Novice Woes - PS


I recently purchased my first Cathe tape - PS and seem to be having quick results. Some of the exercises feel good and I can feel them working, which makes them fun, like the tricep and bicep exercises. But other exercises I am doing completely on faith that the right muscle is being worked because I just can't tell. I don't know the names of the exercises, but when I am doing the lying down chest presses, my arms get tired, but I just don't feel my chest engaging. And the T-bars. I tried using two dumbbells together but can't feel my upper back working. Something is getting tired when I do the bent over rows, but I don't know if it's the right muscle group. I feel kind of silly. Has anyone else had this experience?
Hi Nancy,

I use to experience the same woes when beginning weight training, but I'll share a website that made the difference for me:
I was able to locate each muscle group that was suppose to be effected by each exercise which helped me "zero in" on what I should be feeling.
The exercises are listed by body part and include the difference between using dumbbells, barbells or gym machines.
I believe it took me the longest to "feel" my chest working, I actually saw the results before I began to feel the muscle working, and I always felt like I felt chest work more in my shoulders than chest until I started going really heavy with my weight. Once I started pressing 45#, I clearly could "feel" it in my chest! Same with my back, going too light with weight I couldn't feel anything, but once I located the muscle groups, then used weight heavy enough to "feel" the work, my back began to respond to my workouts.

Good luck :)

Many days I do have the same problem with primarily dead lifts, one arm rows, and chest press. The shoulder aspect of the chess press never seems to leave me. I try all the tips to no avail. I think they are just weaker...One day I will figure all the exercises out!!!

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