November 09 Check in Weekend 7th-8th


Good morning ladies...

Getting our weekend started here!!

Today is a cardio day..On the rotation is kickmax bootcamp premix. I don't think I have done that premix before. So, it should be interesting...

Beth: From last night's post....Yes, I think I could get rid of about 10 pounds. It is all around the midsection. I hate that belly pooch. Now, that being said I am not unhappy with my body. I just would like that midsection a little firmer...

ok, time to make breakfast. I am hungry...I think I will have some eggs....
G'Morning Girls!

Hey Kathy!: Sounds like a good premix you got going there, let us know how it goes.

The sun is shining and finally we don't have to deliver papers in the miserable drizzle/rain on a Saturday. That's a good thing!

My workout is going to be a quickie 30 minutes of interval, Turbo Jams Fat Blaster. If I have more time, I'll do what Cathe had on the rotation, SJP & Hi/Lo Premix.

OMG, I've been up and doing things and it's taken me about 30 minutes to type this up!

Beth: I totally get and like your theory on how we need to like our bodies and treat them well, esp with our hard workouts! It's a good thing to think about when I'm wanting to eat garbage food. It's hard for my mind to go there when I'm wanting to 'binge' , though. I get SO irrational, and convince myself that it doesn't matter.

Okay, gotta run to get thepapers out !!!

Morning! Even though I slept well, I just can't bring myself to drive down to work to start my day early there. I think I'm just going to stay there from the afternoon to the evening...I need some time away from the work place and with the pooch and hubbie. I took Evee out for a walk and soon going to eat some breakfast before doing some chores. I have the back and biceps workout to do but I'm thinking if I can get to the workout earlier of tacking on a small amount of cardio before starting it to get the metabolism revved up a little.

And yeah, my doc said 10 minimum and to shoot for 20. Sometimes I think the BMI charts are bogus and I'd rather see what my body fat percentage is but I'm too lazy and too afraid of the result as well. I have the awesome sin of being able to put on weight well. When I heard it though, I seriously did want to cry. But it's probably good that I change the goal post to keep me motivated. It's just harder with all the stuff going on.

Kathy -- I've never done that premix either. I ran out of all my eggs yesterday so no egg breakfast for me. :( (I love eggs.)

Chris -- everyone is doing cardio! :) I wish our paper guy would put the paper at my front door. He puts it in the driveway but it's pretty much at the sidewalk which means I have to be fully dressed to walk outside and get it. I can't believe when I lived in an apt my paper situation was nicer!

Everyone have a good weekend!
Good morning!! A tough morning for me..... did I tell you it was mom's night out last night? Those crazy women kept me out past midnight! And, we drank way too many margaritas (not our designated driver), too. Ug! I almost didn't work out, but I'm glad I did. I did Ellen's slim sculpt -- a gentle workout for a headache morning. :eek:

Yes, let's not eat garbage! I know that irrational drive for junk though, believe me!!!

Last day of soccer today -- parties.... a marathon. Unfortunately it is also the maverick surf contest, which happens once a year when the waves are huge (30' I'm told) and I really really really would like to ditch soccer and go watch, but sigh.... that won't happen! It is so awesome to see the big waves like that. Long ago and before kids, Larry and I were out on a giant pier and the waves were coming up over it -- there were a bunch of people out there with us, and at some point we looked at each other and thought "what are we doing out here? We're all going to die and be a news story" but we couldn't leave!

gotta go look at arctic circle motorcyle pics (what do you think Larry's thinking about doing?!)
Okay, I'm back and going to go work out...

OMG, on Zach's paper delivery route they ALL have SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS on where they want their paper and HOW they want their paper (some like it in a plastic bag). He was told NEVER to "throw it in the driveway, like they do in the movies". Do you want Zach to do your paper, Hottie? (though it might all be yesterdays news by the time he gets there!)

Beth, you are wild! I could never get through a day like you are going to have with a hangover/headache! BLECH! Good luck! And now I really feel like I need to work out if YOU can do it!. Funny thing you mention big waves. I have an ongoing fear of big tidal waves and as a matter of fact, you just made me remember I had dreams last night of being on vacation and HUGE waves in the ocean, that were scary, but not as scary as usual. Weird!

Better go!!!!!! Before I don't have time!!!...
I ended up doing the new workout I got this week: Turbo Kick Round 30. It was very much like Turbo Jams, but kind of weird with the music in the background and the way she's "teaching" the moves to a potential instructor, BUT... it made me sweat big time, got my HR up there, and I had fun! Round 31 is also on this DVD, and I previewed a little, the music seems better and funkier. Alot of 30's was the same stuff that's on Turbo Jams. I also did the Abs from it. (very short, but tough!).

Hottie: I was just thinking about it, weren't your cholesterol numbers absurdly healthy? Sometimes you have to look at the entire picture. But yeah, I bet 10 lbs and you'd be fine!! I need to lose those too! Hope your experiment goes well today. I know you did say before you'd rather work on Saturdays, is it better there?

Even though I had wicked cravings last night (due to being tired!), instead of eating chocolate, I ate some Peanuts and went to bed early. At least I made a better choice, right? Small steps!!!

Better get going and clean up around here.... busy prepping for the weekend of work and sitters....
I found this when I googled "tidal wave dreams". Interesting!!! :

"Tidal waves often appear in our dreams when are under a lot of pressure or when significant change is occurring. They may be a an indication that we feel a little overwhelmed, that maybe we fear we won’t be able to cope or adjust with what we see in our own future. They may occur as recurring dreams, with the wave getting bigger or closer over subsequent nights. This may correspond to our increasing anxiety, or the looming date we fear getting closer."
Oh, I'm so screwed. I went on a cleaning rampage which was great but then I got hit with weird fatigue and general I don't wanna do anything. We ate and futzed and watched Tropic Thunder. Finally got my butt in the gym room to do disc 21 and glad I did but I'm going to be stuck in lab until...forever tonight. I'm thinking about getting literally everything else I wanted to do today before I at least do the first 70% of the experiment...the last 30% is what's time consuming and in front of a microscope. I'm half tempted to snag the scope (it's only a light one) and bring it home so I can do it at my own leisure at home! Eek!

Chris -- you know, I actually thought I was going to get a good bill of health but when she got on my case about my weight it was a bit weird. She was really happy with my cholesterol number and even though my blood sugar was normal (96) she was like, but your whole family is diabetic so you need to lose weight to make it better and that's when the minimum ten more like 20lbs loss came up. ::shrug:: I don't know sometimes though...I'd like to think our cholesterol numbers are great because of the food I make for me and Joe (Joe has numbers slightly higher than mine but still pretty kick ass -- and he's over 30 and he's a completely different ethnic profile and his family is predisposed to heart issues) and that we make sure we get a regular dose of exercise including when we fall off the horse.

I do prefer to work on Saturdays over Sunday...It makes Sunday feel more like a day off and Saturday is just an extension of the week (which is exactly what is happening here). I had this window where I thought I'd hop into the car early and at least do the first 70% of the experiment but I let that window close and now its mid afternoon. least today wasn't as super timed as day 1 or day 3 (those days the timing is critical...but maybe if it were critical, I'd be done by now!). I have a ton of lab work to do when I'm home. In two weeks I'm presenting to the lab which isn't that big of a deal other than that I want to graduate and actually have data that can put me there. I've actually been mad at myself because I could have done this experiment for the past year and it just kept on being pushed (it's very hard to do actually) and finally in the last two months I've been sitting down and working through it and it appears to be supporting parts of my hypothesis. But that's the way PhD life is like I guess...ok, enough stupid evil science talk!

I will say...I love this fall weather. Just love it. Maybe tomorrow we can go on a bike ride...
I'm with you on the fall weather, Hottie -- it was beautiful here -- a little nip in the air, but not bad. I know, the rest of you would call it balmy! But....... I stood for nearly five hours straight! I am sooo happy soccer is done at this point! Between having to get their early and staying for parties, it was nearly five hours and nowhere to sit. Ug! My back is not feeling so great. Travis' team tied, and though we all really wanted another win, as one mom put it "we would have paid large sums of money for a tie earlier in the season!" so we decided to be happy. :) Dylan's team won, with a couple of kids getting their first goal ever, so that was very cool. He was in the goal for two quarters and no one scored on him. Whew!

Chris, that stuff about your dream is eerily spot on, isn't it?! Dreams are so crazy. Sounds like you had a fun new workout!

Hottie, hope you get your work done -- very nice bonus that you got cleaning done! Our house is a disaster.... it seems a lot of my friends have the same problem.... I think it was a lot of our crazy weather stuff leading into halloween, end of soccer, etc., that has just not let us keep up. If you remember, or maybe not.... in a two week period we had one day with 12-14" of rain, the fire a couple of days later, and then the huge wind storm a couple of days after that. I guess it was just a little over a week that all that crazy stuff happened.

Hottie, those clothes you got at such a bargain look really cute -- I'm sure they work fine for regular workouts, right? We scored a deal this week.... got a chiminea (do you know what I mean? The clay fire pit thing?) for $25! We had a couple of fires in it this week -- nice!

Joanne.... are you there? How are you feeling? One of my friends missed soccer today -- sounds like she got H1N1! :confused:

Ok, I want to rest horizontally before I got out for margaritas tonight! It's a rough weekend!
Hi ladies...

Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far...

Today is a rest day for me. I may take Lauren and the dog and go for a walk later. Vic and Chris didn't go to church with us last night. So, they are headed there in a little while...

Not much else going on today...Maybe some cleaning around the house...
Surprise , surprise!

Hello Ladies!

Sounds like most are doing well w/ their workouts. :)

I realized we are in the month of November and I needed to update the Rotations listings :eek:

We are all doing well as can be.

This semester is almost done next month and I'm getting ready to pre register for the Spring semester; I'm looking at 3 traditional classes and one online class from another school since the bio I need is not being offered at my current school. ( My anatomy & physiology courses were too old so I have to do some of my sciences again :(, which is good since what I'm focusing on I need to get updated anyway)Things are on the way and I'm just remaining uber focused on getting where I want to go. Unfortunately my workouts have slacked big time so I'm looking at maintaining my weight, eating cleaner and doing lots of walking for now. On the weekends is when I can do my longer workouts which is nice.

I really miss you girls and the daily chats - oh and my laptop 's LCD screen is going out on me so it's a pain taking it to class with me when it's hard to view so I'm in the market for a decent laptop thats not so over the top expensive - its alway ssomething eh?

Big warm hugs to you all!
Hi ladies!!

Hi Vilma! Nice to "see" you! Sounds like things are going well - good to hear it!

Beth, those margaritas are great going down, but not so good the next day! Wow, five hours standing would kill me, too. I know what you mean about being glad soccer is over. I'm kind of that way with football. I loved watching Colin play and the games but it's nice to have everyone home at night now and a bit more free time. Although, that's about to all end cause indoor soccer is starting soon. Jameson and Colin are both playing at different places, but all the games are on Saturday. Then Ian will start basketball soon.

Chris, I've always been interested in dreams and what they mean. I could see myself having the tidal wave one if that's what it means. Glad you like the Turbo Kick round. The vol. 3 music is really good - I think it's louder. I got vol. 1 and 2, too.

Hottie, 20 pounds sounds crazy, especially if your cholestorel and blood sugars are OK. I know I could lose 20 pounds. That would be my lowest weight I've been at and I was pretty happy with it. But, it was so hard to maintain. Right now I'd be happy to lose 10 and stay there.

Hi Kathy! You certainly deserve a rest day!

I'm late here, but I saw the discussion about food. It's such an emotional thing for me. I'm just horrible. It's like an entitlement thing. I'm not even hungry, but I eat something (usually sweets) cause I'm stressed and have been doing stuff for everyone else all day and I feel like I deserve it or something. I hate it! I need to get control over it, especially with the holidays. Oh, and those evil, evil mint holiday M&M's are out. Bought one bag and thankfully the kids helped me eat them.

I'm still fighting this bug. My workouts have been crappy. Or, should I say nonexistant? I got up Friday, tried a new workout - Stephanie Vittorino's something or other - can't remember the name. It really wasn't that hard, but I was dying. I think I just wasn't ready. I felt so horrible afterwards, I stayed home from work again. Now all the kids are coughing. I'm trying to get more sleep, cause that seems to help the most. I'm feeling better today, just a little stuffy. I'm planning to start a Cathe rotation tomorrow and stick with it! Either June which has some STS or the butts and guts one, can't remember which month. But I have them both printed out. I need to do something to get back on track. I was even thinking of doing a combination of both, rotating one week of each, but probably won't do that.

My dad is still in the hospital. They were all set to send him home Friday and he started bleeding again. :( The urologist say its normal and his internist is furious, saying there's no way that it is normal. So, I guess the doctors are at a standstill while my poor dad is in limbo. Very frustrating.

Time to pick up the kids from CCD and go to church...

Hey everyone! Vilma, you are such a nice surprise! Great to hear from you and it sounds like your school progress is very good! It's frustrating when you can't get the class you want or need, but it sounds like you're making it work. Whoo-hooo!

Joanne, sorry to hear your dad's still in the hospital -- seems like it's been so long. There has been a lot of stress for you with that, and the kids being sick, you being sick! Not to mention those school projects!!! ;) Not surprising the eating is not stellar, and I know exactly what you mean about entitlement! That is sort of what it is -- I really want something. Maybe we need to focus on something else that would bring us some good feeling -- sometimes that works for me. It's so tough!!

Rest day for me, too, Kathy, but I did do my 200 swings and some yoga. I finally did the Jill Miller Hip Helper -- she has some amazing different moves and twists on things you're used to doing that really make you feel it in a different way. I'd like to do that one again but I want to get something different from netflix! I've had it forever.....

Had a really fun time last night, and only one margarita. They also made some drink that was cranberry juice, a little pineapple juice, and peach schnapps. I had a taste of it and it was pretty tasty indeed. Fun to chat with some really funny women, and then we watched the Proposal which was a pretty fun movie. So, a good time. Wow, two nights in a row really late -- highly unusual for me. I think I'll be feeling it this week!

I have finally done a week where I actually stuck to my plan and got all my workouts in! Feeling good and excited to do it again next week!

Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday, be it lazy or filled with chores. I hope to have a little of both -- I do think I am coming down with something -- throat hurts, ear is ringing.......

I'll be back later as I have to run into lab and complete the last 30% of my experiment. I just couldn't do it all and its not wise to do something that requires spending hours at a microscope when you're tired. Hopefully, I will have learned that the way I stored the cells makes it adequete for a couple hours. It's good to see Vilma and Joanne! I'm going to come back and do cardio later today...yesterday's eating was INSANE and then we had yummy yummy Thai food and that just put me well over the top. But today is a new day!
Ugh - now Caitlyn is running a 101 fever. She's just kind of moping on the couch. We all have to get well by T'day. I forgot if I mentioned, but we are going to a waterpark for thanksgiving. I know, sounds crazy, but all of DH's family will be away (mom and one SIL in Mexico, another SIL in Arkansas). It's just basically my parents on my side. So, we decided to go to the waterpark in Wisconsin Dells from Wed-Fri. We'll have a dinner with my parents either the weekend before or after.

Caitlyn is already making out her Christmas list. I'm not ready for the holidays yet. I always get stressed out with all the stuff to do. I just want it to be fun! Which it usually is, but sometimes getting there is overwhelming. We're not hosting anything this year (at least I don't think), so it should be easier. I have no idea what to get the boys. They're at the age where they don't want toys anymore, don't really need any other video games. Ian's birthday is Thursday and I had no idea what to get him. He told me he needs a new bike, so maybe that for his b'day or Christmas.

Beth, hope you aren't getting sick. Take lots of vitamins and get rest!

Hottie, yep, today is a new day!! I'm sure you will be so glad when that experiment is over!!

I need to go to Costco today - I always spend way more than I should there, but we need lots of stuff!

Now they say my dad is coming home today - but we'll see - they've said that before.

Chris, hope you had a good night at work.

I think I'm going with the Butts and guts rotation. So, Butts and Guts for me in the morning! I have a feeling I will be in lots of pain since I've been slacking.

Hey Girls!

Quick post as I wait for my Anitpasto Salad to come.... and speaking of eating crappy, I am munching on mini Hershey bars as "appetizers". :confused: Today I eat because somehow it fills my sleep void. It's funny, you all have these "reasons" why you make unhealthier choices, and Every one of those reasons happens for me! LOL!. Seems like we're all in a similiar boat, though, needing to lose 10-ish pounds. It's crazy how 10 lbs would make SUCH a difference in my body. it would! Maybe we could try to continue posting about how well we do and what we do instead of eating off, during the week? Or even just hearing WHY we eat off and what we could do helps too. (me , anyways)

! Miss you girl! nice to hear from you!!! You sound so focused and that's admirable. You're a busy busy girl.

Joanne: Oh the sickies sound horrible there! OMG, the talk about H1N1 at work is so scary. SIck sick SICK kids. In fact, our secretary worked on Pediatrics last night and came to visit us. She was so upset, first of all , all the kids there with H1N1. but mostly , they lost a 17 month old child during the week, died from Swine flu! Holy crap, that scares the SHIT out of me! Keep a close eye on your kiddos and don't EVER hesitate to call the doctor if you're concerned. Hope Caitlyn is better AND you. SOunds lke a good choice for rotations. B&G is one of my favorite DVD workouts. Hope you feel better!

Beth: you are the party girl this weekend! Cool workout for hips. I never knew they made any workout specificallyfor hips!

Sounds like a nice calm SUnday, enjoy!

Hottie: Hope your experiment gets finished up today. If you think of it, it's nice to spread it out and not be rushed. right?

Work was ok last night, not sure about tonight. I had some VERY confused patients and you never know which way they could go on you. I also had this 402 lb woman, she was so pretty and nice, and it just broke my heart that her weight was giving her all these health issues: Diabetes, breathing problems, leg infection.

Better get going... Greg should be home any minute!
Chris, ug, that is heartbreaking! The toddler who died from H1N1. We are coming up on the one year anniversary of the death of the little girl sister of our friend. I can't stop thinking about the family. We're thinking about having a tree planted on the playground in her memory. On the flu.... Chris, as you may know, we are at least 30 minutes away from real medical services. We've always talked about having oxygen here, because it seems like when anything goes wrong with anyone, that's about the first thing they do is put them on oxygen. Given the flu can so quickly turn to really serious respiratory problems, do you think we ought to get more serious about that acquisition? We could drive up the road two miles to a fire station, and I'm sure they probably have oxygen there and I believe there is someone there 24x7, but, it does seem like it might be smart for us to have our own supplies.....

On the eating.... your comment about you having all the reasons mentioned was so funny to me because one sentence (or whatever) earlier you were saying you were eating from lack of sleep and I thought "oh, I do that, too." Did you see the thread on desserts? I'm really tempted to try that 7 day sugar cleanse. I'm just really not sure I could make it!!! I know I could not give up milk in coffee, and I know milk is pretty high in sugar, so I'm not sure that would defeat me -- it's not like you really taste the sugar in milk though (or do you, and I just don't know it because I eat so many really sweet sweets?! :)). I would have to keep the caffeine going strong to get through it, I'm pretty sure. I also think maybe I should give that up. I'm so tired lately..... sometimes I think the caffeine is backfiring on me. And then I think maybe it's perimenopause. I dunno!

Joanne, your tgiving trip sounds like so much fun and not crazy at all (to me)! I sure hope you guys are healthy enough to enjoy it! We used to go to hawaii for tgiving, years ago. Right about now that doesn't sound so bad!

I realized I need to start the xmas shopping, too. My friend said something about her parents arriving soon, and I knew they were going to be here for xmas, and I said "they'll be here that long?!" and she said "just four weeks" and I realized it's really getting close! I've got to start talking to Larry about rock band and see if I can convince him.......

got a fair bit of cleaning up done, but looking around, it doesn't look all that much different! :confused:
Back to it, I guess.
Chris, that's what scares me so much about H1N1. People are starting to downplay it saying it's no big deal, it's just like the regular flu. Then you hear about kids dying and they always say they had "underlying health conditions". I've heard of a couple who had undiagnosed heart conditions. Of course, I worry about Caitlyn. And, then, Jameson just having had pneumonia and is borderline asthmatic - it's just scary. It seems to be hitting young kids and teenagers the most. I really don't think I had it - I never had a fever, just the cough and chest congestion. But, I did feel miserable. Caitlyn does have a fever, though. I've always wondered if treating the fever hinders the bodies natural ability to fight infection? Isn't a fever a sign of the body fighting the infection? So, if you control the fever, does that hinder the body's fighting of it - if that makes sense? I'm asking because Caitlyn absolutely hates taking any medicine. We literally have to hold her down to give her Motrin or Tylenol. She hasn't gone over 101 and now is around 100, so I haven't given her anything. Good idea - let's try to post the positive things we are doing about eating!! OK, now I have to actually do better so I have something to contribute!!

Beth, I don't know about the oxygen. I think you'd need a doctor's order to get it. If there was a serious problem, wouldn't the fire dept. be able to come pretty quickly? And, they'd have oxygen, I'm sure. I'm sure it is scary to be far away from a medical place, though. We are about five minutes from the hospital and although we've spent waaaay too much time there, I'm so glad it's close. I've thought about doing some sort of sugar detox. But, realistically, I probably wouldn't succeed until the holidays are over. Too many temptations and I'd feel deprived and then resentful that I couldn't eat the yummy stuff!!

I'm actually feeling close to human again today and excited to start a new rotation tomorrow. I decided on the July 09 one. I think Kathy said she had good results with it.

Have a good night all...

Oh I wish I could respond to everyone's posts! I couldn't muster the energy for anything cardio and a lot of eating. Can you believe it after we talked about our bad habits? Gah! Tried to do anything and nothing happened...just going to try and muster some energy to at least get some chores down. Adios until tomorrow and I wish for everyone to have a happy and healthy week!

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