
how happy I am about the impending completion of your new videos. I am about as burned out as I can be - in a slump big time. I make deals with myself like; I only have to do 15 minutes plus the warm up and then I can quit! This works pretty well, but boy, am I in need of your new and challenging work outs. They couldn't come at a better time. I am sooo anxious for them to arrive. Just wanted to say thanks for being the innovative and motivating pro that you are. neighbor comes over sometimes to borrow a fitness video or two. While "cruising" my collection she said "you like this Cathe person's videos alot, huh?" Taa Daa - another convert!
Hi Donna!

Sorry to hear about your burnout(we all go through this from time to time) but glad that you have found a coping machanism to get you through. As a matter of fact the new 6 pack series is full of unique sections that will fit nicely into your 15 minute workout plan should you ever get in this slump again. Hang in there, the videos will be here soon.

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