Nutrisystem anyone?


I have been trying since last spring to loose 10 pounds and they won't budge! I have lost and gained back the same three points at least 5 times!

A few years ago I lost 35 pounds with WW and loved their point system, but I still gained back 10 pounds - careless on my part!

I'm thinking about doing Nutrisystem for one month to get back on track. I like that they offer a Vegeterian option.

Has anyone tried Nutrisystem? Is there food tolerable? Also, is it all frozen? If it is I can't do it, because my freezer isn't big enough to hold that many frozen meals!

Thanks for any opinions or experiences anyone can share!

I haven't personally tried it but I believe some ppl on the forum said that the food doesn't taste very good.
I have also been following ww and have lost about 30 lbs about 2 yrs ago. Sometimes I will get lax and gain a couple of pounds. I don't count points anymore unless I gain a couple. After doing it for so long I can count points in my head/ LOL. DH and I were watching tv last night and they had a commercial on about the baconator from wendy's and I said do you realize that there are 12 points just in the bacon!!! Ok I am rambling. Just wanted to say that IMO ww is the easyist of those types of diets.
Hello carolyn!
I had a friend that bought it and some of the foods were really good! You get to pick and choose which foods you want for breakfast, lunch, supper and snacks. No, not all foods are frozen. Mainly, just the lunches and dinners, but then again, it depends on what you choose. My friend said their cereals, bars and shakes were good.

take care:)
Just some points to consider:

1. From the experience of a friend, the food is not very filling. She was often hungry and often supplemented with the allowed extra foods, like yogurt. However, the food does taste good, and yes, it is frozen.

2. This diet does not teach you how to eat in the real world. Once you reach your goal you will not have learned how to properly eat to maintain your new weight.

3. The food is high in sodium.

4. The program does work in that you will lose weight.

Good luck!
In 2000 I lost 40 pounds with WW. In the last 7 years, 20 has slowly crept back on. I had a friend try LA Weight Loss, which is now changing to Pure Weight Loss. There is a lot of bad wrap out there about LAWL, that they are only in it to push their products and stuff.

They make you pay for all your weeks up front, which for me was 18 weeks for loss, 6 weeks for stabilization and a year maintenance, which totaled 76 weeks * 3.00. They also try to get you to buy their nutrition bars all at once, because it is much cheaper per bar to do in bulk. You do not have to use the bars, but it is highly encouraged, and I like them. I bought 10 weeks in advance.

The diet itself is very "corelike" if you are familiar with the WW plan. Whole grains, fruits, veggies, lean meats, watching your portion sizes. They have about 10 different plans, and the counselor quizes you to find out which plan. I am on a plan for a heavy exerciser, and find it is adequately fueling my work-outs and I have not been hungry since day one. They have a dining out guide, and a frozen food guide. They discourage frozen foods because of high sodium content, and they want you to use lite salt, not regular salt when seasoning.

They want to see you 3 times a week, which can get tedious, but honestly, this accountibility has helped me. I like the girls in there, and they all have lost weigh using this.

I am going into my third week and have lost 8 pounds of 18 I want to lose, have gotten back into my size 8's, and have found it fairly easy to fit in my life. I have gone on vacation, I have eaten out, and still continue to lose.

The con, if you do not think you can committ long term, don't do this, because this is about teaching you the right way for the long term, and they make you pay up front.
I love Nutrisystem. I did it this year to jump-start my healthy-eating goals. I went into it with the mindset that I wanted to control my portion sizes and get used to eating the right portions. Nutrisystem does that for you because everything is prepackaged. I have had some very yummy things and some not-yummy things from them. My suggestion is to do a customized order so that you can pick every meal. Some of my vegetarian favorites were the Vegetarian lasagna (VERY good), the Mac & cheese -- dinners. And lunches: the brocoli mashed potatoes and their protein bars are very very good and sweetened with agave. I started Nutrisystem this past winter when I weighed 150 pounds and I lost about 15 pounds on it in two months. Since that time I've lost more weight and now am about 127 and still losing. Though I've tried to approach it as not wanting to "lose weight" but change my eating styles. Since Nutrisystem, I always get at least 64 ounces of water in each day and I journal my food intake and exercise. It really helped me get organized and give my body the respect that I give other things in my life.

Good luck! Hope you like it!

By the way, if you are interested in the non-vegetarian meals -- I adored their burgers and rotini with meatballs.
Oh, and none of mine was frozen. All could be stowed in the pantry. Some is freeze-dried and you add water. Some is ready to just heat up.

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