Everyone seems a little confused as to what counts as sweets and what doesn't.
Like I said, for me, its the cakes/cookies/chocolate, I could pick at.At work we have a ice cream Bar, and there are lots of condiments to put on your ice cream.I find myself, when comming out of the washroom, grabbing some chocolate covered caramels and Lord only knows how many of those I can eat in the run of a night shift.
So these are my problem areas.Not my yogurt, or the little bit of sugar in my coffee.
I guess we can all figure out what actually needs to be cleaned up in our diets.Im not going to give up my coffee when I only have one a day, I know thats not where my problems lie.
Im not de-toxicing all of the sugar out of my system, I just want to feel like I can make it through a full day without having something.
So I guess its just whatever works for each one of us
You make your own rules and go from there.
So..Im just getting my butt out of bed , so of course, I have been good today so far
And I am doing fine.When I went to get DD some lunch our of the freezer, there were cookies staring back at me, but I closed the door and walked away! That must have been a first