Nursing questions


My little one is now 6 1/2 months old and I feel EXTREMELY hungry all the time. Like cannot eat enough to get full ever. Is this normal? I haven't gained from eating like a horse, but I still want to loose about 4-5 pounds (I am already down to 6 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight) and don't think it can happen with this appetite. Should I back off the food eventhough I feel starving? I don't want to hurt my supply, but it is really ridiculous.

Also, those last 4-5 pounds, do most people hold onto those until you are done nursing or are you able to get down to your idea weight while nursing? For those of you that held onto 4-5 pounds was it all in your belly? I am thinner everywhere else, but my belly is being pretty stubborn.

Let me say, eventhough I am eating constantly, I am making sure that I make all healthy choices (at leat 99% of the time anyway).
Anette while nursing it is recomended to eat, I believe, an additional 500 calories. Your body needs more fuel to make milk. congrats on the weight loss. With my first, I held onto about 5 pounds, all in my belly, til DD#1 weaned herself at 9 months. Once she weaned herself, I quickly lost the mommy tummy. Currently DD#2 is 3 months old and nursing. In clothes, I look like my prepreggo self with only 2-3 pounds to lose but can't wear my bikini yet or tight tights because of my belly. Like you, everywhere else is thin.
I'm by no means an expert, but it sounds like your body "needs" those extra calories, which is why it is telling you that it is hungry. I think as long as you are eating healthly (and not empty, non-nutritious calories) and also not gaining excessive weight, it is a good idea to listen to your body. Breastfeeding itself expends alot of calories. Are you exercising too? If so, then that is even more calories that your body is expending.

I had the opposite problem when I was breastfeeding with my first. I really wasn't that hungry. I instead was exhausted from minimal sleep. I had to make myself eat. The weight pretty much dropped off by itself from breastfeeding. However, I did not lose those last couple of pounds until I stopped nursing at 10.5 months ... and yes, it was pretty much all in my belly. But that was always my first place to gain and last place to lose.

So, I say listen to your body and maybe smaller meals throughout the day (instead of the standard 3) might help. Hope that helps and good luck! It sounds like you are doing great already. :)
annette, i too feel like all i do is eat. in fact, i know i eat almost all the time. part of it is ravenous hunger, especially in the morning. the other part is total fatigue - i feel more energy when i eat. mostly i eat very healthfully, but i know i am taking in way more carbs than i normally would. i think i am actually putting on a fw pounds, at least i look bulkier in my lower body. it is a little disouraging as i shed the pregnancy weight easily and felt pretty good about things.

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