Non Step?


New Member
Hello Cathe! For years my family members have been singing your praises so, after switching cable companies, I've started doing your workouts on FitTv. Unfortunately I can't always fit your workout schedule into my schedule and would like to start adding some of your DVD's to my collection to fill in on the days I miss your fitTv broadcast--HOWEVER, I travel frequently ;( and would like something that doesn't involve a step and other equipment (light weights are ok). Do you have any videos that would work for me? Thanks again for such great workouts!:D
Hello, not Cathe, but thought I'd make a suggestion. The Basic Step DVD has an upper and lower body add on segment that uses tubing and light weights. That may work out great for traveling. You also might want to check the other forums on Cathe's website. I seem to remember someone posting a band/tubing rotation that could work for travelers.

Good luck.

If not having a step is just an issue when you travel,you can do the step workouts on the floor, in a hotel room (if there's enough floor apce) just push the doormat to where you want the step to be and use it as a visual reminder of where the step is, or just visualize the rectangle on the carpet It'll be a little lower impact and your heart may not go as high, but you'll still get a decent workout. Or, you can just add a little more oomph and pep to your step to up your heart rate. It's also a great way to learn new choreography without falling on your butt!!!

Her kickboxing workouts - Kick Punch and Crunch; Kick Max - are also good options, as long as you have room to kick.

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