Number of Calories burned


Hey gang!!

I have two questions I hope someone can help

1. Does anyone know how many calories we burn with Cathe's body and interval max? Or any other medium intensity step workout please.

2. I have recently started to sweat a lot when I workout. Earlier, I only perspired when I did the leg workout but now, I trickle even when I do a light bicep/tricep workout.

Does anyone know why this is? Is this because my muscles have grown and are now burning fat more efficiently or is this something I need to worry about? I am hoping it's the former - that I am fitter hence I get to the fat burning zone faster.

Thanks for any and all input.
Hi! The number of calories you burn will have to do with your weight and muscle mass. There are tons of calorie calculators on line to get an estimate for certain activities. I know that during Cathe's workouts I feel like I must be burning 1,000!!:D But Unfortunately, that is not the case!

As for the sweating, I read that as you exercise more you become a more "efficient sweater". I'm sure other factors such as genetics and stuff come into this somewhere, but I noticed that over the years my body has become much better at cooling itself off.
I personally use to determine my calories burned. It uses you sex, age, height and weight to determine calories burned doing a whole list of things. He has a list to choose from and most everything is there, including step (6-8 in or 10-12 in. height), kickboxing, taebo, weight training, cycling, circuit training to general housecleaning and walking around a store. It is a fun site and I use it all the time.

About the sweat thing I know I sweat more when the temperature outside is warmer but other than that I don't know.

Happy Easter!!:)

I just recently bought a Polar HRM and it tells me how many calories I burn. I burn about 300 for ME or PH and 400-420 for Circuit Max, IMAX, R Step, etc. Bodymax burns 500 cal for me. Not only does it depend on your weight but also your heart rate. I have been working out for 15 years( I am 29) and I am in good shape. I am 5'10 and weigh 152. I have friends who burn between 500-800 on a Cathe video. I would invest in a hrm if you can. They are so much fun!

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