November check-in??


Is anyone starting a check-in for November?? I would like to check-in to keep me motivated through the upcoming holidays. I don't know how my eating will be, but I know if I am checking in somewhere I won't slack off with the workouts.

Oh I'd like to be part of a November check-in if there is one. This is the time of the year that I always have the hardest time staying on track with my exercising and eating...I can use all the motivation & accountability I can get! :)
I would also like to be a part of a November check in. I'm relatively new here and it would be great to get to know some people.
Now it is 11:18 AM in my country and I have finished my first day of the november rotation. I have post: november rotation day 1 message.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie.:) :)

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