Tuck jumps are something I have difficulty with this (I think I just don't have the fast-twitch muscle fibers to do them well). I never get either knees or heels very high. The other day, when I was at the animal shelter where I volunteer, I noticed that different cats had different jumping techniques while I was playing "fish" with them. One cat jumped really high and got front and back legs at the same level. Another, bigger, longer, cat did a back toe touch with each jump, while a third cat (a female Himilayan named "Gary"!) prefered the low-impact version and her back feet never left the ground.
It must have been on my mind when I went to sleep, because that night, I dreamed that I did a tuck jump. And not just knees-level-to-floor, heels-to-butt: I had about 5 seconds hang time at the top! Just hanging in the air, like I was levitating. I felt very proud when I woke up, until I realized it was just a dream!
It must have been on my mind when I went to sleep, because that night, I dreamed that I did a tuck jump. And not just knees-level-to-floor, heels-to-butt: I had about 5 seconds hang time at the top! Just hanging in the air, like I was levitating. I felt very proud when I woke up, until I realized it was just a dream!