Cathe, I just wanted to say thank you for all your great dvd's and your dedication to making them your best. I 've been working out with you for a few years now but I've had to stop here and there due to medical issues. But this has been a great year so far for me esp. when I started XTRAINING. I cannot believe not only the strength gains,but also the cardio endurance gains. I just did IMAX 2 today for the first time in a few years. I acually did the whole workout without stoping once and completed ALL of the step routines and blasts. I used to have to stop early to catch my breath or because I was just too tired. But no today. I also noticed that my heartrate comes down a lot faster now. I'm assuming this is because of all the tabata traing you've given us. I love them and you Hiit training. I just turned 39 yesterday but I feel better than when I was doing track and swimming in high school. So thanks again and I cannot wait for the new dvd's. My husband also says thanks to you because my butt "looks amazing" according to him.