<--- Number one with a bullet

<---drags tired, grumply, lazy a$$ into thread
<---says sorry <---:) now
<---waves happily to all Catheland addicted ladies
<---hasn't had time to read thread <---is having a maddening, MADdening, MADDENING week <---:) now
<---did want to wish a certain "someone" a tremendous fun life while on "island time":7
<---'s only wish today is to go to the bathroom w/o hearing "MOOOMMM" screamed
<---makes correction <---wishes for a soundproof bathroom, aaaahhh - yes, that's it
<---has to run shower & go to YOU GUESSED IT - Land of Oz; <---prefers St. John
<---maybe later
<---drags limp body back into thread while trying to avoid tomatoes and snowballs
<---thinks it was nice of Tracy to play fair and not throw ice
<---can sooooooooooooooooo relate to Melody and wishing for just one or two moments a day without hearing "MOOOMMM" hopes her week improves!
<---tells Shelley and all there is a "Tomato Festival" here in the summer and they have a tomato flinging fight, it is a sight to see
<---just finished Imax (modified a bit just couldn't do all the jumps today)& PLB up, feeling pretty good ready for a shower
<---says TTFN

<---cannot believe she is finding herself back here on this thread
<---is still waiting for the garage to call
<---is worried all her sausage and beer money is going to be spent on a new transmission
<---will be spending her time in Germany blissfully going to the bathroom in peace and quiet
<---must drag self away as <---still hasn't begun to clean house

<--- hopes Tracy has some money left for beer and wurst;)
<--- can think of much better things to do in Germany than spend all her time in the bathroom:p
<--- would really like to go home now
<--- is sorry that Melody is having such a rough week
<--- 's mantra today is "it's Friday tomorrow, it's Friday tomorrow..."
<--- has absolutely no recollection of what she did LAST Friday
<--- says oh never mind, just remembered - was off last Friday *sigh*
<--- wanders off muttering to herself
<---wonders where everyone is?
<---says it's quiet in the ole corral
<---thought a tumbleweed just blew by...
<---needs to go heat up dinner soon
<---may come back here as Aiden has dibs on Thomas right now ;)
<---is super excited for the dentist tomorrow. whee.
<---hopes you all are having a good day

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<---tells Shellers and Tracy that <---doesn't have any snow or ice to throw either...it's been raining here all day long!:7 :7 :7
<---catches flung tomoato and says "Thanks! I think I'll make a salad with this!";) :9
<---cuts up tomato to toss into salad but can not resist throwing one small chunk back at Shelley!:p
<---'s DH is working O/T today.:7
<---'s DS is taking a before-dinner-nap right now!:7 :7
<---says after putting it off for a few days <---'s bathroom has finally been cleaned & for the poster who asked, <---'s closet look BEAUTIFUL!!!! :7 :7 :7
<---did not do the kind of closet job that Shelley did, tho'!
<---comes home to reality of "Land of Cathe"
<---is now in much better mood <---assures Shelley <---'s week is not really bad - blame PMS
<---caught some tomatoes flying thru the house & had a really nice salad
<---would gladly go to Germany to pee in peace & quiet
<---would gladly go in the woods o/s to pee in quietx(
<---was told to "get in your place and listen!" at Oz rehearsal - asst. director mistook <---for one of the teenage girls <---'s head swelled happily <---did note it was not a close-up situation & asst dir wears glasses <---will take what <---can get
<---hopes Robin is resting for take-off tomorrow
<---wonders what to say <---wonders what all ya are doing <---wonders where the energy for tonight's w/o will come
<---wanders out wondering
<--is having a Temptations meltdown
<--needs to explain that, but suffice to say <-- is in Motown heaven
<--is a Motown maniac and just got The Ultimate Collection of Temp songs
<--:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
<--also had a few glasses of sauvignon blanc
<--and some sensational sushi
<--can't check in during the day any more because my firm is tracking our internet use and I don't want them to see me visiting cathe.com
<--not that anyone would really care much, but had better stick to business for awhile
<--does not understand what DH sees in the Four Tops
<--thinks the Four Tops are souless compared to the Temps :eek: :eek:
<--needs to read this thread
<--wonders if we ever figured out when Shelley's birthday is???
-Nancy "Diana Ross" :+
<--okay, not quite, but at least the same day of the same month :D
<--what about Shelley????????????
-Nancy "Diana Ross"
<---just saying "Hi Nancy" would ya send some Motown AND sauvignon blanc <---'s way?
<---admits <---'s temptations meltdowns involve chocolate
<---would like to ask's Nancy's firm don't they have work to do?
<---has only scanned thread but hopes to stay home tomorrow
<---needs a playgroup day, Deb????
<---must prepare for w/o
<---would like a bday list of the biznitches

ETA: <---saw Tammy posted same time "Hi Tammy"
<--says Melody, let's dance!!!!
<--and the band played on
<--can't get next to you
<--ball of confusion
<--ain't too proud to beg
<--I know I'm losin' you
<--:D :D :D
<--is a dancin' machine tonight!
<--says apparently we have more than our share of Aries on this thread
<--it was just my imagination running away with me..........
<---boogies into room to say you're welcome Nancy!
<---twirls out of room and says g'nite all you lovelies!
<---slowly opens door and creeps in...
<---looks around...
<---notices that it's very dark and very quiet in here...
<---guesses all of the catheland biatches are snoozing...
<---quietly sneaks out and is careful not to slam door behind <---.
<---doesn't want to awaken the sleeping Catheites.
<---whispers "good night my lovelies"!:*

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