'm not sure if it be worth it. I know I will be very busy with going back to college and staying on track with my kids. So managing my weight on the go would be great. I'm just not sure if it would be too good to be true, including hunger pains,or foods that just plain taste bad...

Also QVS shopping network has the entire system to choose from for alot less than the nutrisystem site itself, very tempting}(

Anyway, I'd apprecitate any feedback...

Hi Carrie,

My mom used nutrisystem and had great results with it for a long time. She started out at around 280 lbs, and lost over 70 pounds using nutrisystem. She really enjoyed the meals and was not hungry due to the fact that the plan emphasizes eating large amounts of vegetables along with every meal. She liked the fact that the food was all prepackaged, leaving nothing up to her, except the addition of the vegetables. Another thing that really helped with her motivation was that for every 10 lbs that she lost, they sent her a little different colored teddy bear with the amount of total weight that she had lost on its belly. She had 7 bears sitting on top of her counter, and she said that looking at them was a good reminder of the progress she was making.

However, after about 6 months or so, she started to get bored of eating the same meals every day, and her progress slowed. She got to a plateau, and eventually stopped using the program. Since then, she's put back 20 lbs of the weight that she lost. I don't believe that this is any reflection on the program itself - the program was successful, and probably the best one that she's ever been on, but her motivation was what changed.

I think the negatives of the program are things like:
* What do you do when you go to a restaurant? You can't really bring boxed microwavable meals with you.
* What do you do when you've reached your goal and are ready to stop using the program? Does it really teach you how to portion for yourself since all along, your meals have come in ready to use packages?

The positives are things like:
* It's very easy to follow
* The employ the usage of an online food log, that helps you track what you're eating and be accountable for every thing you put in your mouth
* They have online support for you when you feel your motivation waning and/or have questions

I hope that helps. If you have any other questions about the program, feel free to ask. I can ask her any questions that you might have and post her responses here.

Good luck,
I haven't but my sister uses NutriSystem & she's had great results! She's lost about 40 lbs now (or maybe more by now...). She works & travels a lot so it's worked great for her. She says that the food tastes good & she just adds in her fruit & veggies. And she picks one day every couple weeks to *cheat* & eat what she likes (usually Taco Bell). She looks great & I'm happy that she found something that is working well for her.

Good luck if that's what you decide to do!

Hi Carrie. I used to manage a NutriSystem weight loss center a long time ago before it went on-line and mail order. Many people were successful because it is so well laid out and planned. The biggest thing I didn't like was that with all of the prepackaging and food in a pouch thing there were soooooooo many preservatives, chemicals, transfats, etc. that I didn't think it could possible be "healthy" But I think that for many users the idea was to drop the pounds first and then get to a point where the elimination of chemicals, "cleaner" eating, etc. is more of a focus. Good luck in your choices!


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
Again, have never used it myself, but a coworker has dropped well over 30lbs.

After "interrogating" her about the program itself, I believe it might be a good start for you since it seems you are a busy person. Maybe something for a jump start until you can see exactly what the meals are made up of and then begin incorporating the eating habits themselves so you could "wean" yourself off of the system and begin your own "eating healthy for life" routine.

My take on the program is a good variety of clean foods with proportioned meals and eating frequently. Sounds so much like the same type of plan many of us are on.

Eating 5 - 6 times a day
Eating foods in as close to natural state as possible
Eating the right portions
Eating a variety of foods

Good luck if you go for it :)
I recommend you check out the Community Forums at The reviews on Nutrisystem I've read are mixed but mostly bad. You can't pick and choose your favorite foods if you buy them as a whole on qvc, and people have their favorites and their not-so favorites. The food has a lot of preservatives too and I read a lot of people complaining that they were hungry all the time. It's your choice of course, but I personally would take the money I'd spend on it and buy some whole grain snacks, fresh veggies, etc. and skip this plan.
Wow, everyone's comments have been so helpful...

I think I'll skip the nutrisystem plan, and just eat sensibly.

With everyone's wonderful support, I know I can do this, thank you

Carrie:) :) :)
Hi Carrie,
My H has lost 50 lbs since April on nutrisystem. If you follow the plan, it works and makes you make healthier food choices. The food that they provide does not taste very good but the plan works once you realize that you won't be enjoying your meals very much!

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