Good Morning!
Seems like I never get back for personnals. Then again, my baby as been extra needy so I haven't had to much free time to chat.
I just finished a night shift and getting ready to go home. Im not sure what todays workout will be. I was thinking about saving my long run for this Sat but if DH goes into the city, I may go to my parents house...which means, no long run.
Yesterdays eating was good again. When I got to work I did make some cookies so I had a couple licks of a spoon and so on but I did miss yesterdays snack so I think calorie wise, it all evened out. When I realized it, it was supper time and I hadn't even thought about anything sweet! Woo Hoo!
Yesterdays meals:
B-All bran bites, 1 c of grapes
L-WW wrap, 1 egg, 2 egg whites, fruit
S-2 peices of roast,salad with spinach,rasains,peppers,tomoatoes,oranges, strawberries and a little banana. I love fruit in my salad, with a fruity dressing of course!
From here on in the scale will slow down. I don't expect it to jump back down to 117 anytime soon. That will be a slower process, although I have been lifting heavy weights so I may never see that again.
Missy** DS is walking. He doesn't stop. Were your boys a little slower in the talking dept that Mariah? He only says 4 words. He won't wave good bye or things like that that other babies are doing. But he does give kisses and understands good bye..he just won't wave it! When I go to baby group, its hard not to compare him to the others but they are mostly girls.Ive heard people say that when their boy reached 16-18 monthes they just started chatting.. I think I am thinking about it b/c our nurse (who gives him his needles) wants me to come back and see her in April to see if he is doing the things he is suppose to. Meanwhile, she doesn't have any kids herself and does alot of reading about babies. So if the "book" says they are suppose to do it, then she thinks there is something wrong if they don't. I guess you can't help but worry and compare. He seems to be smart in other areas, but its almost as if he is to busy to even learn things, if that makes sense.As for MSN, I rarely get on anymore. Did Mariah tell you I was talking to her? LOL Everytime I would get on, she would be on! She even use to try contacted me! LOL Most of the times I was at work and she said you were reading, I never use to talk to her for long b/c I didn't want you to think i was a creep chatting with your child! haha
Hope everyone as a good day!